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Prematurely Shooting Your ... ?


Haha no, let's not forget them because it would suit you to do so. They are not hypotheticals. They are exactly what happened. They are the facts.

So go ahead and answer the questions. I'll just wait right here.
Yeah lets, its quite simple dude... you f**ked up. End of.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Nemesis, I know winning this e-argument and proving the gigantic size of your e-penis is terribly important, but I really feel sorry for you if you cannot see the point JM is trying to make. The NRL forum has THOUSANDS more visitors a day than any of the club forums (except maybe Parramatta) and is a much more "open forum" so to speak. JM made the comment he did amongst his fellow Knights supporters. What you've done is akin to running past a group of people, hearing them chatting about something, and running to everyone else and gossiping. And just like your chest-beating, glory-hunting crap in the Canterbury forum last Monday/Tuesday, it's really a bit sad.

Grow up.


Nemesis, I know winning this e-argument and proving the gigantic size of your e-penis is terribly important, but I really feel sorry for you if you cannot see the point JM is trying to make. The NRL forum has THOUSANDS more visitors a day than any of the club forums (except maybe Parramatta) and is a much more "open forum" so to speak. JM made the comment he did amongst his fellow Knights supporters. What you've done is akin to running past a group of people, hearing them chatting about something, and running to everyone else and gossiping. And just like your chest-beating, glory-hunting crap in the Canterbury forum last Monday/Tuesday, it's really a bit sad.

Grow up.
Timmah, since you have no life as you're always on this forum, any penis that you had would have shriveled up and dropped off long ago due to lack of use.

There's no such thing as one forum being "more open" than another. Most LU forums are open and the argument wasn't about which forum has more traffic... that's irrelevant and your analogy pathetic.

A more appropriate analogy would be if, for example, you made slanderous comments about someone in a national newspaper as opposed to a local paper. The fact is that slander is still slander in the eyes of the law, although the second example would attract a lesser penalty due to the reduced impact on the person targeted.

As for glory hunting in the Dogs forum, weren't these your childish pre-game comments?...
Glory Glory Canterbury
Glory Glory Canterbury
Glory Glory Canterbury

And after reading your little song, I simply asked you after the game whether you'd have it finished by round 21...
Chorus is a scream... still working on the verses to your new song? Maybe we'll get to hear the complete version in round 21.

If you regard my response as "chest-beating" and "glory-hunting", you've got a more serious problem than the one I first mentioned, princess.
Last edited:


It doesn't matter how much traffic you reckon. So posting in a dead forum, let's say the NRL trivia forum, is the same as posting in the NRL forum? You're crazy. I love your analogy regarding newspapers and the law though, maybe you're finally getting there.

There's a discussion section of your local paper. Fred and Greg are arguing over the footy, and fred makes a statement supporting his team to Greg with the intended viewers being Greg and the people who buy the paper.

In the national paper George makes a comment supporting his team. Fred writes in to tell him to stfu, you arrogant prick. George's comment was available to, say, 5M people. Freds was available to 500,000.

Tell me if you can't handle all the names ok champ. Oh, and answer JMs questions.


It doesn't matter how much traffic you reckon. So posting in a dead forum, let's say the NRL trivia forum, is the same as posting in the NRL forum? You're crazy. I love your analogy regarding newspapers and the law though, maybe you're finally getting there.

There's a discussion section of your local paper. Fred and Greg are arguing over the footy, and fred makes a statement supporting his team to Greg with the intended viewers being Greg and the people who buy the paper.

In the national paper George makes a comment supporting his team. Fred writes in to tell him to stfu, you arrogant prick. George's comment was available to, say, 5M people. Freds was available to 500,000.

Tell me if you can't handle all the names ok champ. Oh, and answer JMs questions.
Oh... and remember that the higher dose 40mg Prozac is yours. :crazy:


Now I'll preface this by saying I have nothing against Timmah, the bloke is clearly as passionate about his team and rugby league in general as anyone out there, but I thought it funny reading this at the time, and find it even funnier now.

After the Bulldogs mauled the Roosters and I got onto the NRL Spoilers forum thread and talked about how the Bulldogs are not a 60 points per game side and the Roosters were always destined to get smashed after what the physically draining effort they went through in Round 2, Timmah came up with this pearler:

Now, there are still the best part of 6 months to go in this season, which hasn't even started to be perfectly frank, but after 5 weeks it appears I am now looking over my shoulder, and then past another 13 or so teams, before I find the Bulldogs in the midst of their resurgence as a title competitor ...

Thought I'd get in early as I don't think the Bulldogs will stay on 1 win for very long :crazy:



Oh... and remember that the higher dose 40mg Prozac is yours. :crazy:

Lol, you don't know how transparent you are avoiding the questions that have been put to you. I think you might be the one needing the heavy Prozac you stooge


I find it hilarious that of all people to talk about premature shooting, it's a Dragons fans.

Oh the irony.

I will have 10 t-shirts please Mr. Doust!


Lol, you don't know how transparent you are avoiding the questions that have been put to you. I think you might be the one needing the heavy Prozac you stooge
Don't despair, if the high dose 40mg Prozac doesn't help your psychosis, try moving to NSW to get further away from that tropical heat that's been frying your brain cells.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Timmah, since you have no life as you're always on this forum, any penis that you had would have shriveled up and dropped off long ago due to lack of use.
:lol: Yay, vulgar personal attacks! Well done, your intellect went up 20 points. :clap:
There's no such thing as one forum being "more open" than another. Most LU forums are open and the argument wasn't about which forum has more traffic... that's irrelevant and your analogy pathetic.

A more appropriate analogy would be if, for example, you made slanderous comments about someone in a national newspaper as opposed to a local paper. The fact is that slander is still slander in the eyes of the law, although the second example would attract a lesser penalty due to the reduced impact on the person targeted.

