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Problems at LWOS


Willow maybe your reading my comment differently to what I am. I was trying to say that we can't set guidelines because that would mean censoring people which defeats the purpose of this place.


The rest is just both sides playing off against each other. Broncos fans have said why we don't post and the other side are saying we only have ourselves to blame why the Broncos section is floundering.
Basically the recurring point is that Broncos fans can have a post with out it being brought down to the level of people who want to sling shit continually. Simple as that, I enjoy when the rival fans voice their opinions on the Broncos but its annoying when the chip in for the sake of it with stupid comments.

I think I've broken the record now for saying the same thing over about 10 bloody posts. Would you like me to repeat it another 10 times for ya? :p


Broncos fans can have a post with out it being brought down
should say...
Broncos fans can't have a post with out it being brought down


Fanballer, when I want your oppinion, I'll friggin well ask for it, just as I would with Jeremy's. If I want to feel down or up that's my f*ckin prerogative and not for you and the pre-pubescent kiwi to comment on.


Assistant Moderator
"Would you like me to repeat it another 10 times for ya?"
No mate, thats not neccessary. I was referring to the spirited show from Ms Storm and art of engaging in quality biffo.

st ted

An excellent initiative indeed,this thread.
From my perspective, and that is one of chronic lurker and occassional contributor to this forum, and also one who was a nominated and defeated candidate(rightly so) as a manager of this site not long after you established it,may I offer the following observations.
1.This forum seems to have taken a life of its own in an elite manner.The reason for its creation was to exclude the "I love Girds" and other teeny bopper shit.I reckoned at the time that may be a mistake.I mean "I love Girds" could grow into a person who becomes a long term member.
2.The majority of members here write detailed posts, on varying topics that are very well argued and after a lengthy period,it may become a case of familiarity breeds contempt.
3.This thread in itself has been a forum for the Broncos fans to spell out their disenchantment.If they are that concerned then one would have thought it would be worthy of its own thread.If that is the only issue to deal with then really this thread would not be in existence.
4.To me, interestingly enough, the contributors on this forum are more reasoned and generally willing to accept anothers point of view.I don't have a problem with some creative abuse and a person expressing their point of view passionately.
5.Crucially,this site has lost some entertainment value.It is a bit like the ABC news, respected,informative and reliable.That is great for the regulars,but never likely to attract and keep the ratings higher than an expected level.
6.Simply put,there is notenough footytalk.For footy talk,I go to WORL and only the Dragons site.I could put a post here about Farrar being sacked(hopefully it is true) and it would radidly sink.

7.To me there have been some defining threads that have caused some folk to lose faith in their fellow posters(I am one of those).The thread that caused me to think that there are better places to spend time was the one about the cops.Some argued vehemently about their sanctity and piousness and took the issue personally, when others said they were just corrupt.I mean that is, Iknow, a simplification, but the level of immaturity displayed by people who joined a community for more intellectual stimulationwas surprising.
8.My personal point of view is that basically, I really enjoy my time here, but it is a fairly predictable forum, but I like the ABC news.
9.Please do not hesitate to criticise anything I have said.


Willow, ms storm does cop some unnecessary shit at times and thats the whole point its not quality biffo the Broncos fans are recieving.

Thanks for that st ted, I agreed with alot of that.
I have a go at the Broncos on frequent occassions. On the other hand, I support Matt Gidley, despite the opinions of the majority on this forum, and i'll argue with anyone who wants to have a goon that subject.

That's what free speech and an open forum is all about.

As a Knights fan, I could spend all my time on the Knights forum agreeing with everyone else that all our players are perfect. I haven't looked at the Broncos forum, but I'm sure it's similar. Fact is, I come to an open forum to exchange views with people who have varying opinions. The best part of that is proving your point well enough to change someone else's opinion on a subject.

The point I am trying to make is that a debate on any subject is just good, clean fun, unless you take it the wrong way, or someone goes too far. I think people rarely go too far in this forum.


Bronco, the answer to you problems in the Broncos section seems very simple to me.

Take a leaf out of Tony's book...

Instead of sitting back whining and criticising about posts that are already up, get in there and post anything and everything about the Broncos.

