Looks like Tone NoNo is really getting amongst those pesky Indo's tellun them how they should stop the boats.
He must think he has the Murdoch rags going for him over there too.
But one of my new friends on the social media network thingy has just posted this.
I’ve been scouring the Indonesian newspapers, Kompas, Sinar Harapan and even the Jakarta Post looking for some news, any news of Tony Abbott.
Nothing. Not a jot. Not a tittle. Plenty about Baumgartner jump and even Russell Crowe, but sadly, no breathless, gushing coverage of the Man From Down Under.
Wonder how our Rags are going to report the annoited ones trip.
Howse that internationally viral reporting of the Democratically elected Prime Minister Gillards speech going now....... over 2 million hits I'm told.