They should just ask them what they've got... :sarcasm:
So apparently they're done.
So apparently they're done.
Just in time for round 1![]()
Cronulla's good friend PM Abbo has appointed a lawyer to look at ASADA'S evidence against 30 players. By round 12 the league will have an answer.If they haven't laid any charges yet, I'd be surprised if "reviewing" yields any additional charges.
Cronulla's good friend PM Abbo has appointed a lawyer to look at ASADA'S evidence against 30 players. By round 12 the league will have an answer.
If you read the news reports no one is saying any of the 30 are at Cronulla.Clutching at straws db...... Only 4 are current sharks first graders..... Two of which are bench players. Legal minefield whichever way you look at it. How's your mob looking for the season ahead?
Drug wise, no idea. But if they cheated they deserve to be outed.
If i were Cronulla, i'd be getting the lawyers on the phone & line up news ltd & ASADA for loss of income, debts incurred, damage of reputation & defamation.
And if successful, the players should all line up & do the same.
Won't happen though
Interesting what Andruska said & did in regards to the media.
Firstly , you all have to remeber the timing of the leaks.
Secondly, you have to analyse, who would benefit from the headlines, at htat particualr time.
So Andruska , once aware of the leaks called in Deloittes & AFP to find the leaks.
This says one thing to me. The media reports were accurate.
it also says mountains about somebody I thought was a scumbag left leaning political animal. Good on her.
Thirdly Andruskas response when asked who does she think was leaking the information. She obviously knew, but wouldnt say.
There should be an investigation into those labor scumbag cutie phucckwitt merkin scumbag lowlifes ASAP!!!