Well it seems my whinge to Fastways worked. The PS5 arrived yesterday. The thing is f**king huge, I knew it was supposed to be pretty big, but was still surprised at the size of it when I unpacked it.
Got it set up & started to have a bit of a play. After a few minutes it kept going into rest mode. Press the PS button & it wakes back up & puts you back where you were. Tried a few times & couldn't get more than 10 minutes without it happening. Did a quick search online & it seems others are having similar problems. The suggestion seemed to be turning off the ability to go into rest mode in the settings. Tried that & it made no difference. I called the Sony support number & we tried a few things, safe mode, reset etc. Still just wanted to go to sleep.
After the game finished last night I did a bit more searching. Found a thread on reddit that suggested turning off the HDMI link in settings. How that will make a difference makes no sense to me, but gave it a go. Problem solved, played for about an hour after that with no issues.
The new controller is amazing. I'm not really into platform games, but gave Astros Playroom a go once the issues were sorted. The feedback through the controller is nuts & the haptic triggers are very cool. I thought the X Box elite controller was the benchmark, but the Duel Sense is on a whole new level. You even blow on the thing to get a propeller spinning, hopefully a lot of the next gen games make full use of it. The only other game I played was GT Sport, the loading times seem a lot faster now & the graphics are sharper, other than that no difference.
Now the wait for some next gen games I'm interested in. GT7 is still a while off, so might give Cyber Punk a go when it drops.