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Poker *request*

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Pensacola Q.C

Floods said:
I play on Pokerstars so if you get a game going let us know.

And as for bad beats well how about this one, getting near bubble and pick up pocket aces, folded to me on the button now I am the chip leader at my table with around 46,000, playing quite tight though. I raise 10 x BB hoping to pick up blinds and antes but I'm O.K with a call anyway BB (with about 27,000) calls, flop comes A/8/J rainbow, he checks and I raise 10,000 he calls turn is a 2, I go all in and he takes about two seconds to call and shows 7/9 off suit, of course the river comes out with a 10 and I lose to his straight, now I can just about handle the call on the river, pot odds etc but I ask him "How do you call a 10 x BB raise with 7/9 " and his reply to me was "I was playing for the straight" Truly amazing.
7/9 off suit! You can make the call playing fun but no way in hell would a half decent player on a decent stack call that for real money. You'd be tempted to be a bad loser ala Deagostino with a beat like that. Reminds of that episode of Curb your enthusiasm where Larry calls that guy a merkin for not calling.


Pensacola Q.C said:
7/9 off suit! You can make the call playing fun but no way in hell would a half decent player on a decent stack call that for real money. You'd be tempted to be a bad loser ala Deagostino with a beat like that. Reminds of that episode of Curb your enthusiasm where Larry calls that guy a merkin for not calling.

Now to be honest this was one of the low stakes $1.20 MTT's they have on stars, I think 1st paid about $300, so it hasn't bothered that much, it did at the time though. This is why I am building my bankroll to play some higher stakes tourneys, I mean the play has to be a little better in those hopefully.


It is, when I first jumped from $1 games to $5 the difference was huge.

I expect it to get better again when I move up to $10 entries on a regular basis.

Those $1 games are impossible to play.


yeah i agree Hevy, the $1 games are terrible. playing against amateurs who chase straights and play all sorts of crap hands only to hit their cards on the river.

playing against more experienced players (with a bit more cash usually) is certainly the way to go.

Ive got off PKR recently because there just arent enough players on it. ive moved on to Full Tilt Poker and im loving it. So many games to choose from.

Although i got toweled up with some bad luck last night and lost about $50. Back on the horse again tonight though and hopefully get a good double up or two!..


I played sh*t at my local last night. Came 10th. But it was still enough to take the venue lead.

I've got a chance to take the lead at my Tuesday night venue tonight too. The guy on top fluked his way to three wins in a row but he really is a sh*t player. I've never seen someone hit so many rivers and running cards in my life to stay in a game.


B-dos said:
yeah i agree Hevy, the $1 games are terrible. playing against amateurs who chase straights and play all sorts of crap hands only to hit their cards on the river.

Can I just debunk a really dumb myth here? You will not make more money out of better players, you will make more money (in terms of BB/H and BB/100) from bad players who chase straights and play crap hands. I would much rather play with 8 guys who don't know what they're doing than 8 who do.


I wouldn't, because it's the bad players that hurt you. They don't know when to fold and they hit all sorts of running cards and rivers. Good players know when to fold.

I saw it last night. An all-in bet was called by two players. The all-in was from an A-Q suited, the first call was with A-A. The second call was from a girl that had never played before and she called with 7-9 ... and hit a straight on the river. It was a shocking call but she fluked a straight. A good player would never have called a bet that big with 7-9.

Plus I've won a lot more money against good players than sh*t ones. It's why in tournaments I always sit back for a while and let the crap players knock each other out and go crazy.



AA wins that showdown 70.4% of the time. Even if 2 hearts come on the flop, it's still 61.44%. I'd rather have players who try and outdraw me, then players who know the odds.