You really don't understand the concept of forum traffic do you? We're not talking about slander, libel or any sort of legal matter, we're talking about where JM made a post as opposed to where I made a post - mine was out in the most trafficked forum on the whole site - everyone sees it and everyone has a laugh - which in most people's eyes is fair game. JM's post was in the Knights forum which gets much less traffic and the remark was said to Knights fans. The fact you've gone to the effort of trawling their forum and brought it into the much busier NRL forum for sh*ts and giggles. The analogy isn't pathetic - the argument about more traffic is completely relevant as JM's statement was never intended for the audience you gave it here - a better analogy probably being the Hey Hey Harry Connick skit - never intended for American eyes but they managed to view it through Youtube and somehow became offended.

As for glory hunting in the Dogs forum, weren't these your childish pre-game comments?...

And after reading your little song, I simply asked you after the game whether you'd have it finished by round 21...

If you regard my response as "chest-beating" and "glory-hunting", you've got a more serious problem than the one I first mentioned, princess.
I don't give a sh*t what you posted, you clearly lack the brain capacity to understand the point that both myself and others have made. You specifically wait until after games to come into opposition forums and upon victory start singling out posts and people and picking on them. It takes a very small man to do such a thing - you never engage in pre-match banter or a fun little chant (childish pre-game comments? :lol: lighten up f**kwit), you just wait until Souths collect the two points then go racing through the opposition forum picking fights. It's gutless and shows your character, and it's clear from the responses in this thread I'm not the only one who thinks so.


Don't despair, if the high dose 40mg Prozac doesn't help your psychosis, try moving to NSW to get further away from that tropical heat that's been frying your brain cells.

:lol: more transparency from you. Remember guys, when you're out of arguments, resort to childish personal attacks.


Yay, vulgar personal attacks! Well done, your intellect went up 20 points.
Clearly your intellect is stuck in single digits, otherwise you'd recall that it was you who started the "e-penis" attack. If you can't take it, then don't start it, princess.

You really don't understand the concept of forum traffic do you? We're not talking about slander, libel or any sort of legal matter, we're talking about where JM made a post as opposed to where I made a post - mine was out in the most trafficked forum on the whole site - everyone sees it and everyone has a laugh - which in most people's eyes is fair game. JM's post was in the Knights forum which gets much less traffic and the remark was said to Knights fans. The fact you've gone to the effort of trawling their forum and brought it into the much busier NRL forum for sh*ts and giggles. The analogy isn't pathetic - the argument about more traffic is completely relevant as JM's statement was never intended for the audience you gave it here - a better analogy probably being the Hey Hey Harry Connick skit - never intended for American eyes but they managed to view it through Youtube and somehow became offended.
As it seems that you can't understand analogies, lets do it your way and talk about traffic volumes then. I'll keep it really simple for you. These are the traffic comparisons between the threads in question...
Knights forum match thread (with JMs post): Posts - 134 Views - 2,369
NRL forum Dogs/Roosters match thread (with Timmahs post): Posts - 158 Views - 3,983
This thread (with my post): Posts - 93 Views - 1,772

As the figures suggest, there isn't a huge difference in the traffic volumes, so your bird doesn't fly, sunshine.
Again, regardless of the traffic or intended audience, an open forum is an open forum, full stop. If JM wants to conceal his hypocrisy if future, then he should either post his comments in a closed private forum or not make them in the first place.

I don't give a sh*t what you posted, you clearly lack the brain capacity to understand the point that both myself and others have made. You specifically wait until after games to come into opposition forums and upon victory start singling out posts and people and picking on them. It takes a very small man to do such a thing - you never engage in pre-match banter or a fun little chant (childish pre-game comments? lighten up f**kwit), you just wait until Souths collect the two points then go racing through the opposition forum picking fights. It's gutless and shows your character, and it's clear from the responses in this thread I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Your total lack of common sense would really be quite tragic, if it wasn't so laughable.
I've gone over this several times now and I don't care how many of your intellectually challenged friends agree with you, facts are facts.

Even funnier are your pathetic attempts to save your sinking ship by lying that I go into opposition forums post-game to pick on people. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh Timmah.
Either provide the evidence, prick or stfu.

What is clearly gutless and indicative of the characters of you and your like, is that you think that you can hide in your little club forums and say whatever you like about other clubs or teams, expecting not be challenged. You and your friends are the ones who should lighten up and not take yourselves so seriously, princess... you're just not that important.


You like the word Princess dont you. Does it make you feel more manly? Sorry, just sinking to your level for a minute there.


You like the word Princess dont you. Does it make you feel more manly? Sorry, just sinking to your level for a minute there.
Its term I often use when talking to little girls like you lot.... btw, maybe you should try getting to a "level" first before thinking about sinking to one, Albert.

Johns Magic

Feel free to answer that question any time you like Nemesis.

Though it is fun seeing you squirm like a little bitch. Why don't you start talking about little dicks and prozac again, that's a good diversion :lol:


Feel free to answer that question any time you like Nemesis.

Though it is fun seeing you squirm like a little bitch. Why don't you start talking about little dicks and prozac again, that's a good diversion
I've answered it several times in this thread already... pity you can't read, moron. Whats even funnier is watching all you little fellas squirm and circle jerk in here. :lol:

Johns Magic

I've answered it several times in this thread already... pity you can't read, moron. Whats even funnier is watching all you little fellas squirm and circle jerk in here. :lol:

Haha, another post where you avoid answering the question. I know you'd rather keep talking about group male masturbation but try sticking to the task.

Answer the question androtop. Just try, without making another post avoiding it. Until then, just shut the f**k up you lying little taddle-tale.

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