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Police harassed me: El Masri


gunnamatta bay said:
Detain is another word for arrest. If a policeman detains you then you should ask if you are under arrest. If the answer if affimative request a lawyer. If negative walk away.

No, they are in the process of identifying a suspect. How else do you do it??


Ant that was a rant - 'cops have a tough job, they're grumpy, give them a break' bahahaha give me a break. If they can't do the job without giving people attitude they should be fired as would be the case in any other profession!

Maroubra Eel

Ant said:
Listening to the police on radio today, I would have to say total storm in a tea cup and if it was say andrew ryan and his mates we would have heard nothing of it.

The details I heard today, were not that El mazri was sitting in cafe at 10.30pm, they were sitting on a bench outside closed shops at 11.15pm. Now we all have no doubt they had probably been there for coffee and were just continuing their chat after the places had closed, totally innocent.

But for mine any cop would be likely to stop and have a chat to a group of males hanging out late at night outside closed businesses. And yes they could have asked for ID. The whole process of asking for ID is simply a warning shot, saying we know who you are, we know you where here at this time, but if you are not causing trouble its not an issue.

I know when I was younger hanging out late at night having a chat with some mates in a park, or by the beach we often had police do that, and we just made small chat showed the ID and they went on their way. Putting up a fuss I'm afraid is just paranoia, and another reason why being a cop is such a difficult job. The cops are probably just going, " god we are just trying to do our job, why do you need to make an issue of such a small thing". The automatic response to any sort of negative situation is likely to cause back up to be called.

The role of police is to protect the community and you are in a situation that looks suspicious then I would expect the police, to say what are you up to.

I am afraid that there are many different groups who are more likely to be approached by police, its not just lebanese males. Groups of younger males in general are likely to be approached, why simply because there is there is a higher crime rate by people in that demographic than others.

I agree with others its playing the race card for no reason. I'm sure El Mazri was not doing anything wrong, but he wouldn't look to enhance relations between police and young lebanese males by simply co-operating and having chat I don't know.

If there was a robbery at those shops the next day and you spoke to the local cops and said what did you see, and they said "oh we saw a bunch of young blokes sitting out front about 11.15pm, it was pretty dark, but from a distance looks like they were just having a chat, so we kept going", how would the business owners react.

Being a cop is a tough job, they just deal with crap all day, so not suprisingly they may be grumpy from time to time. But if more people just did the right thing and were friendly towards them the world would be better.

By El Masri refsuing to show ID, all he did was prompt a normal rection and waste tax payers money.

Storm and tea cup here I'm afraid.

Spot on Ant.

gunnamatta bay

CharlieF said:
No, they are in the process of identifying a suspect. How else do you do it??

It has been held that when a policeman prevents a persons free passage without lawful reason that this is in effect an arrest. Case law.

Some arer assuming El Masri's activities were suspicious. That the area was a dimly lit, crime riddled ghetto. If thats the case why didn't the police simply place them under arrest, convey them to the police station and continue their inquiries? Maybe they realised El Masri was well within his rights to stand his ground and went looking for less informed juveniles.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Well Saab some are to wwaaaaaayyyyyy tooooooo easy to give the very freedoms our fore fathers fought and died for.

Take your yellow star and stick up you know where.

Then again you come from the most facsist state in the country, you would gladly give up your basic freedoms, after all the government knows best.


gunnamatta bay said:
It has been held that when a policeman prevents a persons free passage without lawful reason that this is in effect an arrest. Case law.

Some arer assuming El Masri's activities were suspicious. That the area was a dimly lit, crime riddled ghetto. If thats the case why didn't the police simply place them under arrest, convey them to the police station and continue their inquiries? Maybe they realised El Masri was well within his rights to stand his ground and went looking for less informed juveniles.

Do I need to explain what that lawful reason is?