I agree that "You can't bluff bad players" as the old saying goes, however you can make a lot of good value bets (such as betting top pair on an unconnected board and not being *too* scared he'll have you beat which is something I'd never do against a good player), you just have to know where to do it.


yep i do agree skeletor that no doubt its great to play against inexperienced players because, as you illustrated, if you have a great hand you may get players trying to take you on and then lose.

but hevy also raises a valid point about playing inexperienced players who dont know when to fold and get lucky. and then theres the old "you cant bluff bad players" line...

nowhere did i say you will win more money out of better players, but in all honestly i do prefer to play against players around about my level or better...


B-dos said:
yeah i agree Hevy, the $1 games are terrible. playing against amateurs who chase straights and play all sorts of crap hands only to hit their cards on the river.

playing against more experienced players (with a bit more cash usually) is certainly the way to go.

Ive got off PKR recently because there just arent enough players on it. ive moved on to Full Tilt Poker and im loving it. So many games to choose from.

Although i got toweled up with some bad luck last night and lost about $50. Back on the horse again tonight though and hopefully get a good double up or two!..

What are the players and the play on there like?, I've been thinking about putting some money on there as pokerstars is just killing me lately with all the river suckouts I seem to suffering, I'm sure it doesn't just happen to me but the last few weeks have been ridiculous. It might be time to take a break from stars for a while.


so far ive found Full Tilt to be great. id recommend you give it a go.

i think youll find those players youre speaking of anywhere you go though...
Full Tilt Poker, is pretty good, watch out in 250 buy in Sit-N-Go's players tend to push all in pre-flop especially in the opening couple of hands in the tournament, and the number of bad-beats exceeds a ridiculous amount

This was just the other day on Full Tilt Poker, i had Ks Kd, i raised to the pot at the time, whatever it was, 2 people fold, then it comes to this guy, who raises all in pre-flop, everyone bar one person and myself fold

Player 1: Ad Qh
Me: Kc Kd
Donkey: 2c 7c

Flop comes Ac Ks 3c

at this point i am at strong percentage to take the pot

4th Street (aka Turn) comes a Jack of Clubs

River comes an four

Player 1: Pair of Aces
me: Three Kings
Donkey: Ace High Flush

loose players are oftenly known as donkeys, aka "asses", because they play a wide variety of hands that are even questionable to call, even on small blind, especially in the latter stages of any tournament. any cards that arent connected should be folded, even in a ace high occasion, unless on blind.

any cards that arent worth a raise, arent worth playing, unless on blind, hands such as 10 3, 9 2, K 7 or even A 8, are good examples, if 2 of your cards are far away from each other (more than 5 cards) than that is a good reason to fold.

Suited Connecters are cards that both play a part in a 5 card draw for a straight, these cards also need to be suited...aka 6c 7c 8h 9h Ac Kc, at most times these cards can be called or raised.


you got to be able to fold a good hand, if there is a slight possibility that one hand can beat you, if you got the "nuts" (Best Possible Hand, Cannot be beaten), then you can "SLOW PLAY" act like your hand is average, and check the flop down, usually doing this until the betting round after the turn, is a good play, the more cards that come out, chances that the other player(s) have hit a pair or better, so when it comes to the river card, you have the power to bet or re-raise them, based on your play, your opponents may believe that you are Bluffing (Trying To buy the pot) if they have hit a decent pair or maybe even a small 2 pair, in most cases they will at least call, or perhaps re-raise your bet. then you can go over the top and Push "ALL IN"

Good Hand Fold Example Kc Kd, there are 4 spades in the community cards, and you have hit a king for 3 of a kind, you have to be able to fold a big hand like that, in order to be a good player, unless you have read this player well previously and knows he bluffs, but even then calling is a risk and only should be done, if the bet he made is a small portion of your stack.


To Increase your chance of bluffing you have to try and read the flop and your players on the table, you have to try your best to read there betting play in a hand, what is known as a continuous bet (every betting round, you bet despite having not much of a hand), is a good move to try and out-bluff your opponent, if your opponent doesnt have top pair or better, than they will most likely fold unless there Chip Stack is large, and calling this wont INDENT there stack much, dependant if they are chasing a card for a better hand.

