Speaking of which - banks in general.
Reminds me of something else I couldn't believe when I was back in Oz.
We took ~AUD1,000 worth of Thai baht over with us.
I wandered into the nearest NAB on the first day to exchange it, only to be told "we don't do that".
WTF? How do I exchange it then?
Apparently you need to go to a dedicated currency exchange place these days.
So we find the nearest one, hand over the cash and the lady says she'll give us ~AUD600 for it.
I asked what exchange rate she was using.
She said it was 29.xx
WTFF again!!!
AUD/THB hasn't traded at that level for ~15 years.
7 f**king big figures above market rate.
I know they take a spread, but that's just taking the piss.
I told her to respectfully go f**k herself. I'll keep it till I get back to Thailand.
Thank god I'd left my last pay behind (I get paid in AUD).