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Poll on NRL fan safety

Do games involving the Bulldogs pose a greater threat to your personal safety?

  • Yes

    Votes: 62 78.5%
  • No

    Votes: 17 21.5%

  • Total voters


Bring Back the Spliff said:
Well - Are you an incurable mouthy smartarse??

Or are you just totally full of crap? Have you been to Campeltown Stadium? Sat on the Hill at Brookvale? Parramatta Stadium? Kogarah Oval??....ALL of these places are NOT a pleasant place to be at times - if you're sat in the wrong area, near the d*ckheads, and like to think out loud!...I can guar-an-TEE you!

Therefore I thoroughly disbelieve your asserions that you have only encountered anti-social behaviour at a Bulldogs game - I simply don't believe you at ALL I'm afraid.

When I visit other team's home grounds - I am suitably respectful, and only enter into banter where it is invited, or clearly welcomed. Else I shut my gob to those around me and just cheer on my team.

Unfortunately, when people come to Bulldogs games - they do not seem to come with the same philosophy...I've seen it TIME and again.

And even so - with absolutely NO provocation on y part - down the years I have had glass bottles thrown at me by Parra fans walking back in a small group of Bulldogs jersey clad fans (Including women) from Parramatta Stadium to the station - beer thrown at my direction at Parramatta Stadium, Kogarah & Campeltown stadiums - plastic cups full of URINE - no less - thrown in our direction on the hill at Brookvale (thrown by a Manly fan - which overshot their mark, missed us and splashed onto the PRAM of a fellow Manly supporting couple down the bottom of the hill - the father just happening to be a rather large Maori fella who proceeded to charge up the hill and beat the SNOT out of the drunken idiot and that threw it, and the misguided drunken mate that tried to come to his aid - Full on Manly fan on Manly fan biff! :lol:) - and COUNTLESS other occasions.

Does that stop me from going to the footy? Hell NO!

This sh*t happens - you just avoid it as best you can...But if you KNOW there are idiots about - then why 'bait' them?

Which is not the cause of ALL the issues at Bulldogs games before some vapid critic jumps on that - I understand this....But as I say - I modify my behaviour to suit my environment when travelling to 'away' football gounds.

See the 'cockroach' comment above. It happens EVERYwhere.

Funny how you can throw up only "isolated incidents" for other clubs, but there are no shortage of people that believe there are elements of the Bulldogs supporter base that operate as an organised gang.

So confess. Are you a thin-skinned Bulldogs fan strugling with the reality of what your team has become?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
What YOU struggle to deal with is that we aren't denying or setting aside that there are major problems with our fan base. We're highlighting that every supporter who is renegading on our fans is a f**king hypocrite because it happens, albeit to a lesser degree, at every stadium.

Either way, you're a f**king dope if you think a poll on an unofficial website is a valid and accurate cross section of RL fans. The more passionate ones are on here and 14/15ths of these people are likely to have some level of dislike for the club, so of course they're going to vote yes. A lot would be valid and reasonable fears, but I'll bet my bottom dollar that some would vote just to give it to the 'Dogs.

Have fun with your "poll".


dodge said:
What YOU struggle to deal with is that we aren't denying or setting aside that there are major problems with our fan base. We're highlighting that every supporter who is renegading on our fans is a f**king hypocrite because it happens, albeit to a lesser degree, at every stadium.

Either way, you're a f**king dope if you think a poll on an unofficial website is a valid and accurate cross section of RL fans. The more passionate ones are on here and 14/15ths of these people are likely to have some level of dislike for the club, so of course they're going to vote yes. A lot would be valid and reasonable fears, but I'll bet my bottom dollar that some would vote just to give it to the 'Dogs.

Have fun with your "poll".



Either way, you're a f**king dope if you think a poll on an unofficial website is a valid and accurate cross section of RL fans. The more passionate ones are on here and 14/15ths of these people are likely to have some level of dislike for the club, so of course they're going to vote yes. A lot would be valid and reasonable fears, but I'll bet my bottom dollar that some would vote just to give it to the 'Dogs.
Oh. My. God.

I agree with dodge. :?

*slaps himself*
Mzilikazi said:
Funny how you can throw up only "isolated incidents" for other clubs, but there are no shortage of people that believe there are elements of the Bulldogs supporter base that operate as an organised gang.

So confess. Are you a thin-skinned Bulldogs fan strugling with the reality of what your team has become?

My experiences are anything but isolated, son!

Merely several instances that I brought instantly to mind in that post. I can relate tale after tale after tale after TALE of bad behaviour at the hands of opposition fans. And a lot of it I have been subjected to by away supporters at Bulldogs games.

Some Bulldogs fans are complete gimps - there is NO doubt about that! But the simple fact is that more than 99% of ALL fans that visit - if you keep your nose clean and keep respectful - and you will walk away fine. Look at the crowds that SWARM to all Bulldogs home games - and count the fans that get 'assaulted' - every so often - this is NOT a weekly event, as some would have you believe - and it will be just that last >1% that cop the unfortunate treatment. Treatment that STILL needs to be stamped out QUICK smart I might add - as even sub-1% is still 2% too much. But this is being worked on - it is a SOCIAL problem - not a FOOTBALL one - and is therefore very hard to stamp out 'just like that'. No Bulldogs fan likes it - and no Bulldogs fan defends it. It is not 'The Bulldog Way' No matter what you might think. It is a problem - we are well aware of it - and ways and means are being worked out constantly to eradivate it.

But the sheer hysterical hyperbole I encounter from people on these forums that have not the SLIGHTEST clue of what they are criticising - the sheer IGNORANCE is just staggering - this sack-whacker is on about Belmore - for FFS! :shock:

I truly and utterly sincerely doubt this Locky character has moved from in front of his Foxtel for YEARS by the sound of him!...For all the 'insight' he shows into the matter - and yet lays his opinions on as if he is at the forefront of modern-day Rugby League crowd sociology - I'm just not buying it, I'm afraid.

He is more full of hot air than Ray Hadley and Phil Gould squared.

Deadset - If some incident (That he is still yet to actually spell out the details of I might add) that must have occurred pretty well just about 10 years ago can cause him to preclude all Bulldogs games henceforth - then he is not a 'go there in person' kind of footy fan, I'm afraid.

Simple as that.

So do give it a rest. :?


Post Whore
Bring Back the Spliff said:
I truly and utterly sincerely doubt this Locky character has moved from in front of his Foxtel for YEARS by the sound of him!...For all the 'insight' he shows into the matter - and yet lays his opinions on as if he is at the forefront of modern-day Rugby League crowd sociology - I'm just not buying it, I'm afraid.

He is more full of hot air than Ray Hadley and Phil Gould squared.

Deadset - If some incident (That he is still yet to actually spell out the details of I might add) that must have occurred pretty well just about 10 years ago can cause him to preclude all Bulldogs games henceforth - then he is not a 'go there in person' kind of footy fan, I'm afraid.

Simple as that.

So do give it a rest. :?

This incident was a few blokes just swearing off their head at me and my mates for 30 minutes non-stop! It was a shocking experience! I will never go to a dogs game again! Why do you think the only GF I have missed since 91 was 2004? Coincidence- I don't think so. I genuinely fear for my safety. Now I know that 90% of Dogs supporters are fine but the 10% make it miserable.

As for staying home, I go to as many matches as I can. I try to not miss a Broncos home game. The only times I have were when I have had assessments due the next day!

I haven't had any problems at any other grounds!