People will sift thru and respond to any, all or some, that's the idea.

Don't get all upset about other people's opinions if they don't happen to agree with you all the time. Have your opinion, and better happy with that.


i'm filthy on the broncos for letting the roosters advance to next weeks grand final,our game needs that like a hole in the head,the nrlneeds aclause that states''for the good of the game easts cannot advance past prelimanary final week''.




LOL I don't want to be the guy posting mindless drivel, any post on the broncos I've made has died a quick death because Broncos fans on this forum just don't post anymore. I'm really sick of sounding like a broken record and bored of the subject now. Fact is Broncos posters don't post on the Broncos these days, the damage has been done.

El Duque

Like I said earlier some of the people whinging here in this thread have no problems bagging other people's views on their clubs players/team.Roopy's views on Gidley are an excellent example of someone who cops A LOT of shit but seems to wear it on the chin.
Let he without sin cast the first stone.(I know it's a quote from the biggest load of bullshit ever written but it comes in handy sometimes)


Just wana quickly say that IMHO this is far from a useless dicussion thread, and though I have no problems, I do enjoy reading other peoples comments made here.
I also hope to see more posts from many mentioned earlier in this peice.
PS: There's always the BOXING section:DThings are sweet as in there. The best posts on this ForumIMHO are scattered in their. :)
Cheers guys.


I suggest that the titles of threads should make it clear as to what they're about. I say this because I usually start on All Topics, and it's nice to be able to tell whether a thread may be of interest without having to open it to see what it's really about. I know this is not a big deal; just a suggestion.

Also, I wonder if there is enough interest to start a new section about UFO's.:)


Hello everyone.
I just typed out a long post on Sugar Ray Robinson (like I promised I would before I departed just overa week ago)and hit the send button. But I don't see it anywhere on the message boardpage or the Boxing section. It was a newdiscussion I started called Sugar Ray Robison - P4PThe Greatest of All Time.Can someone please tell me what happened to it. Is it in the archives somewhere.Please do not tell me it has gone walkabouts. I spent alot of time typing it out.
What did I do wrong? Please help.
A Javaman shattered :((


Javaman: I have had that happen to me a few times. I assume it is some sort of internet glitch. Another poster once advised me to save messages somehow before sending them, but I'm not sure exactly what he meant. Someone with more expertise can probably help.
I'm pretty sure you may have lost it Javaman.
It's not the first time it has happened on a Nine MSN Community Forum, and certainly not the first or last time here at LWOS. It's a problem with MSN rather than LWOS. I may be wrong on that, but I'm sure a moderator will clarrify it.
Try using a MicrosoftWords programe (document)next time or similar. Write it. Store it. And then copy and paste it on a post here. That way, if you have similar problems in the future, you can re-post it without it being lost for good.
I was looking forward to reading it. Shame reall that. Sorry mate.
Just wondering what does cause that BTW?



Assistant Moderator
Sorry to hear that you lost your post. I can confirm that it has nothing to do with this particular forum.

NineMsn is a free message board forum and is powered by a server which is outside of our control. In any case,computers and in particular, theinternetare not reliableand sometimes things go astray.

The first rule ofthumb is to save it. This has been the case since the invention of the PC.

1.) The simplest way is just type it up in text or word and save it to your desktop or folder of choice (eg 'My Documents' in Windows). This is highly advisable for anything thatwill takemore than a few minutes to type up.
Once done, you 'select all' of the text (from the drop down menu) and then copy.
When you have the LWOS send message window open, you then hit the CTRL + V keys. (or SHIFT + INSERT, gets same result). This will paste the message in and then you only need to hit the send button.
If the system fails, you at least have it saved for another go

2.) You can also copy the message before sending. You do this by simply dragging your mouse over the entire text area of the message. This will highlight all the words. You then press the CTRL + C keys. If done correctly, this will temporarily save your message in your computer's clip board. If the system fails, you click on reply to re-open the send window and paste the message (CTRL + V) again.

Try it and please ask again if it isnt clear.

And btw, thanks for the query... these are problems that are easily solved once you know how.
