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Price tells players to apologise to Fans


I wonder if it ever crossed Price's mind to apologise?
I wonder if it ever crossed Price's mind to resign?


after 1 NFL game. Greenbay packers legend coach, Vince Lombardi , in the dressing room, ask the whole defensive line team to apologize to whole Greenbay packer club

those big hulking men felt like mice trying to hide :oops:

Perhaps PRICE has been reading Vince Lombardi's manual of how to be a successful coach :lol:


Price has the team he wanted. A "clean out" would make him look even more ridiculous than he already does. The only driftwood that needs to be cut is the coaching staff

Exactly....A Decent coach would get a lot more out of our current team...its time to leave, Steve.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
There should be a banner with "Leave Steve".

The Muppet won't get it, he will probably think it refers to Steve Edge.


New title..

Fans tell Board to apologise to Price for unfair employment.
Players tell Price to apologise to fans.
Price tells board to apologise for inept management.
Player managers ask Club to apologise for breach of contract.
Board asks players to apologise for not adapting to Pricey's game plan.

We are one sick club at the minute.


Jesus Christ - here we go again. Not even sure why we are even discussing this when there is nothing to support that this was even said.

I'm sure I can make it valid though...... .

There you go, continue bitching....


Jesus Christ - here we go again. Not even sure why we are even discussing this when there is nothing to support that this was even said.

I'm sure I can make it valid though...... .

There you go, continue bitching....

You happy atm Dez?
Did HE take any responsibility?
Have anything changed to convince you otherwise?
Whether he said it or not, he has avoided blame for an inept plan.
Ricky Stewart, losses two games, and atleast says " I take full responsibility".
Yeah the bitching will continue.


Jesus Christ - here we go again. Not even sure why we are even discussing this when there is nothing to support that this was even said.

I'm sure I can make it valid though...... .

There you go, continue bitching....

Is That you Pricey???


You happy atm Dez?
Did HE take any responsibility?
Have anything changed to convince you otherwise?
Whether he said it or not, he has avoided blame for an inept plan.
Ricky Stewart, losses two games, and atleast says " I take full responsibility".
Yeah the bitching will continue.

What I am saying is that if this thread didn't start nobody would be talking about apologies - but as per usual, everybody jumps on some bullshit statement and starts making a big deal out of it as though it was fact.

No I am not happy and you would know that if you had read any of my posts after the game. But I am not going to buy into this apology bullshit when there is nothing to support it.

How do you know it was an inept plan? Have you seen the game plan from the weekend? Do you know that is what he told the team to do? No, I daresay you don't know any of that. Even if there was a plan like that, the players commitment on the weekend was crap. There was no heart in any of their performances.

Continue to bag price all you want, but last weekend was not only an issue based on the coach and the coaching staff, it was an issue with the players as well. They showed no desire to be on that field and in anybody's book that is a crap attitude to have in a professional sport where they get payed hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And you can crap on about it being the coaches job to motivate the team etc. That is correct to a certain extent. However, if week in week out you have to coach someone to have the desire to be on that field, then that player needs to be cut loose. They need to want to be on that field, they need to want to be playing in the red V, they need to want to put in 100% and they need to want to succeed. They need to show the desire to earn their keep and perform week in week out for the season. Not one player showed any of that on the weekend.

To me, that says that the players need to accept some blame for what happened on Sunday.

Don't get me wrong, Price has issues. But a coach can only do so much.


What I am saying is that if this thread didn't start nobody would be talking about apologies - but as per usual, everybody jumps on some bullshit statement and starts making a big deal out of it as though it was fact.

No I am not happy and you would know that if you had read any of my posts after the game. But I am not going to buy into this apology bullshit when there is nothing to support it.

How do you know it was an inept plan? Have you seen the game plan from the weekend? Do you know that is what he told the team to do? No, I daresay you don't know any of that. Even if there was a plan like that, the players commitment on the weekend was crap. There was no heart in any of their performances.

Continue to bag price all you want, but last weekend was not only an issue based on the coach and the coaching staff, it was an issue with the players as well. They showed no desire to be on that field and in anybody's book that is a crap attitude to have in a professional sport where they get payed hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And you can crap on about it being the coaches job to motivate the team etc. That is correct to a certain extent. However, if week in week out you have to coach someone to have the desire to be on that field, then that player needs to be cut loose. They need to want to be on that field, they need to want to be playing in the red V, they need to want to put in 100% and they need to want to succeed. They need to show the desire to earn their keep and perform week in week out for the season. Not one player showed any of that on the weekend.

To me, that says that the players need to accept some blame for what happened on Sunday.

Don't get me wrong, Price has issues. But a coach can only do so much.

Didn't mean to touch a nerve matey.


1. How do know know it was an inept plan ? Simple mate. I watched the game. As i have done so for his 2 plus years tenure. He picks players out of position, our forwards look like school kids based on his structure. Our defensive reads are appauling. Our options inside the 20 of the opposition is nothing short of " put it up and Hope".

2. If your logic prevails, then we must have a team of losers, when you suggest a coach doesnt / cannot instil pride and courage. The coach is all about man management. He got the team he wanted Dez.

3. Players reflect a culture. Again using your argument, we should dump the whole lot. Price cannot and doesn't inspire. ITS NOT HIS FAULT. He just cant.

Sorry Dez, but he has a talented squad, better than most. Its either 17-25 players not digging in , or 1 coach not motivating.

I for one, cant wait any more.


I'm glad he told the players to apologise. They should. It was rubbish. But yeah, I'd swap 1000 apologies from Hunt and Harrison for two apologies from Doust and Price. There truly is no leadership in this club.