What I know is Quigs, is that phuckwits have ADD.
With so many crusades to go on, they cant concentrate on all of them.
Whales, Nukes, right wing, counting rich peoples money, global warming, Alan Jones, Ozone, RSI etc etc
The advertisers will come back, so will the Nukes. Bigger & better than ever.
4th Gen nukes coming of age now with 5th gen & 6th gen already in the pipeline. Then there are the nukes designed by India. Completely different. But hundreds of nukes will go online in my lifetime. That is a great thing for mankind.
The libs will be in power in 12 months time & labor wont be seen again in my lifetime at state or federal level. The greens will fill the void & probably some new party devised by useless slimey cuties like getup!
AS for the country being broke, well its not. The rich people who risked everything they had & took gambles & made the effort, saved our countries Asss. Twiggy forest & Gina & her dad. The people who had a crack & have employed tens of thousands of Australians.
The little Irish guy who has stopped our national airline from going under somehow, in the wake of competiition from nationlised carriers.
All the good people of Australia who have kept the country going & supporting the construction workers with families doing it tough in a recession industry like Housing & construction.
yes the good people of the right wing have kept the country afloat , while ex lead singers installed pink batts with tax payer money. While the treasurer gave money to schools for useless COLA's.
While the knifed prime minister gave away a laptop to every student of which 80% now sit in cupboards & garages unused & inoperational.
Yoiur party is a pharkin mess & you should be ashamed of even being aligned with them. You are old enough to know better.