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Packer to be deported



No it doesn't, no need to misrepresent the article to bolster your views.

It says in black & white, quite clearly that the "CCTV footage of Packer stomping on an unconscious man's head is stopping NRL chief executive Dave Smith from allowing him to return to the biggest stage."

It doesn't say if anyone from the NRL has seen the footage, it's doubtful if they have as footage is rarely available to anyone other than the Police or courts, unless the courts decide to release it.

If the footage does exist & that was the single factor that was stopping Packer returning to the NRL, why did the NRL register his contract? Not so clear cut I think.

I'm not making an argument that it didn't happen, just that it is not public knowledge if this allegation is indeed factual. It may be, it may not be.


First Grade
From the article...

Four months into his sentence, on April 11 last year, Packer stood before Judge Hoy in the District Court of NSW to appeal the severity of his sentence.
Apart from acknowledging that Packer had not thrown the first punch or instigated the fight, the judgment handed down illuminated how far Packer had come in just four months.
"He is otherwise a man of good character," Judge Hoy told the court. "I accept he is committed to his rehabilitation. It seems to me that since this offence Mr Packer has found genuine and focused insight into his alcohol abuse disorder and psychological difficulties. In parallel I also consider that he recognises positives that can be extracted from this awful event and that he now has an opportunity to extricate himself from his previous abusive and destructive behaviour and turn his life around to be a positive and contributing member of our community in every sphere."
Judge Hoy then said this: "Mr Packer now has an opportunity to be a greater role model. He can now be an ambassador for other sportsmen and young people who are challenged by the ravages of alcohol and substance abuse. He can demonstrate his rehabilitation and reform and I would hope re-establish himself not only with his sporting endeavours but as a true leader in our community."

The Cobra

I'm only throwing this up,but if a120kg plus person stomps on someones head,wouldn't the stomped person be dead


RL Journalists ? Roy Masters first , then some innumerate ,illogical bullsh*t artist second. Can anybody understand big words anymore? The daily telegraph, the only toilet paper that comes with the sh*t already on it.


No it doesn't, no need to misrepresent the article to bolster your views.

It says in black & white, quite clearly that the "CCTV footage of Packer stomping on an unconscious man's head is stopping NRL chief executive Dave Smith from allowing him to return to the biggest stage."

It doesn't say if anyone from the NRL has seen the footage, it's doubtful if they have as footage is rarely available to anyone other than the Police or courts, unless the courts decide to release it.

If the footage does exist & that was the single factor that was stopping Packer returning to the NRL, why did the NRL register his contract? Not so clear cut I think.

I'm not making an argument that it didn't happen, just that it is not public knowledge if this allegation is indeed factual. It may be, it may not be.

Who's misrepresenting the article?
As you said it is there in black and white.

You're trying to say that if Packer didn't stomp the bloke he punched and allegedly knocked out, he is just keeping it to himself,bullshit.

I'm not trying to bolster my views ,I think he is the type of boofhead /thug league needs to piss off out of the game and don't think he should be at the club, that's my view, has been all along ,I don't need a newspaper article to form my opinion.
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Forster Dragon

Let it run it's course.If he is deported so be it.Life will go on and Russell Packer will note it as one of life's learning experiences.He is a better person for it and will get on with his life outside of the NRL.


First Grade
Hi Steve.

A clever perspective? He highlights the plight of a victim of a completely unrelated crime. Said victim happens to be his mate. Linking these incidents is a stretch.

I'm still struggling to find the relevance. He's telling half a story about an incident that happened to his mate on the other side of the world.

ps thoroughly disagree. Andrew Webster has my vote. Rebecca Wilson hands down the worst.

Haha he called me Steve because I defended Steve Mascord! Do you get it guys? Even "The Dick" is sharper than that.

And calling his linking of two late-night, drunken violent assaults involving two rugby league people "a stretch" is, guess what... OBTUSE!

There's an apparent groundswell of support for Packer, with petitions and tweets and whatever else. What Mascord is suggesting, to me, is that there is someone else involved in the game of rugby league who deserves a bit of that support (or more)


I don't care if he stays or goes. It's the stuffing around that pees me off. Just make a decision so the club can more forward. Surely it's not that hard to decide his fate. The facts are all out there, so the authorities should review and decide, and quick!

The Nick

Haha he called me Steve because I defended Steve Mascord! Do you get it guys? Even "The Dick" is sharper than that.

Actually I called you Steve because of your outrageous claim that he's "hands down the best League journalist" (clearly only Steve Mascord and his mother would actually believe that). I thought that much was obvious, I guess I overestimated you. My bad.

And calling his linking of two late-night, drunken violent assaults involving two rugby league people "a stretch" is, guess what...

Oh I didn't realise James Flanagan was a professional Rugby League player like Packer!? How many games did he play? For which club?

And where does the article state that he was drunk at the time of the attack?? Seems like you're making assumptions in a desperate attempt to link the two incidents. Interesting.

Yep I could definitely call this a stretch, on both of your parts now.

