after winning the toss yesterday, things sure went downhill fast for you.
Ironically, mitchy’s preferred skiing direction didn’t help !!
The smarter ones amongst you might be starting to see early glimpses of what WT fans were saying. If not yet, it’ll be soon.
You have 3 downhill skiers in your backline, actually.
Don’t look too far into last years results.... you had an amazingly easy draw.
Last week, once the riff stopped the dropsies, well, you know the rest.
Could be a long season for you.
Whatever you do, don’t go blaming mitchy and upsetting him. It’s everyone else’s fault. He’s like a spoilt 13 yr old pageant queen. If you upset him, it turns real ugly real quick. Good luck to you genuine fans, razor Ramon, I hope you’re still convincing yourself how good your team is.