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Plane Crashes Into World Trade Centre



Well, the triple century has come up...........just a shame it took such a tragic event to get us to here.



Agreed Hass.
No doubt when this post fades away after 450-500 posts the getting to know you post will never get near it. No post will ever get near it.
As I told Willow earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if this post stayed at the top for a few more weeks to come. Condolences to America but we must move on...



Assistant Moderator
Dog: I'm very sorry to hear of your best friend's aunt.

My wife has a close friend who was also in the building at the time and is missing.

The world is a very small place.

The MSN Messenger thingy is accessible to anyone and IMO, better than ICQ. I've been using ICQ since it started and I have to say I'm sold on Messenger.
The easiest way is to have a hotmail address and download the Messenger program. It is an add on within windows but I'm sure you can download it at www.hotmail.com

You search for other members by simply knowing theiremail (usually hotmail) address. Most members have a hotmail address in their profile. Mine is jubileeoval@hotmail.com if you want to access me through that medium.

Gav: If you can, get a hold of MSN Messenger as well. Much better than ICQ.



Sorry to torture you willow, I already have msn i was just akin for your address on it

I have added you but you appear offline ATM.

Here's some footy news:




Hass, from your earlier post about Australias national pride. I have no doubt that every Australian is proud of the country we live in, I know I sure as hell am. However, I feel that some Australians sacrifice pride for seen to be doing the right thing(political correctness). A lot of Australians also confuse sporting pride with national pride, there is a difference. As far as waltzing maltida goes, I love the song but for that song to replace Advance Australia Fair would be a crime. A nationanl anthem for me is something I beleive instills pride in oneself and makes you want to die for your country and waltzing maltida, while a great patriotic song, falls short of the mark as far as giving me goosebumps go and to me that's what it's all about. I think it's best left to the rugby.


Assistant Moderator
Another day in history is over.
It's encouraging to see world leaders finally coming out and calling for calm.

However, a miltary strike against Afghanistan still looks inevitable.

I have no religious affiliation, but I have been keeping an eye on what Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Islamic leaders have been saying. From their comments, I have garnished the following abridged version of quotes:

"We hope that we can go out and seek justice but more importantly, we should feel our pain...
...we hope that we do not become the evil that we deplore.
If we yield to this hatred, then the terrorists have their victory"



Assistant Moderator
This is a cut and paste from http://www.muslimaffairs.com.au/

NinesMsn Remove Discussion Forum

Ninemsn have announced today that they have removed the
discussion forum entitled "American Crises" which was
hosted with the MSN News talkback community. The forum
was a discussion area for people to post messages regarding
the terrorist attack in the United States.
The Australian Muslim Public Affairs Committee (AMPAC)
expressed concern to Ninemsn management over the large
number of posts on the moderated forum which vilified
Muslims and, in some cases, incited both hatred and violence
against them.
In a letter to ninemsn CEO, Mr Steve Vamos, AMPAC
executive director, Amir Butler, asked the ninemsn take
appropriate action to ensure these forms were not playing any
role in nuturing or inculcating the rabid anti-Muslim sentiment
that seems to be sweeping this country.
Examples of posts included calls to intern "Muslim savages"
who are "poor excuses for human beings", and "Don't use a
NUKE. Just bomb the bastards with pig shit".
One message read (unedited):
"If you want to live in aussie then you have to be
prepared to accept and be part of this great
nation and accept its ideology and its base religon
( christianity ) and if you cannot accept and
embrace the australian way of life or co-exist with
democracy then dont come here, stay in your
camel infested country with the sunday table
cloth on your head and spend the rest of your
miserable existance kissing carpets, it wont be
for long, cause when the eagle strkes it wont be
carpets youll be kissing itll be your arseholes. see
you in the next life !!!"
In a letter to AMPAC, ninemsn Publicity and Media Relations
spokesperson, Ms Samantha Herron said, "Despite our best
efforts to moderate the site, we acknowledge your concerns
and have removed the discussion board."
Ninemsn should be commended for their sensitivity and for
their commitment to combating racism, vilification and bigotry
within their online forums.
To use freedom of speech to vilify and incite hatred or
violence against others is an abuse of that freedom. Whilst
we respect the right to free expression, and we accept
legitimate debate and discussion, there can be no place for
Just thought I'd bring it to everyone's attention.


Willow: "a military strike against Afghanistan looks inevitable." Re: your discussion with Eelectric about whether Bush has declared war: The important thing is how they will conduct the war. I hope they don't indiscriminately send air strikes on Afghanistan. I hope they can launch operations that will target the guilty terrorists only. The difficulty of course is that these cowards hide among the populations of host countries so they are not easy targets.
Pakistan has stated they will help the US, but what should the US do if they and the Afghanis won't just turn the terrorists over? Bush has said he will not distinguish between terrorists and the countries that harbour them. Surely they can't just throw up their hands because the terrorists are hard to get at


Assistant Moderator
Well Steve, I don't know. I just think it's inevitable that the USA will attack Afghanistan. IMO, the only way of this not happening is if the Taliban hand bin Laden over.
I hope that the terrorists are targetted too but I think we all know that many more civilians will die.

As is always the case in any conflict, the generals and politicians are safely underground while the foot soldiers and innocent population cop the brunt of war.

Well, its good to see that we are pretty much all on the same page now....None of us want indiscriminate bombings on Afghanistan, i just hope that G.Bush feels and acts the same way...
That said, it will be very hard to get to the heart of terrorism. These people don't have a face, they are not easily recognisable. There are thousands across the world, anyone who is willing to die for their beliefs is technically capable of committing a terrorist act.
I do agree with Gav, terrorism will not be eliminated. I also agree with Eelectric, they should do everything in their power to make it as less a threat as possible....
With all that said, id just like peoples quick opinions...is anyone in here 100% convinced that it was Bin Laden? If not, why not? From my own point of view, im far from convinced that it was Bin Laden....
After reading the thread that Cryptic posted (great read), I have very, very little doubt that it was his evil work.
The guys feelings towards American and it's people are there to see in black-and-white in that interview.
He had every reason to carry out this attack, and very little to none reasons not to.
I think the American Feds have all but labled him as the man behind the terrorism in NYC, with amples of evidence linking him both directly and indirectly,but are waiting till things cool down abit before releasing the info to the US andWorld. Very smart move in these heated times IMO.
Like it's been said countless times, this was a very well calculated and expensive attack 'they' carried out, and based on those details, Bin Laden automatically became a prime suspect from the very begining.
Like one CNN terrorism expert said just awhile ago ... "It's either Bin Laden or The Seven Dwarfs."

His name will become public as 'the man' very soon.

Cheers - Aaron C


Firstly, go the Doggies.

Secondly, I don't (and I don't know how any of us can at this stage) know whether bin Laden was involved in this. However there is allegedly strong evidence that he was involved in previous terrorism, so if Bush has declared war on terrorism, then bin Laden (and any government that has harboured him) is a target regardless of whether he was involved in the latest tragedy.

No-one wants innocent people hurt or killed, but it looks like it's come to a point where America is saying "better to have your innocent people getting killed than ours", as is generally the case with all wars.



Not wanting to lean towards the American media and their opinions on the issue of whether it's Bin Laden or not, I've tried to keep an open mind about this from the time his name was raised.
I started leaning more and more towards him as the prime suspect since reading more about him. But the ABC interview that was posted has made up my mind.

I never knew this mans burning passionate hatred towards the US and its folks until I read about it in his own words.

I'm 99.99% certain now that he is the mastermind behind the attacks.
I think it's pathetic how, throughout the whole interview, he used religion as a scape-goat for his murderous acts, rather than openly come out and state that he was nothing more than a cold blooded murder.

Every dog has its day ...

While i have no doubt that Bin Laden has an intense hatred for America, how many other terrorists in places like Iraq and Afghanistan feel the same? I would say many, and some of these people are probably quite well off financially...It all comes down to motives, and quite a sizeable list of people/countries would definitely have motives....
I always thought that Bin Laden's initial hatred for the Americans was what happened after they repelled the Soviets from Afghanistan in the 80s. From my understanding, this was an initial source of hatred. Obviously, religion was used at a latter stage in order to secure the support of a wider audience.
Albatross, im really holding out for the game 2moro! I am currently trying to relive memories of 98 when we came from being rank outsiders, and i believe that we can do this again....we have been written off, well i say, that is how we like it. The sharks can go the choke, im quietly confident...particularly if Anasta plays (which i hear he will)


Assistant Moderator
Bin Laden is guilty of enough already so it's irrelevant whether he is directly or indirectly invoved with the attack on NYC and Washington.

Unfortunately, in his interview, he constantly refers to Islam. Most Muslims will tell you that bin Laden's view of Islam is not the view of the majority. Killing is a sin in just about every religious faith and there'll be many religious Muslims who will say that bin Laden is destined for hell.

To answer your question MFC, I think this is the work of a number of factions.
Many US forums which are devoted to this subject are repreatedly saying that this is an internal operation which was years in the planning.

Bin Laden was put in the frame very early.
Still no one has claimed responsibility.
Has his hatred been the catalyst of premature suspicions?
Who benefits?