Poker Glossary:
now and then you will get a trash talker (a player who may try and make your decision of playing or folding using verbal techniques, and he may claim he has Anna Kournikova when there a broadway straight on the board)


AK- Anna Kournikova (looks good but doesnt win much)/Big Slick
73- Joe Hachem (the hand Joe Hachem won the WSOP with)
4h 4d- Luke Skywalker (May The Fours Be With You)
4s 4c- Darth Vader (The Dark Side of Fours)
2h 2d- Sydney Swans
10 4- Big Buddy
4 9- Gold Rush (San Francisco 49ers)
AA- American Airlines
Alcos Anonymous
AQ- Big Chick
QQ- Bitches
JJ- Fish Hooks
K9- Dog Hand
KJ- Kojax
AJ- Ajax
QJ- The Maverick
95- Dolly Parton (nine to Five)
KK- Cowboys
10 2- The Brunson
J 4- Flat Tire (Whats a Jack Four?)

Broadway- High Straight A K Q J 10
Wheel- Low Straight A 2 3 4 5
Fourth Street- Turn Card
Mucked- Cards that have been folded and thrown in
On The Bubble- One Player Left To Be Eliminated To Progress to The Next Round
Under The Gun- On Big Blind or a position where everyone has folded to a bet, leaving you and the better, you have a good hand.
Rainbow- This is when the flop comes out 3 out of four different suits, hence there is not much of a flush draw on

Theres Plenty of other Terms just type in google, and go poker terms texas holdem.

OVER 18s:go to the Australian Poker League Website If You Are Interesting In Playing Live Tournaments For Free in Your Area www.australianpokerleague.com

Pensacola Q.C

Rabbitoh you beat him but, Full House...:?

Anyway check this out for a bad beat. I raised 3X pre flop with 9H 9C. Everyone folds but one guy who calls. 9S, AD, 5S hit the board. I move all-in with the slightly lower chip count. I have a feeling he might have hit an ace. He calls. Guess what with? JH, 6S. I'm way in front.

Guess what hits the turn and river? 2S, KS. F**kin spewin.


Pensacola Q.C said:
Rabbitoh you beat him but, Full House...:?

i think rabbitoh made a mistake. He said Ac came out on the flop but then also on the river.

The point was the donkey bastard caught his flush with such a crap hand..

Anyway check this out for a bad beat. I raised 3X pre flop with 9H 9C. Everyone folds but one guy who calls. 9S, AD, 5S hit the board. I move all-in with the slightly lower chip count. I have a feeling he might have hit an ace. He calls. Guess what with? JH, 6S. I'm way in front.

Guess what hits the turn and river? 2S, KS. F**kin spewin.

yep, that sounds a lot like rabbitohs example. playing against guys who call your all in with Jh-6s hoping for two running spades is a pain in the arse. well its good when they lose it all, but i spose, thats poker..
Pensacola Q.C said:
Rabbitoh you beat him but, Full House...:?

my mistake, based on that i did beat him, but i cant remember exactly what happened, maybe the 3 was a diamond then the jack hit, and maybe the river was a 4, because at first glance it looks like an ace.

but it was something along those lines.


It's going to happen though, bad beats.

This wek for example I've had a shocking run of luck.

Monday night, final table, five left.

Someone raises before me, another calls, I go all in with A-J, the initial raiser folds, the second calls with K-7. The flop comes A-2-Q ... then turn K, river K.

Tuesday night, final table, five left again. I have A-A. There is a raise, then an all-in, so of course I go all-in too. Three in the pot and they turn over K-K and A-Q.

The cards come - 7-5-8-J and the river is ... K

I still had chips left though and got back into the game. I waited until I had K-Q and pushed in again. One person calls with A-4. Now. I'd rather have K-Q anyday but of course she hits an A on the fop and a 4 on the turn.

Againm I've still got chips so a few hands later I push in with A-Q and get called with A-7 and K-9.

So a 9 hits the river with everything else missing and I'm out.

Frustrating, very frustrating.
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