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tilt is the only online one I play, but I do play at pubs/clubs alot, marrickville has free roll ones only I think and for free rolls its bad because there is a usual group that go there and they are f**knuts. Hill street is the best in Hurstville, 100 dollar tables woot.
I won a couple of bucks in a $100 freeroll (17th out of 2700) on Full tilt the other night and tripled it in a SnG last night. I set the last bloke up, I had the big blind (5,8) flop came 5, J, 5, we both checked the flop, the turn was a 2 and we both checked, river was a king, he pushed all in straight away but his K/6 came up short. (I find that Yanks will fall into that trap nicely).

I keep making the afterdark 2nd round (9 of the last 10)but can't frigging play it because its on at 2pm on tuesday and thursday, there's a Sunday one but I missed the last one, someone's birthday. I made today's one after winning a 360 last night (the bloke who raised me at the final table after the flop when I had 77 and the flop was 774 was a laugh)but I can't play it so the missus will.

It's good because it costs nothing and it's fun.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
I haven't read this whole thread, but Chris Ferguson was given a challenge to start from $0 and take it to $10,000 on Full Tilt. He started with Freerolls, and went from there.

He followed these rules:

  • He never buys into a cash game or a Sit & Go with more than 5 percent of his total bankroll (there is an exception for the lowest limits: he is allowed to buy into any game with a buy-in of $2.50 or less).
  • He doesn’t buy into a multi-table tournament for more than 2 percent of his total bankroll, but he’s allowed to buy into any multi-table tournament that costs $1.
  • If at any time during a No-Limit or Pot-Limit cash-game session the money on the table represents more than 10 percent of his total bankroll, he must leave the game when the blinds reach him.
Here is the link:


For those who have a few dollars in their account, a great tournament is the $3 - $0.50 Knockout (Turbo) on Full Tilt. It has 90 players, it is double stack (3,000), and for each player you knockout you get $0.50. Top 9 are paid the following: $5.62, $6.75, $9, $13.50, $18, $24.75, $31.50, $43.88, and $72.

Games start whenever the table fills, so roughly every 3-4minutes.

For live play, can't go past the Pokerdome at Newtown RSL.
I read about Chris, I cashed in one of his $1 full tilt tourneys last night. I'm doing the same, although, if I can turn it into $50 I'd be happy. lol

Ziggy the God

First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
I read about Chris, I cashed in one of his $1 full tilt tourneys last night. I'm doing the same, although, if I can turn it into $50 I'd be happy. lol

Make sure you also enter the Aussie freeroll (if you don't already). It starts at 8.04pm every night.

If you ever decide to deposit, make sure you don't miss that you also qualify for an Aussie first depositors freeroll. It usually is for $2k, and you will only be up against 30-40 players (first pays ~$500, top 18 get paid).
Saw that, I play the Aussie occasionally and that's where I got my first cash. I saw that first depositors tourney, that's pretty mouth watering.

Not really prepared to deposit just yet though, want to see how far I can go starting from nothing.

I'm playing in two right now, sitting nicely in the $1 and the 10c.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Saw that, I play the Aussie occasionally and that's where I got my first cash. I saw that first depositors tourney, that's pretty mouth watering.

Not really prepared to deposit just yet though, want to see how far I can go starting from nothing.

I'm playing in two right now, sitting nicely in the $1 and the 10c.

I am playing $6 SnG's.

My mate started from nothing and has ~$300.

He was patient (unlike me) and slowly built it up. Plenty of Donks on there to milk. :eek:

Edit: there are also some rooms that deposit $50 to get you to sign up to their site. I did it once with Partypoker. If I ever see that kind of thing again, I will post it on this thread.
Cashed in the $1 one, still going in the 10 center.

I'm very patient and I pick my tourneys carefully. The Ferguson $1 is my favourite, pays 90 odd out of 1,000.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
Since I had Monday off, I played a $5 satellite to the $750k guarantee.

Cost me $35 (was a rebuy), but made the final 4 to qualify.

Had never been in such a big tournament before, and it showed as I bombed out 1,000 in (out of 4,400).

Lost on: I had K9, flop Q99 (2 hearts). I bet double BB, got called. Turn heart, both All in, he showed A10 hearts. I clearly should of gone All in after the flop.

Must say that it certainly was a buzz, considering that first was US$150k. It was a nice dream thinking about it.

Hopefully I can jag my way through satellites into one of the FTOPS events (Feb 6 to Feb 17).
Good luck in the FTOPS.

Earlier in this thread I was jawing about Full Tilt and it's abominable bad-beats. Last two days have convinced me to never stick any of my own hard-earned into it.

Last night was the worst, in the Ferguson and seriously, if I were slightly paranoid I'd think that there are players who are given inside knowledge.

Just after the first break, I pull AA, I have about 9k the leader in the room has 14k. I raise 5 times the BB, he calls. I'm out of position but with AA.

Flop comes JJK, I take a deep breath and raise 2k. He calls. I figure he may have a J or a K, I decide he has a K and wait for the turn. Turn is a 9, I figure that doesn't change anything so I go all-in. He calls immediately, I mean this guy beat me into the pot.

Then his cards turn over.

Q/4 ?


I'm already counting my chips when the river gives him the 10 he needs.

The bloke calls an all-in for 2/3 of his chips with only an inside straight draw and only the river to come?

Ziggy the God

First Grade
I totally agree that FT has some of the worst river beats I have ever seen.

Virtually everyone I have spoken to says the same about the site. I started on FT because I have a Mac, so I didn't have much choice. In terms of your opponent with Q4, that is a pharken joke. Obviously the cards are dealt to get action, and I have also noticed that if you are All-in against a tables chip leader, you have more chance to cop a miracle river agianst you.

Pokerstars now has a Mac version, and I have setup there, but not deposited. I am trying it out, and may move my bank across. It certainly has more players and thus games start more regularly. Also, you can qualify through there for the APT tournament held at Star City.

I will have a go at trying to qualify for one of the FTOPS tournaments (can only make the weekend ones), and see if I can jag a few good hands to hang in a little longer.
If I decide I'm going to stick a couple of hundred of my hard-earned into a site, I want to at least feel that when I get my chips in with the best hand in critical hands, I'll win more often than I lose. Playing long into a 1,200 person $1 tourney only to have that happen, and have similar beats happen regularly, doesn't enthuse me about whacking in my own dough to not only that site, but any site.

When the time comes and I decide to stick some money into one, it won't be on full tilt based on my experiences in their freerolls and real money games.

I'll be semi-semi-pro one of these days....


First Grade
thats why i play pokerstars.... plus from wat ive been told there is a program that really skilled programers can code to show all hole cards of players......if thats true than i guewss ill be sticking to the star city $80 tables



That's not true mate. Whoever told you that may have been talking about Absolute Poker. There was a glitch in their program that was discovered by one of their employees, so about half a dozen of his associates were able to see their opponents' hole cards. You can watch what was happening on Youtube.

Absolute quickly discovered what was happening and fixed the program, suspended the accounts of the users involved and refunded money to all players affected. The investigation is still ongoing as we speak but the site is safe now. I still use Absolute sometimes although I've only got a few hundred in that account - really just play their cash tables in the hope of hitting their bad beat jackpot!!

There is no program that you can buy or make to see other players' hole cards.

You can download odds calculators but if you're taking your poker seriously you should know the odds pretty much off by heart anyway.


First Grade
much more of a danger i would think is 6 people all talking to each other on the same table. This would be pretty easy to set up in a non tournament situation.

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