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Police harassed me: El Masri


Why would a police officer risk being sued civilly or risk his job over asking someone for ID.

Something is not quite right here, what really happened hazem ?


S.S.T.I.D said:
http://www.thewest.com.au/aapstory.aspx?StoryName=373271"The outrageous claim made by police that they acted appropriately ... I demonstrated to the police officers that they were acting illegally," Mr Houda told ABC Radio.

"Now, are they patting them on their back and condoning illegal conduct by police officers? That's what it sounds like."

I hope Mr Houda has an intimate knowledge of the NSW equivelant of Police Powers and Responsibilities Act - QLD legislation. In QLD if a police officer is investigating an offence they do have the power to require your details, i imagine it would be very similar in NSW.

Give it a couple of days or even a week and Houda will be shown what a clown he is.


Ant said:
It also points out to those people whose stubborn antics make life more difficult for their friends, family and society. The people that protest against everything big business and governments despite them sometimes being great choices for the whole community. The people that believe every anti govt/authority piece of literature produced yet won't ever believe a govt statement.

If you think having to show some ID or identify who you are when you are out late at night with a few mates in dimly lit area is some sort of great loss of freedom then you have lost the plot.

Some of the people arguing against the police's actions would seemingly only like the police to react once a crime is committed, no preventative work allowed.

Mr Angry if you think you are leading the good fight by saying no one show those dirty cops your ID, they don't have the right, then you keep your highly righteous crusade. While you are at draw us up a bill of rights, so we can all bare arms and please sue anybody who looks at you funny, breathes on you with Garlic breath or makes fun of you for wearing a pink shirt. Because your rights are number one and you should be allowed to do whatever you please.

And damn those pigs for trying to ruin your fun, despite the rest of the community wanting them to put a stop to your weekly hunger strikes in the middle of the sydney harbour bridges lanes of traffic, in protest for police asking for ID from a bunch of young blokes sitting in the dark at 11.15pm at night. You on the right track to fixing our societies problems, Anarchy is the Answer, Woo Hoo!!!!! oh sorry that last woo hoo was a bit commercialised.

Sorry El Masri, but it was just police doing their job, next time just show the ID and it will be the end of it in 20 seconds.

Well said ant.

Im sure some of the jews that went thru nazi germany, the iraqis etc that some here are drawing comparisons with would dearly love to be simply asked to provide some ID and thats that......its a bloody insult to these people some who have been wiped out in sections.
The ones jumping up and down screaming about our rights this and your rights that, you dont know just how good you got it here.


So following the theory where the individual freedom comes first,if someone was to perform a break and enter then they cant be arrested because that is encroaching on the thief's rights..you cant have it both ways.


TITAN1 said:
So following the theory where the individual freedom comes first,if someone was to perform a break and enter then they cant be arrested because that is encroaching on the thief's rights..you cant have it both ways.

Good stuff huh?


First Grade
herbert henry1908 said:
what a pathetic excuse that is.

they may have the right to go and speak to someone but just because there have been some break ins in the area gives them no right to ask for ID.

clearly after reading that article the police had no grounds to ask for ID.
People are getting confused on the difference between police asking for their names and police requiring them to state their names. They can do the first anytime to anyone with or without reason, as anyone can, but, equally, those asked can decline to provide it if they so choose, without penalty. If circumstances are such that police have the power to require you to state your name, they have to warn you that failing to provide it and, if necessary, evidence of the correctness thereof, is an offence and give you a second opportuity before you can be charged with Failing to Provide etc. At least that's how it is in Qld. I'd be surprised if it was different down there.


dodge you really need to stop. you are at the point of embarrassment.

do you even know what for/when a warrant is used ?


IF the officers demanded their particulars, IF, it would be easy enough to justify it in a court of law.

Recent B&E in the area, the time of night, no shops in vicinity open. It is called intell gathering, you clowns have no idea, no really.


First Grade
Dodger said:
Invasion of privacy. Simple as that. The circumstances weren't enough.
Wrong. They are allowed to ask. He is allowed to decline unless the law decrees otherwise.


_Johnsy said:
dodge you really need to stop. you are at the point of embarrassment.

do you even know what for/when a warrant is used ?
Yeah,arent they a hair metal band from the '80s?? :sarcasm:


First Grade
Mr Angry said:
Well Saab some are to wwaaaaaayyyyyy tooooooo easy to give the very freedoms our fore fathers fought and died for.

Take your yellow star and stick up you know where.

Then again you come from the most facsist state in the country, you would gladly give up your basic freedoms, after all the government knows best.
Saab's from Sydney, isn't he?


First Grade
S.S.T.I.D said:

Mr Houda said police had an inherent inability to admit wrongdoing.

"The outrageous claim made by police that they acted appropriately ... I demonstrated to the police officers that they were acting illegally," Mr Houda told ABC Radio.

"Now, are they patting them on their back and condoning illegal conduct by police officers? That's what it sounds like.".
A lawyer bagging the police, who'da thunk it?

S.S.T.I.D said:

El Masri said the police action, calling in five patrol cars and nine officers, was a massive over-reaction, especially considering his close relationship with the force.

"I have done a lot of work and I'm there for the youth, I'm there for the police, I'm there for the rights of the people," he told Network Ten.

"So, for them to come out here and treat me, or treat us, the way they did, it's not called for."
Oh, please, quit the melodramatics. At 11pm on a bench near a railway station (not in a cafe apparently, they haven't disputed the police assertion despite their own initial version) and hanging around with a lawyer? That'd be enough for me :sarcasm:


Is this same El Masri who declined to provide a DNA sample after the Coffs Harbour incident a couple of years back. He was probably complying with his legal rights on that occasion, but if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear?

The Police make a request for El Masri to produce ID and he apparently declines to do so. Again there may not have been any legal requirement for him to do so but you have to ask the question........................?

This great country bends over backwards to accomodate our multicultural society and the bleatings of certain minorities smacks of reverse discrimination against the greater majority of citizens of all colours and races of this wonderful country.

Grow up El Masri! Produce some ID and I'm sure when the Police confirm your identity and the fact you are obviously a law abiding member of society they will apologise for any inconvenience and be on there way!


agree Kenny
At least that's how it is in Qld. I'd be surprised if it was different down there.
It is different down here. For one,NSW is not a Police state like QLD and the Police are far less brutal than VIC. Some of QLDS laws are a joke to peoples freedom.
Storm in a teacup really. You dont have to show ID unless arrested, or driving a car. Most people who are law abiding citizens should not have a problem showing police id. The Police have a fair enough reason, Hazem was in the wrong place at the wrong time and should of provided id and it would of been end of story.

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