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Price tells players to apologise to Fans

St Georgio

I don't understand why St George Illawarra Dragons don't have a coach, what's going on, I wonder if Parramatta smashes the Dragons by 40, if that may prompt Peter Doust to appoint a coach, it's hard to win games without a proper manager.
There is a guy free at the moment called Brian Smith.
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+1 , We have and are going nowhere. These are the actions of a coach who I think knows his time is up. To be in our third year of his crap coaching is unbelievable to me. I wonder if the teams performance is in revolt of his non existance coaching ability.

I reckon you are right ,it started a few weeks ago with NIGHTY openly talking about the swapping of the players selected at 7 and Widdop also mentioned it last week, up until this the scripted lines were all thats been offered to the media for the past 2 years, and for Nighty to say something it is even more noticeable ,because a better clubman you wouldnt find anywhere than NIGHTY.


All that you have said makes sense but as each week goes by ,just like last season , it almost looks like there isnt a plan ,they just play exactly the same way each week, obviously Price thinks the waiting in defence is a winner , i noticed Beale rushed up close on the line a couple of times and because he was the only one Laffai (I think) stepped around and cruised through the gap, you would think on the line there would be some urgency.In attack i noticed Gould commented when we were in their 20m ,"THEY WILL HAVE WORKED ON SOMETHING AT TRAINING THIS WEEK" , nothing happened Rein passes to a foward he gets tackled ,for a variaton rein goes himself or drops a foward back under with a drop off pass then the play breks down half the time before the backs get a crack at it . Its been this way for 2 and 1/2 years now and the new boys havent made much difference ,we are 13th on the ladder With only 4 teams having scored less points than us and 4 having had more points scored against them, and one of them is EELS who sit 4 places above us on the ladder.So all the expectation of point scoring etc has come to nothing as in my opinion we are at the same standard as we were last year, so PRICE has to wear the blame for that, its HIS TEAM THAT HE WANTED, he cant make statements like that at the start of the year when all the bullshit is flying around then hide behind excuses when due to poor preparation overseen by his goodself, the wheels fall off.

Could not have said it any better. Price has no come back at all after the last game. His press conference was embarrassing he looked like a stunned mullet out of water HE IS OUT OF HIS DEPTH he cant play with the big boys......


First Grade
I can't believe so many people are taking the sides of the players here.
FFS, they were terrible and they should apologise.

Doesn't mean Price is blameless but that was close to the worst performance from the players that I can remember.


First Grade
I can't believe so many people are taking the sides of the players here.
FFS, they were terrible and they should apologise.

Doesn't mean Price is blameless but that was close to the worst performance from the players that I can remember.
Very quick to blindly support the club adminstration as usual.

Price needs to go. If it doesnt happen soon Doust and the board will need to follow. Swift action is required

Drop Bear

Yes it was poor, but they play to a plan he gives, and I think defensively he has them holding back and not allowing them to get up quick off thier line and meet the attacking team at the advantage line.
They have defended like this for the past 2 years and it dosnt work.
The opposition make an easy 50+ meters nearly every set.
We are lucky to get 30 mtrs sometimes.
Watch the replay and you see.


Do we have any proof that Price actually asked the team to apologise to the fans? I've watched the presser and he calls them soft etc., but there's nothing about the team apologising to the fans.

For the record: Doust, Price, and the board should all apologise to the fans before the players.


First Grade
I can't believe so many people are taking the sides of the players here.
FFS, they were terrible and they should apologise.

Doesn't mean Price is blameless but that was close to the worst performance from the players that I can remember.

Sorry JB but Price is responsible for preparing the team physically, mentally and strategically and for a leader to shift blame is an act of cowardice as mentioned by some above.


