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Pritchard Stabbed


Um,not everyone who has commented on this topic goes for penriff, so wrong again,brisbanite.:roll:
This latest drama is doing wonders for penriff's profile in the media,[edit]
I guess if you cant see the problem then it doesnt exist...:sarcasm:


Assistant Moderator
lockyrulz said:
I'm going on what has been reported you moron.

I can't belive how ridiculous some of you are over this. Anyone would think Tom Pritchard jumped on a knife just before it went into his kidnapped sister.

Dont worry morons, the truth will come out in the end. Will be hilarious to see how you all try and justify the Pritchards stupidity when it does.

You know as a Brisbaneite, I never really understood the whole 'Penriff' thing, now I do. No wonder Fittler couldn't wait to get out of the place, what an IQ vaccuum :lol:
Yeah Johnsy, where do get off arguing with Queenslanders. LOL!
And stopped teleporting into Penrith will you.


First Grade
Caged Panther said:
I don't know the details of what happened and there have been so many conflicting reports I couldn't even begin to contemplate what actually happened. I think the only truth there is at the moment is that both groups probably share some responsibility for the ultimate outcome.

I agree, and that's basically what Locky is saying.


First Grade
El Diablo said:
no it's not

Put aside the dramatics and it is.

Both sides seemingly contributed to the ultimate result which in all likelihood could have been avoided.


I am not usre if all QLD'ers are as thick as you or unable to read. As stated earlier, what is reported and what is fact are 2 completely different things, yet you are qite happy to take it as gospel.

Moron - A city of eastern Argentina, an industrial suburb of Buenos Aires. Population: 309,000. geees you are stupid hey.

Tom Shines

First Grade
I was actually at Liverpool Court on a totally unrelated matter, and when I came out there were cameras everywhere.
So I said to one of the camera guys: "We are appealing the decision, but no further comment." much to the slight amusement/indifference to his colleagues.
If only I had a jacket to put oveer my head as I walked out.


Willow said:
Yeah Johnsy, where do get off arguing with Queenslanders. LOL!
And stopped teleporting into Penrith will you.

Quite a handy skill hey Willow. I take it the mob mentality rules, if you are arguing against my point, you must be oe of them. Surely:crazy:


What amazes me is that one bloke, with a small pocket knife he doesn't usually carry (apparently he had it with him because he used it that day to cut a whipper snipper cord) could manage to carve up four large blokes armed with tyre levers.This was evidence given by his defence in court. What the Christ would he have done with a Samurai sword! Could it be that Bruce Lee is back among us.


Panther said:
What amazes me is that one bloke, with a small pocket knife he doesn't usually carry (apparently he had it with him because he used it that day to cut a whipper snipper cord) could manage to carve up four large blokes armed with tyre levers.This was evidence given by his defence in court. What the Christ would he have done with a Samurai sword! Could it be that Bruce Lee is back among us.

Dont know mate, i am sure Locky will know.


_Johnsy said:
I am not usre if all QLD'ers are as thick as you or unable to read. As stated earlier, what is reported and what is fact are 2 completely different things, yet you are qite happy to take it as gospel.

Moron - A city of eastern Argentina, an industrial suburb of Buenos Aires. Population: 309,000. geees you are stupid hey.

According to you they are, got any evidence of that?

Seen as thouigh you are such a genuis, you should be smart enough to realise that what is reported in the press, is a lot more accurate then total speculation, which is what the other side are using for an argument. Find me any article anywhere that supports the laughable rubbish being argued by peopel here. Where does it state anywhere that his sister was in immediate danger, even SHE hasn't stated that. You dont think she would have mentioned it by now if she was in a situation where her life was under direct threat??

To explain so that even an idiot can understand (not for your benefit of course, you being so clever and all) But media reports are based on something. ie reports from witnesses, police accounts etc. Made up hero stories about your fav footy players, are just that, made up stories. That's why I base my argument on what has been reported.

