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Police harassed me: El Masri


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
they went on to explain they were looking for a suspect they wished to question on some matters, they had a name, vague description (that i matched, lucky me eh?)... they took my ID realised i was not who they were looking for, wished me well and continued on their way. A very minor inconvience for me, but they were just doing their job.
One of my favourite tricks.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
5 straight and 6 out of the last 7 posts. Top effort nqboy :thumb

This argument seems to be getting more irrelevant and removed from reality as it goes on. Far too many hypotheticals being thrown around given none of us know the full story (and are never likely to).


First Grade
Mr Rock!!! said:
Its' quite simple really. If you are sitting at a train station at 11;00pm at night and the police come up to you and ask for ID. You show it to them. They have a look, maybe run a check, and if you've got nothing to hide, it's all good.

And really, does it matter if the cop is a smartass?? Some are, some aren't. Some shopkeepers are smartasses, some aren't. Same with plumbers etc....

Like it or not, the police are an authority and if they ask you for a reasonable request, you comply. My Dad can't stand coppers, but he always taught me to say, 'Yes sir, No Sir", and treat them with respect.

Dont' treat them with respect and they get their back-up and suspicious of you immediately

....It's obvious that some minority cultures in this country teach their children otherwise...... And if that's me in the stereo-typing category, so be it.
Mr Rock!!! could not care less
So many good points in this post. "Yes sir, No sir,..." just like refs actually (and have you noticed how many coppers are refs? It's either a power thing or a justice thing, you be the judge). I've never beaten one of them over the whole game either though I might have had the odd win from time to time.

And aren't the police just a reflection of society? Next we'll have the Victorian coppers having to clear the Academy pool because it's against some Mulim chick's beliefs that men can see her in a swimsuit and she wants to be a copper :shock: (I mean, what happen when her shirt gets ripped off in a blue? Does she down tools until her dignity is restored?) Sorry, I'm rambling but I just heard that story today from a mate of mine who was there :crazy:

But back to coppers, good and bad, just like any other job. Like footballers for instance, or player managers...

Of course they will get suspicious if you buck. You wanna blame them? Walk a mile in their shoes. My sister is a certified bona-fide doctor of sociology , a tree-hugging lefty, pinko, commy so-and-so (about the only thing she's not is lesbian, though her husband is sensitive enough to be one) and I have this argument with her all the time. "I couldn't do their job but I expect more from them than (insert the latest media controversy here)." "f**k off, these walls have to be guarded by men with guns... (continue with Jack Nicholson's speech from A Few Good Men."]

There is a balance to be struck. Obviously, you can't let the coppers do whatever they want or whatever they'd like to (Another copper told me today of the Mad Max years in Victoria, "They used to say we would shoot first and ask questions later and they were bloody right. We figured it was beter to be tried by 12 than carried by 6") but this is a long way short of that IMO.

Anyway that's my rant. But I'm only on page 36, no doubt I'll take issue with others before I catch up.


First Grade
2 True Blues said:
It's OK FC. Gunamatta is one of those imbosiles that think they can read a book and actually know what happens in the REAL world outside of google. He is one of the biggest wankers I have met on this foum and objects for the mere sake of objecting. In fact i have no doubt that he is the kind of person that would do exactly what EL MASRI has done and refuse to show ID just to cause an unnessary scene. You would come across gunamatta in some university protest about save the refugees or something similar, wouldnt we GB. :lol:

Keep hiding behind your computer and saving the planet with your niave fantasies GB. You narrow minded fool. One day you will wake and realise that niave idiots such as yourself are half the problem. You seem to have some paranoid dillusion that the Police are some Nazi state whose secret mission is to implant identity chips up your anus. Wake up you idiot. These people will risk their lives to save you without hesitation. ( As sad as that thought is to me if you ever need to be saved ). Keep reading your books and thinking you know what really happens in the practical REAL world GB.
I don't agree with all of it, there is a place and a purpose for most sorts, even if it is only to moderate the more extreme of us. Chips up their anus? For heaven's sake, in their arm will do :sarcasm: But you have got it mostly right. He's a first class Declared Idiot.


First Grade
2 True Blues said:
It's a bit too hard for some mate.....:crazy:
Someone's got to stand on the thin blue line between society and anarchy. And Thank God for those who do.


First Grade
Dodger said:
5 straight and 6 out of the last 7 posts. Top effort nqboy :thumb
Sorry Three-Dads, I've been off-line the last couple of days and I'm playing catch-up during a quiet time.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Fascists caaaaarrrnnnttttsss....

innsaneink you need to pay the person who tells you to breath in and out more money.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
nqboy a North Queenslander, could not piss if not told how, and when.

It is OK nq perhaps one day you will have your own state you can destroy.


First Grade
Mr Angry said:
nqboy a North Queenslander, could not piss if not told how, and when.

It is OK nq perhaps one day you will have your own state you can destroy.
merkin wait to watch you get batoned, sprayed and cuffed, and dragged off to the van. Your tears would break the drought.


I went to lebanon in 2001 and while travelling to baalbeck in a mini bus we were stopped by the syrian army. One of the soldiers believed i was israeli or american and stuck a big gun in my face and screamed at me in arabic. As i was suffering from lebanese chicken poisoning at the time i actually said ..just fu... shoot me you Mediterranean Descendant c... Did i run to the lebanese media and claim whitey discrimination.....nah i just got on with it.

I wonder why he doesn't go back to live if its so bad here.


Mr Angry said:
Fascists caaaaarrrnnnttttsss....

innsaneink you need to pay the person who tells you to breath in and out more money.



Such hostility....maybe a tree planting, or burn some incense...may calm you down.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Sorry about the size...


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