The points discussed above with regards to doing the same thing every week and expecting a different result ,(which is the definition of stupidity), highlights also why a complete cleanout of coaching staff is required.With the jobs for internal candidates CULTURE also comes the recycling of old ideas and techniques in coaching ,if they haven't worked or played anywhere else they dont know any different, one thing thats become increasingly evident is that none of our methods are keeping up with evolution of the game ,including our strength and conditioning, so either the club keeps doing the SAME and expect a different outcome or clean the joint out ALA 2009 AND ACTUALLY GET A DIFFERENT RESULT.
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Players AND coach should accept responsibility and if they feel it helps take that step.
I think it's window dressing.


First Grade
Sorry JB but Price is responsible for preparing the team physically, mentally and strategically and for a leader to shift blame is an act of cowardice as mentioned by some above.

lol...you think their on field performance was acceptable?
Didn't look like any game plan was adhered to and I'd be bloody furious with my team also.

That was shit and you know it. I'm not arguing about Price or sticking up for him here mate, that's a no-brainer. The players were bloody awful on Sunday, regardless of who the coach is. I am pretty sure a coach (any coach) doesn't have his team practice soft hit-ups, flat or wayward passes, kicking out on the full, how to miss tackles and so on and so on.... We were shithouse and the performance of the players was completely unacceptable.
Many players managed to keep their worst performance of the year for last weekend.... Williams was poor, Harrison was poor, Widdop was average, Dugan was average, Thompson was average, Frizz was average, Beale was poor, Morris hardly got the ball but still had 3-4 tries scored down his side of the field
Half the threads in this forum are bagging individual players or team selections, maybe it's time to cut the driftwood as we are not in the same league as others.......not to mention the coach ! ;-)


First Grade
I can't believe so many people are taking the sides of the players here.
FFS, they were terrible and they should apologise.

Doesn't mean Price is blameless but that was close to the worst performance from the players that I can remember.

F#*k the apologies by anyone.I'm sick of the copout by coaches ,captains or whoever in pressas who take the simple option by apologising to fans.Anyone can say sorry,where was the apologyafter Souffs,Rooters,Broncos which were all sh*t performances.
How about Price start wielding the axe instead of publicly threatening it.
SORRY ,bullsh*t SORRY,don't want to hear it.
F#*k I've had enough of our board,Doust and the coach.

Godz Illa

Price has the team he wanted. A "clean out" would make him look even more ridiculous than he already does. The only driftwood that needs to be cut is the coaching staff


F#*k the apologies by anyone.I'm sick of the copout by coaches ,captains or whoever in pressas who take the simple option by apologising to fans.Anyone can say sorry,where was the apologyafter Souffs,Rooters,Broncos which were all sh*t performances.
How about Price start wielding the axe instead of publicly threatening it.
SORRY ,bullsh*t SORRY,don't want to hear it.
F#*k I've had enough of our board,Doust and the coach.

I hope you're not on blood pressure meds j.
Might need to double the dose.;-)


Price has the team he wanted. A "clean out" would make him look even more ridiculous than he already does. The only driftwood that needs to be cut is the coaching staff

I agree with the general sentiment, but not with the 'only' part.
Even the best coach can only do so much with any given squad.
We need a bit of concreting done in the pigs.


The apology I want is improved performance on the field where they play with heart for the full game. If they lose but play the best they can, then I can cop that on the chin and they can walk with their heads held high. Right now they don't deserve to wear the jersey.


First Grade
I hope you're not on blood pressure meds j.
Might need to double the dose.;-)

Just sick of the club taking us fans as mugs.
Ricky Stuart apologised to his clubs fans the other day,it's a copout,it's weak.
The only apology we should hear is Mitchell Pearce apologise to the victim if he did the wrong thing by her and to his club and fans.
Not from our coach and players for a feeble display.


Price needs needs to apologize and then stand down, but that won't happen.

after 1 NFL game. Greenbay packers legend coach, Vince Lombardi , in the dressing room, ask the whole defensive line team to apologize to whole Greenbay packer club

those big hulking men felt like mice trying to hide :oops: