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Our Red V - Dragon Army Discussion


First Grade

i start work at 8pm on friday night.

I dont think im gonna be able to get it off either. just no possible person to swap it with.


I was so primed. was gonna go to the pub about 2 in the afternoon and get it started.

You can get off it mate.

Just do what I do, fill out a leave application, back date it a few weeks and bury it in your managers desk. Then casually say to the bloke "you didn't get back to me about that leave form i put in for Friday" What form? "I put it on your desk weeks ago" After rifling through the mountain of paper on his desk for 10 minutes he'll find it and be somewhat guilty/embarrassed and therefore feel obliged to grant the request.

Works every time.
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First Grade
You can get off it mate.

Just do what I do, fill out a leave application, back date it a few weeks and bury it in your managers desk. Then casually say to the bloke "you didn't get back to me about that leave form i put in for Friday" What form? "I put it on your desk weeks ago" After rifling through the mountain of paper on his desk for 10 minutes he'll find it and be somewhat guilty/embarrassed and therefore feel obliged to grant the request.

Works every time.

hahaha that is a cracker. Unfortunately, my manager is quite fastidious about such matters and would never lose a piece of paper.

Also, there are only five people who do my job so it would be pretty slack to wreck one of their friday nights. Ill ask the question tomorrow but wouldn't have it in my heart to pull a swifty on em.


Cooperman and OuredV where u going pre game....
I got friday off so will be keen to meet up for a drink prior!!
whats the go with banners into the SFS??

Big Red V

Hey guys... im new to the site...
I've been to a heap of saints games but never sat with the army, you guys do us proud every week and i was even there for the newcastle game where it seemed to be as if the dragon chants were louder than the knights haha!!

Just want to find out which bay you guys are sitting this week for the SFS ???? I'm sure you guys wont mind the extra red and white jerseys.


BAY 38 mate. feel free mate. there is no exclusivity on the army. Fire up and bring your singing voice.

Dragon#1. I think its called the captain cook?????:? Stel will let you know time and place.


White hole punch confetti does the trick also.. People will have that sh*t on them for days.


ive cancelled my trip to the gold coast for schoolies this year so i can afford to fly down for the semi finals

cant wait to get out there!!

hopefully we play in brisbane the first week so i can save a bit of moolah for the bigger games lol


First Grade
Bringing 2 mates into the army this week .. They were my good luck charm vs Eels on Sat night.

Love the SFS.

The Major

Good to hear that some new faces (and some old ones) are coming along to help us bring our boys steaming into the semis! I am sure we are sitting in the same bay/s we had at the Manly semi in 05, so certainly alot of nostalgia there and indeed a good vibe! (mind you its 5 brisk steps to the bar!). We also get a thumping echo from the concrete surrounding our bay, which will be fuggin tops when we all get fired up! I will need a hand off someone too to help wave one of the 2 huuuge flags i bring to the games, plus drive my Browns Babes Banner, or i could flip up the banner and then i could do with 2 sets of hands for my flags. Any helpers?

A special request was asked of me at the Parra game last week that i put the word out to my old mate, Dragon Santa, and get him out and back amongst it this Friday night. The poor bloke has been on annual leave fishing in the backwoods of Timbuktoo, but is now primed to make a cameo comeback vs the Roosters.
Ho Ho Fuggin Ho!:D

Flares anyone??
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Good to hear that some new faces (and some old ones) are coming along to help us bring our boys steaming into the semis! I am sure we are sitting in the same bay/s we had at the Manly semi in 05, so certainly alot of nostalgia there and indeed a good vibe! (mind you its 5 brisk steps to the bar!). We also get a thumping echo from the concrete surrounding our bay, which will be fuggin tops when we all get fired up! I will need a hand off someone too to help wave one of the 2 huuuge flags i bring to the games, plus drive my Browns Babes Banner, or i could flip up the banner and then i could do with 2 sets of hands for my flags. Any helpers?

A special request was asked of me at the Parra game last week that i put the word out to my old mate, Dragon Santa, and get him out and back amongst it this Friday night. The poor bloke has been on annual leave fishing in the backwoods of Timbuktoo, but is now primed to make a cameo comeback vs the Roosters.
Ho Ho Fuggin Ho!:D

Flares anyone??

RAY. THe manly semi was in 06, and no we will not be sitting in that bay. stop confusing the sh*t out of everyone. LOL Its bay 38. same as the tigers game in round one this year.

As for Santa. sh*t is he still around. LOL Do we really need him. I mean, we have been winning without him dont you think. LOL.Jokes mate.Im sure there will be someone to help waive the flags.

The Major

Sorry Pete my good man! I am but a feeble old man, and often i forget i have Alzheimers! I thought against the Tigers in Round 1 we were not behind the posts. But someone here is saying this time we are. I am confused.

"Dear Diary...... My head hurts."

Hey, the tix are GA for where we are sitting?

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