You just live in conspiracy land where everything in the news is some cover up or media beat up or blunder. Go check under your bed mate, might be a commie arab terrorist under there. Hell maybe Steve Irwin isn't dead after all, maybe the Iraq war is just a figment of the media's imagination! Maybe Kim Beazley is really the PM, but the press buggered it up as usual... stupid press hey.

Actually now that I think about it, you actually are pretty thick. Maybe you should teleport yourself to penrith, sounds to me like you would fit right in.


Panther said:
What amazes me is that one bloke, with a small pocket knife he doesn't usually carry (apparently he had it with him because he used it that day to cut a whipper snipper cord) could manage to carve up four large blokes armed with tyre levers.This was evidence given by his defence in court. What the Christ would he have done with a Samurai sword! Could it be that Bruce Lee is back among us.

Wow they took tyre levers did they.

Sensible chaps. How on earth did this ever end up violently? I mean, they probably only took the tyre levers so that they could offer to do some basic mechanics on the asians cars, you know, as a sign of good will.

Still I suppose the media will try and make ridiculous insinuations like they took them there to intimidate and brawl.

Pfft media...


hrundi99 said:
I agree, and that's basically what Locky is saying.
I thought he was saying that Tom Pritchard got what he deserved.

lockyrulz said:
Your an idiot.

What happened to the Prtichard's is what happens to idiots. It has nothing to do with karma.

Far more likely you will be the one in trouble, not me.

lockyrulz said:
I'm not surprised you're astounded. You are so utterly thick you haven't grasped my point in either of my posts.

I am in no way excusing those who threatened Pritchards sister. But we have a police force to deal with these matters. If everyone took up vigilante justice this whole country would be f**ked. Thanfully most of us aren't as freakin dumb as you.

Go check your local prisons. Go ask the prisoners what they would do in a similar situation. You will get a lot of satisfaction, they will agree with you completely. That's why they are in gaol.

Maybe they can save you a cell for when its your turn to f**k up and be a thicksh*t. Don't forget to drop the soap now will you?

People who sort their problems out by 'going to bash em' are morons who get what they deserve, and if you try and sort out all your problems with violence, eventually this will be the result.

Let me try and sum this up so even a complete moron like you can get it.

My way has everyone ok and alive. Thats why I'm immune to your 'karma' because I use my brain, try it sometime champ.

Your way has a guy nearly dead in hospital. Luckily no police officers died in the melee.

Glad you think its the right way of handling it... genius.
Yep. He was.

lockyrulz said:
According to you they are, got any evidence of that?

Seen as thouigh you are such a genuis, you should be smart enough to realise that what is reported in the press, is a lot more accurate then total speculation, which is what the other side are using for an argument. Find me any article anywhere that supports the laughable rubbish being argued by peopel here. Where does it state anywhere that his sister was in immediate danger, even SHE hasn't stated that. You dont think she would have mentioned it by now if she was in a situation where her life was under direct threat??

To explain so that even an idiot can understand (not for your benefit of course, you being so clever and all) But media reports are based on something. ie reports from witnesses, police accounts etc. Made up hero stories about your fav footy players, are just that, made up stories. That's why I base my argument on what has been reported.

You just live in conspiracy land where everything in the news is some cover up or media beat up or blunder. Go check under your bed mate, might be a commie arab terrorist under there. Hell maybe Steve Irwin isn't dead after all, maybe the Iraq war is just a figment of the media's imagination! Maybe Kim Beazley is really the PM, but the press buggered it up as usual... stupid press hey.

Actually now that I think about it, you actually are pretty thick. Maybe you should teleport yourself to penrith, sounds to me like you would fit right in.
Hmmm, have you made a post where you aren't calling people idiots or morons? Every post you act as though you're more aware of the facts then everyone else, including those involved. Afterall, how could you claim anyone deserved what they got... or were stupid for their actions, unless you were present first hand to view them?


ehhh coz I like red it in da newz and stuff

You know all those media reports you all think are great 'conpiracies' or some such crap.