Crimes Act 1900 s 563

Also, how do you make sure that you are not arresting the wrong person?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Charlie, you're bringing in an awful lot of hypotheticals and other 'what ifs' to try and win this argument.

Maroubra Eel

CharlieF said:
Do I need to explain what that lawful reason is?

Crimes Act 1900 s 563

Also, how do you make sure that you are not arresting the wrong person?

I think you are wasting your time.

They aren't going to get it.


Dodger said:
Charlie, you're bringing in an awful lot of hypotheticals and other 'what ifs' to try and win this argument.

There is no argument. The law is clear.

- Identify a suspect or suspicious activity.
- Ask for ID initially.
- Demand ID if asking didn't work.
- Determine course of action (arrest or let go) once person is identified.

This is what you want done:

- Identify a suspect or suspicious activity.
- Do nothing because it may insult somebody's sensitivities.


Mr Angry said:
Well Saab some are to wwaaaaaayyyyyy tooooooo easy to give the very freedoms our fore fathers fought and died for.

Take your yellow star and stick up you know where.

Then again you come from the most facsist state in the country, you would gladly give up your basic freedoms, after all the government knows best.

Excuse me if i'm wrong but they, including my great grandfather, fought and died for Australias freedom, Australia as a country. It had nothing to do with individual laws and rights within Australia.

They certainly didn't die so scum like this rule the street unabated...


Did you even manage to hear the mention of our gallipoli heroes?

Hardly a free country when people of 'middle eastern' descent behave like this and then pull the racist card or call police pigs whenever questioned about anything.

If Hazem wanted to be a good role model for his community he should have shown the police his license and in 20 seconds it would've been over.


Maroubra Eel said:
I think you are wasting your time.

They aren't going to get it.

The problem is that each person has a different take on it. Some think it is against our Individual rights, whilst others think it is a racial thing. To make things worse, some people just don't like cops.

Mr Saab

Mr Angry said:
Well Saab some are to wwaaaaaayyyyyy tooooooo easy to give the very freedoms our fore fathers fought and died for.

Take your yellow star and stick up you know where.

Then again you come from the most facsist state in the country, you would gladly give up your basic freedoms, after all the government knows best.

What? Sydney, NSW?
Thats where i am from.
I am just not a precious "ethnic". I have copped it since the Cronulla Riots, (i look like a lebanese, but am not), but i am an upstanding citizen and with zero to hide.
If i was out with some friends at 1130pm or whatever time loitering (not saying hasem was mind you) and cops drove past and asked for ID...HERE YOU GO.
If thats giving up freedoms then f**k me this country has well and truly gone to the "dogs"

Mr Saab

I went to America with 3 "white" australians and was stopped at a checkpoint byu cops whilst we were driving..
We were all told to get out of the car and they asked my 3 friends where they were from in a calm manner.... and then asked me in a much more stern way as to where i came from cause i am ethnic.
I said "Australia mate"....laughed it off. I couldnt give a shyte. My friends and i still laugh about it to this day.

Precious...it is all it comes down to with too many people in this world

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
FTR I like threads like these,

shows the difference between those who have the intestinal fortitude to fight for freedom and the sheep who would leave it to the government of the time.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Red and Blue Knight said:
Excuse me if i'm wrong but they, including my great grandfather, fought and died for Australias freedom, Australia as a country. It had nothing to do with individual laws and rights within Australia.
you are excused. They fought so Australia would have NOT have individual laws like the nazi party introduced, such as every citizen having to show papers on demand.

Red and Blue Knight said:
They certainly didn't die so scum like this rule the street unabated...
Unabated I walk the streets without issue, I live in OZ, where are you?

Red and Blue Knight said:
If Hazem wanted to be a good role model for his community he should have shown the police his license and in 20 seconds it would've been over.
I think he did great showning young people that the citzens of this country enjoy the freedom to sit a bench. Perhaps Iran is more a country for you, where religious police can take you away for years because you did not show your papers.

Anyways footy about to start.

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