Haha ok Andy Dufresne...

There's an apparent groundswell of support for Packer, with petitions and tweets and whatever else. What Mascord is suggesting, to me, is that there is someone else involved in the game of rugby league who deserves a bit of that support (or more)

That may be true but Steve only chooses to tell half a story here. How do we know his mate didn't instigate the incident and James Flanagan was acting in self defence? I'm not saying this is what happened, but I don't know that it isn't, either.

Seems to me like Steve has been quite selective in what facts he included and omitted to paint a specific picture to link the two incidents.

The Nick

Let it run it's course.If he is deported so be it.Life will go on and Russell Packer will note it as one of life's learning experiences.He is a better person for it and will get on with his life outside of the NRL.

Obviously the decision won't be upheld. Once our Government has found another political football to kick around all these Kiwis will appeal the decision from NZ, win and move straight back.


I'm not making an argument that it didn't happen, just that it is not public knowledge if this allegation is indeed factual. It may be, it may not be.

Who's misrepresenting the article?
As you said it is there in black and white.

You're trying to say that if Packer didn't stomp the bloke he punched and allegedly knocked out, he is just keeping it to himself,bullshit.

I'm not trying to bolster my views ,I think he is the type of boofhead /thug league needs to piss off out of the game and don't think he should be at the club, that's my view, has been all along ,I don't need a newspaper article to form my opinion.

May I suggest reading, actually reading & comprehending what i typed. I've tried to make it a bit easier for you this time around.


First Grade
Oh I didn't realise James Flanagan was a professional Rugby League player like Packer!? How many games did he play? For which club?

I guess you read me saying they're both rugby league players in the same place you read Mascord stating Packer should be deported. In your colourful imagination


The old Packer "wasn't a great person": Marshall


Nov. 20, 2015, 1:45 p.m.

Dragons halfback Benji Marshall has made the frank admission that he was not a fan of the old Russell Packer.

Marshall knew Packer long before his 12-month stint behind bars and said on Friday that there is no comparison between the man he was before his conviction and the man he is now.
"I knew Russell before he came to the Dragons and before that incident and he wasn't a great person. I know him now and he's a completely different person,” Marshall said.

"That's the reason I stuck up for him, not only as a teammate but because I've seen his character change."
Packer signed a two-year deal with the Dragons in October after being cleared by the NRL to resume his top-grade career. However his future has been clouded by new immigration laws that could see him deported as a result of his criminal conviction.
Marshall was one of several NRL stars to sign an online petition in support of Packer and said it would be a shame to see him deported given the huge strides he’s made to rehabilitate himself.
"That's what we have a justice system for. He did his time in jail where he spent 12 months [in] prison,” Marshall said.
"After serving his time in prison I think he's come to the realisation he needs to be a better person, and even more than that, he wants to be a better father and better husband and I've seen those changes.

"The biggest thing I've noticed is it's about his kids and his family and he wants to be a better person for them. He's said it to me, it's not about proving it to us it's about proving it to his family.”


The Nick

I guess you read me saying they're both rugby league players in the same place you read Mascord stating Packer should be deported. In your colourful imagination

Just as I thought - you can't rationally link the 2 incidents either.

My point stands, garbage article.


Russell Packer deserves another chance and could play crucial role in guiding troubled stars


RUSSELL Packer can play a critical role in helping to mentor troubled NRL youngsters, according to Rugby League Players’ Association president Clint Newton.
Packer’s return to the NRL has been okayed by the game’s governing body, but the Immigration Department has indicated the Kiwi international could have his passport revoked after being found guilty of a vicious assault.
Such a move would likely spell the end of Packer’s NRL career. Newton said the RLPA has been in regular contact with Packer since he was released in January after serving a 12-month stint behind bars.
The RLPA think Russell Packer can play a vital role with disturbed players“I think the way he has carried himself since come back to play for the (Illawarra) Cutters has been tremendous,” Newton said. “And I think he could play a crucial role in the future development of players who potentially might be heading down the path that’s not best for them.”
Newton said Packer had paid for his crime and should be permitted a second chance at playing in the NRL.
“I’ll always maintain when people serve their time and pay back society, they should get an opportunity like everyone else to be a member of society in best possible way,” Newton said.

“Russell is a clear case in point. He’s admitted he’s done the wrong thing, but now is taking all the steps you need to re-engage with society.”
Newton said the RLPA had been in dialogue with the Immigration Department in regards to the matter but would not elaborate on the content of those discussions



I have always held the view that the time for deportation was on release from prison; not nearly a year later. Deportation now or in the future would give the impression that Packer has not complied with the conditions of his release.


I have always held the view that the time for deportation was on release from prison; not nearly a year later. Deportation now or in the future would give the impression that Packer has not complied with the conditions of his release.

It does seem like a poised axe. I really hope we get lucky...

Forster Dragon

It would seem that justice will rule on this one and Russell will be deported in line with Policy.Probably the best point of note is at least he can pay his way,which is far better than the illegals that live on social welfare.