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Plane Crashes Into World Trade Centre

Hi all..
Here's something of interest that a close friend sent me earlier today thru email. You may also be intrigued by it like I was.
First, read the brief text on the link below. And than click on theURL at the bottom of that page, where it says THIS MOVIE CAN BE DOWNLOADED HERE. It's in Windows Media Player format.
You are all intelligent enough to come to your own conclusions on the clips credibility. That's all I'll say.



Thats a pretty good fakebut the fact that the thing left a freakin huge vapour trail and made agigantic noise yet was totallyignoredon the dayleads me too the obvious conclusion.


Ed, from what I can gather, you think this video was shot on Sept 11 but I think the video says it was done in July so i'm a little confused by you saying it was totally ignored on the day. I may have misunderstood what you said and if you can elaborate on your comment, i'd appreicate it.



Assistant Moderator
Damn... as hard as I try my media player keeps saying its an invalid format... so I can't see the full movie.
Its a damn conspiracy I reckon. ;)

I assume from the still pic that this is a movie of a UFO buzzing the WTC. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm not saying there aint people from other planets dropping us a visit but having some footage of a UFO that just happens to be near the WTC makes me more than a little suspicious ofits validity.
I'm in two minds about this mysterious clip.
For: The vapour trail it leaves behind when it accelerates up is amazing. If it is a hoax, than how was the vapour trail created? It certainly looked realistic enough to my eyes.
Against: How did the camera person follow the "object" so quickly when it headed north? It accelerates directly for them, and then takes a sharp elevation and heads up in a flash. How on earth did the camera person seem to know where it was headed after it flew towards them?
It's one of the most eerie things I've ever seen.



I didnt mean Sept 11, I meant it would get noticed by plenty of people on any day in general, especially in a city like NY.

Doesnt anyone find it abit convinient that just as the vehicle is spotted, it flys away, as if the pilots would have someway of knowing that they were been filmed by a couple of people miles away. Thisseems to be a common trait with UFO videos.

It would be good to be able to see the video at a better resolution.but an effect like the vapour trail could be done by a decent FX house in about 5 minutes.


Assistant Moderator
El Duque:
I did have Quick Time but I ditched it because imo,it was tooinvasive. It was trying to take over my video captures.
I always found Windows Media Player to be quite sufficient... that is until now. I'll get to look at it on another PC next week.


Assistant Moderator
Edwahu: "It would be good to be able to see the video at a better resolution..."
Its not unusual for UFO footage to be grainy... by placing the pixels further apart,thedeceptioncanpassclose up scrutiny. If UFO footage is 'inconclusive', it will gain its own level of credibility.

In a way, its a little unfortunate that video editing technology has made such advances. Like a lot of people, I think it would be a real blast if we actually had proof of extra terrestrial visitors. But even the UFO site admits that the most convincing looking footage can be a hoax, given the technology available.


I'm no expert on the credibility or authenticity of cinematography or photography, but to me it looks decent enough to pass as 'real.' But without being disrespectfull of heartless (and proceeding with the fear of), the best witnesses (those who worked on the floors in the former WTCadjacent towhere the craft is seen hovering)are no longer available for the accounts. Very unfortunately.
Just a question for the person who wrote this: an effect like the vapour trail could be done by a decent FX house in about 5 minutes.

Then explain how.
Just a question for the person who wrote this: an effect like the vapour trail could be done by a decent FX house in about 5 minutes. Then explain how.
I'm no expert in this stuff but I have seen it done around here using Adobe After Effects on the digital video. They grab the frames they want to put the effects on andplot the path that they want the fire, smoke or trail etc to follow and the program does the rest in about 30 seconds. It really is amazing stuff and can overlay what ever effects you want over the original.



I dont think that vapour trail is that amazing compared to the effects in FX heavymovies like the Matrix, especially at that resolution. What about the storms in Twister? The water ina Perfect Storm? The UFO in Independence day would look perfectly realistic at low res. So would the Dinosaurs in Jurrasic Park.
Nine out of ten explosions in movies are done with CG so a vapour trail isnt anything special.

Iwouldnt know how to do it personally but I only need to look at the results the FX houses have come up with in recent years to see whats possible.



My quicktime only showed this in a very small box, so it was hard to see. But it is obviously a fake. I can't believe the amount of discussion here on such a silly idea.


A bit of a contradiction there, wouldn't you say Steve?
You say that it was hard to see (My quicktime only showed this in a very small box, so it was hard to see.) and then you say it is a fake (But it is obviously a fake.)
Well my question to you is: How is it obviously a fake? Based on what?
Yes, well said Outlaw.
C-Steve: How can yoube certainwithout any doubt (and I say that inlight of your obviously remark) that it is a fake, if you could not see it clearly as you stated? I can not and do notunderstand that Steve.
I'm scratching my head here pal. I'm not saying it is or otherwise. But I would never come to any concrete conclusion if I couldn't get an accurate visual account of it. The way I think you have....or at least implied in your recent post.
And what do you mean when you state that it issuch a silly idea...? Is that my idea to post it, or some other idea? What idea? I thought it was a video clipnot an idea someone thought up..... Please explain.