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Plane Crashes Into World Trade Centre


It's name is Public Opinion.
It is held in reverence.
It settles everything.
Some think it is the voice of God.
Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.
<u>Mark Twain</u>

Public opinion is compounded of folly, weakness, prejudice, wrong feeling, right feeling, obstinacy, and newspaper paragraphs.
<u>Sir Robert Peel</u>

You may talk of the tyranny of Nero and Tiberius; but the real tyranny is the tyranny of your next door neighbour.
Public opinion is a permeating influence, and it exacts obedience to itself; it requires us to think other men's thoughts, to speak other mens words, to follow other mens habits.
<u>Walter Bagehot</u>

Enlighten the people generally, and tyrannyand oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.
<u>Thomas Jefferson</u>
Anger is one of the sinews of the soul; he that wants it hath a maimed mind
<u>Thomas Fuller</u>

All violent feelings produce in us a falseness in all our impressions of external things, which I would generally characterize as
"Pathetic Fallacy"
<u>John Ruskin</u>

The control man has secured over nature has far outrun his control over himself.
<u>Ernest Jones</u>

The only medicine for suffering, crime, and all the other woes of mankind, is wisdom.
<u>Thomas H Huxley</u>
I know this is silly and against what i said before (about people spreading silly things related to the bombing) but take a look at this....If you seen this before, then..um....i guess you seen it before!
Type in Q33NY into microsoft word, put it in wingdings and make it size 26....take a look at what comes up
There was speculation that this was the flight number of one of the hijacked planes but i think this has since been proved erroneous...


Assistant Moderator
The crop dusters in the USA have been grounded for another day as gas masks sales in the USA are rocketing.
Even if Australia, there has been a major increase in gas mask sales.
Meanwhile, there are reports ofrefugees fleeing Afghanistan. Many of those who remain are building make-shift bomb shelters.

I can't see the point of people buying gas masks. I mean, are you going to walk around at work with a gas mask in the briefcase? I think its all a little bit premature, i think they would be looking at other countries before they even noticed Australia.
Lets just hope it doesn't get to the point of chemical warfare...The protests have begun against military action in GB and US. Predictably, the university students have led the charge, with reports that students even in New York are already protesting against such actions. It will only take so long for protests to filter through into our unis....
Howard has ruled out conscription as well.


Assistant Moderator
About the conscription thing, I didn't get the impression that Howard totally ruled out it out. When asked about the liklihood of conscription,Howard said there would be no need for National Service. My concern is that 10 years ago, the question wouldn't have been even asked.
I would have preferred the question to be 'Mr Howard, are you opposed to conscription?' I'd expect an even more diplomatic answer tailored to suit public opinion and / or his business associates.
The WTC disaster has led to immediate support for the conservative forces of the western world and with that, conservatism is set to grow in the coming years.
The current public opinion polls for conservative leaders such as Pres Bush and PM Howard prove again that people 'rally to the right' in times of armed conflict.
In such apolitical climate, who'sto say that we won't see growing support for conscription just a few years down the track?
History shows that people have short memories.
My oldest son is almost 9 years old and I can tell you now that I'll do whatever it takes to keep him free of National Service... even if it means sharing a cell with him.



There's virtually zero chance of conscription returning in the UK. Ask any of the top brass in the British armed forces and they'd probably tell you a modern military would be compromised by having conscripted personel.


Assistant Moderator
Gav: I remember seeing a 'Yes Prime Minister' episode where Jim Hacker's suggestion that the unemployed do National Service outraged the top brass. With the help of Sir Humphry Appleby, the General soon realised that the army was no place for the 'riff raff' and that the English Army was a 'professional' army.
The same can be said in Australia except that the armed forces are much smaller. Currently, Australia has substantial committment in East Timor and much of the Navy are 'guarding' the northern borders against boat people.
The defence minister here has already said that the Army Reserve is on standby.
After that, the 'callto arms' is the next step and if that fails to bolster the numbers, conscription is the next step.



MFC I checked out that Q33NY and that is some freaky shit, so do you know for sure ifit was made up, cause I was thinking how do people come up with this shit, unbelieveble. I'm trying to work out if Wingdings is some kindof commonwriting for the Afgans or what? this has got the brain ticking. Here I am thinking Nostradamus's predictions are wierd, but this is wierder in a mind boggling way.

Because of difficulties in the past three weeks with my computer, I was unable to post an earlier thread, it was only around 170 threads at that time so there has been alot said since then, The main thing I wanted to say was GOD BLESS to all, my prayers are with the victims, families, and all those whom have and will suffer from such a tragic incident.


Assistant Moderator
The public relations section of the American military have given the operation a new name status.
Previously, it was known as 'Operation Infinite Justice'
It is now to be known as 'Operation Enduring Freedom'
In something of a backflip, the US Military have acknowledged the offensive nature of the previous name.
The reason for sanitising thesekilling actions with cute names is something which evades me.

I guess the first name was a reflection of US attitude at the time, while the 2nd name indicates something more palatable for western consumption.