What I am saying is based on media reports.

What you are counter claiming with isn't based on anything other than your surprisingly wild imagination.

Are you sure Frank wasn't wearing some sort of cape when he went there? Maybe he flew there faster then a speeding bullet...

Oh and for the record, I wasn't the first one to start hurling the insults in this thread, not that I intend to start sooking about it like you are.


ehhh coz I like red it in da newz and stuff

You know all those media reports you all think are great 'conpiracies' or some such crap.
So THAT's how you're so informed, and able to claim that people got what the deserved. Ohhhhh. Ok. Because you read it in the newspaper. And now have the whole story. Fair enough.

Are you sure Frank wasn't wearing some sort of cape when he went there? Maybe he flew there faster then a speeding bullet...
Frank isn't the one who took out 4 big islanders with weapons who were beating into him. The person charged with the stabbing is the super hero. Also extremely lucky that he had that knife he never carries around on him.

Oh and for the record, I wasn't the first one to start hurling the insults in this thread, not that I intend to start sooking about it like you are.
I don't recall saying that you started it. I was just asking if you had made a post where you didn't use insults.


Again, I never said I had the full story, I have enough of the story to make a judgement *edit*. An act almost certain to end in violence. *edit - speculation*. People this stupid deserve the consequences of their actions IMO.

Again, the asians who stabbed Tom are total scum who also deserve whatever their violent lives throw at them. Chances are, they will end up with a similar fate for the exact same reason Tom has. They will deserve it as well IMO. Unlike you, I don't feel the need to pick a side.

I'll stop calling people idiots when they stop posting idiotic things.


El Diablo said:

quite possibly the stupidest thing you've posted so far

Then you're a moron.

I mean give me a break, according to the crap you people go on with, you wouldn't believe anything that was in the press ever.

Are you seriously trying to tell me you don't watch the news or read the papers and have opinions on things unless you were actually there.

Tell me something mate, did World War 2 actually happen? I mean neither of us were there were we?

I'd say your post was the stupidest thing you have ever posted, but I dont know I reckon you have gone stupider before.

Oh and here is somethign to mull over genius, should the asian guy who stabbed Tom be charged and found guilty of an offence? Have a real good hard think about this one before answering mate...

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
Then you're a moron.


weren't you whining about abuse?

lockyrulz said:
I mean give me a break, according to the crap you people go on with, you wouldn't believe anything that was in the press ever.

the press don't know the full story atm. the police haven't even gathered all the facts together, yet

given the track record of some of the outlets it would be wrong to think what they have published is fact.

lockyrulz said:
Are you seriously trying to tell me you don't watch the news or read the papers and have opinions on things unless you were actually there.

i never trust the media when they report on certain things. the different media outlets quite often have conflicting stories on the same thing.

lockyrulz said:
Tell me something mate, did World War 2 actually happen? I mean neither of us were there were we?

is this a serious question :?

it probably is lol

lockyrulz said:
I'd say your post was the stupidest thing you have ever posted, but I dont know


you don't know

lockyrulz said:
Oh and here is somethign to mull over genius, should the asian guy who stabbed Tom be charged and found guilty of an offence? Have a real good hard think about this one before answering mate...

errr he has already been charged

it is up to the courts to decide if he's guilty, not me


El Diablo said:

weren't you whining about abuse?

the press don't know the full story atm. the police haven't even gathered all the facts together, yet

given the track record of some of the outlets it would be wrong to think what they have published is fact.

i never trust the media when they report on certain things. the different media outlets quite often have conflicting stories on the same thing.

is this a serious question :?

it probably is lol


you don't know

errr he has already been charged

it is up to the courts to decide if he's guilty, not me

Yes he has been charged. And thank god for that. The media outlets you refer to as questionable have done little other then report police and court statements. Enough info it seems for a charge to be laid.

I asked you if he should have been charged, not if he was. Do you agree with the decision or not?

And no I'm not complaining about abuse. Couldn't care less really.