El Duque

Willow,the reason for the name change was so as not to offend muslims as they believe Allah is the only one who can give/grant infinte justice.


Assistant Moderator
Yes I know El Duque. That's the official reason. But I'd say a number of non-muslims found it off putting as well.

I guess the pointpublic relations is trying to make is that it's insensitive.

If Osama bin Laden called any assault 'Operation Judgment Day', the christian world would also be offended.

What's with these names anyway? In WWII, operation names were usually top secret and only revealed later. It seems to me that Hollywood have turned these name into something fashionable.
Why publicly give it a name at all? Perhaps someone can enlighten me.



MFC there already are protests at uni. Not vocal as far as I have seen but there have been a few fliers filtering in amongst the usual junk.

I don't think it will come to conscription because there would be too many people who would disagree with it. People don't see war through rose-coloured spectacles anymore, they realise it isn't about a gallant, heroic victory. It is romanticised no longer, people are more aware of terrors of war than ever before.

GavBT, they are some awfully profound statements that you have come across. I'd like to, if I may, add one more: "A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire. The thing about quoting other people is that they are just that, people. Imperfect judges. While I do agree with many quotes to take anyone's word for gospel is ludicrous. Don't get me wrong this isn't an attack on you but just people in general that use other peoples words to put their own point across. It reminds me of English essays, back at school, where you got the most marks if you quoted the most. Most of this discussion has been littered with various quotations. If our own opinion is good enough to discuss football why isn't it good enough to discuss other events, I am yet to see anyone quoting the great "Sterlo" or "Rabs" or "Fatty" or anyone else for that matter. Like I said this isn't necessarily about you, I respect you and value your opinion, it's about a lot of the people in general though.

About New York, it is a tragedy and my heart goes out to the people involved in the disaster. However, judgement musn't be clouded, on either side. It was murder, and if the US kills people that is murder too. Now justice must be served but I cannot condone the murder of anyone be it an American, an Afghani, a French Mexican...whatever. It disgusts me that some people are using religion as an excuse or a justification. The jihad isn't about killing Americans. The jihad, or the holy war, is about the battle within oneself against evil. People like Osama Bin Laden have perverted the very essence of what they claim to believe in, the islamic faith isn't what fuels war it is people with evil inside them that fuel war.

mud n blood

That's right _____

So this is why he, his henchmen, and all who support it must die. I don't care who knocks them off, just as long as it is done and done properly. Otherwise thousands more "innocents" will die because of their beliefs. Let it be a message to all fanatics that their shit is not to be tolerated.

Bloody hell - I thought the world's worst crap ended in 1944/5 .... seems I was wrong since this terrorist scum appeared mid-70's. I say f*ck 'em .... they seem to value death in their religion, so why not give them what they want ?

If they lived peacefully, no-one would care. But they seem to want to killl anyone who doesn't believe in what they believe. What sort of crap is that ?
I been doing a bit of research on it Topaz and it turns out that none of the planes had the number Q33NY. This looks to be a hoax, but still....its pretty weird that wingdings even has icons like that.
The Nostradamus stuff is mostly rubbish. People have been quoting passages that did not even come out of his writings! The ambiguity just makes it more unbelievable. There are multitudes of interpretations for what he wrote, so i find it hard to believe in any 'interpretation'....
Im not sure about the conscription Willow. I guess he did rule out national service, for the time being anyway. That said, i dont think there is an actual need for conscription. It will hardly be a 'world war', as far as i know, the allies only have interests in 2-3 countries...It won't be your traditional war (if i can put it that way) with thousands and thousands of ground troops....
_____, i can see the uni protests really heating up, particularly at some uni's in Sydney. Just a question, which uni do u go to? I'm thinking that the inner city unis will lead the charge, as per usual. They are protesting at a New York uni, i just can't believe that...
Mud, i agree, lets get all those who are guilty...But spare the innocents, for the sake of justice. There is no justice to be achieved in killing innocent people.


The name "Infinite Justice" made me think, this is just more American Chest Beating. There is a war that needs to be faught, and it should include eleminating the Taliban, how ever, even thinking about giving something the name Infinite Justice has me worried about the intentions of the American forces. This should not be a batle about ego. If it's a battle about freedom, well the Taliban must all so be defeated.


MFC, I go to UNSW. I am currently on holidays but last week they had tables and banners decked out and a few people were ranting about how what happened in New York shouldn't lead to war. I'm sure there is no doubt a rally of some nature somewhere but I can't say I paid enough attention to know where or when.
Yeah, thats the sort of thing that leads to more 'vocal protests'. I haven't seen a lot, although im quite certain that at some point in the future, the UTS ppl will get into it.....
You are 100% right Saint. Infinite Justice is so chest beating, its ridiculous. Its make them sound like superhero crusaders eliminating evil. It borders on the arrogant, and unfortunately, its a characteristic that a lot in power in the US still possess...


Assistant Moderator
The changing of the name from 'Infinite Justice' is proof that the US isn't really thinking this out properly.
I mean, if someone deliberately burnt downmy house, who would be the best person to mete out justice? Not me. I wouldn't be able to remain objective.


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