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Queensland - the TRUE MYTH


Post Whore
I stand corrected. There has been one sub-6000 game in the NRL era in Brisbane. There just haven't been any that involved a team from within a thousand kilometres.

Since you've got the stats at hand, how many have there been in Sydney?

But it's Rugby League heartland! They're clamouring to go to every game of RL They can get their hands on! No apathy whatsoever!

I don't give a f**k how many in Sydney. I give a f**k that you do NO research whatsoever...

Sam I Am

I don't give a f**k how many in Sydney. I give a f**k that you do NO research whatsoever...

So in other words, you will turn a blind eye to the fact that there are many more sub-6000 crowds in Sydney? Thought so.

Sadly, commercial realities mean that clubs will not be able to live in the past like you for too much longer.


Post Whore
I've got no problem if clubs die of their own accord. There's no need to rush it on, it'll happen soon enough.

But culling clubs before they're dead is stupid. When Cronulla finally croaks it won't be because they were booted in some archaic criteria system, it'll be because they simply couldn't keep up with the rest of the league. They'll have no one to blame but themselves.


Yea and I'm sure you will feel the same way if Manly wre to 'croak'

No you would be bitching your ring off and demanding the NRL saves you.

Did it occurr to you that having a Sydney that regulalry made money, would give the game a greater capacity to invest and survive hard times?

Your theory says lets piss money against a wall until the situation becomes so god awful that there is nothing left. What a waste! And for what? the clubs die anyway.


Post Whore
I'm a league fan first, and I'm off the opinion we've got a decade tops in Sydney.

If the club can't survive, I'll take my medicine. It's because I care about the game not just my club.


So do I, precisely why I would prefer a long term, proactive approach to a problem identified long before SL.

Besides even if Manly are no longer in the NRL, surely you would still watch them on a sunday arvo at Brookie in the nswrl?

It's still footy. Local league up here is great to watch.


So do I, precisely why I would prefer a long term, proactive approach to a problem identified long before SL.

Besides even if Manly are no longer in the NRL, surely you would still watch them on a sunday arvo at Brookie in the nswrl?

It's still footy. Local league up here is great to watch.
Your a spastic!
It's still footy. Local league up here is great to watch.

The first time I'll applaud something you have said.
Local league, in any state, is damn great to watch. Up here on the Coast, it's great. Like a NRL match, it's a great day out.
People keep forgetting these matches sometimes.


The first time I'll applaud something you have said.
Local league, in any state, is damn great to watch. Up here on the Coast, it's great. Like a NRL match, it's a great day out.
People keep forgetting these matches sometimes.


If there is an upside to traditionalists about 'losing' their clubs, it might be that more people go to local league matches.

My gripe all along with peope like loudstrat has never been that they would refuse to support another NRL club, it's that they say they will abandon league altogether.


It's a great alternative. I've been doing it for years and always will

If you weren't such a f**kwit you probably would too.

Guess we will never know.

Unlike yours, My team has survived in the elite comp for over 60 years.

But thanks for being a f*ckwit and ditching the NRL for your little local league.

My gripe all along with peope like loudstrat has never been that they would refuse to support another NRL club, it's that they say they will abandon league altogether.

Please quote where I have said that of f*ck off back to your drug den.


First Grade
Yea and I'm sure you will feel the same way if Manly wre to 'croak'

No you would be bitching your ring off and demanding the NRL saves you.

Did it occurr to you that having a Sydney that regulalry made money, would give the game a greater capacity to invest and survive hard times?

Your theory says lets piss money against a wall until the situation becomes so god awful that there is nothing left. What a waste! And for what? the clubs die anyway.

So in the interest of a long term solution, we all know Brisbane needs two teams. Lets disolve the current Brisbane team, split the assets and create two new teams to create a level field for both teams to be successful. All in favour?


First Grade
Funny, it's only the Queenslanders who whinge at the integrity of the stats. Don't say why, or explain how they are wrong. Just whinge.

12 game a year. That's what this boils down to. Brisbane can only support 12 games per year. There was a side that cam along and offered another 12 once. The response almost killed the game.

Face it - Brisbane is a part time Rugby League town.

A town with the most successful club team in the last 20 years and home to the more successful state in State of Origin.

Not bad for a 'part-time' rugby league town ey Loudstrat?


Unlike yours, My team has survived in the elite comp for over 60 years.
Awww aint that sweet. If only I gave a f**k, and your comment had the slightest relevance to what anyone was discussing.
But thanks for being a f*ckwit and ditching the NRL for your little local league.
Who said anything about me ditching the NRL? That is what you and your ilk wank on about in your sooky litle tirades.

Please quote where I have said that of f*ck off back to your drug den.
Your posts are painful enough to read the first time, I am not about to troll through pages of your geniusation just to show the forum you are an utter f**kwit.

I think they've worked that one out for themselves misery.
Last edited:


So in the interest of a long term solution, we all know Brisbane needs two teams. Lets disolve the current Brisbane team, split the assets and create two new teams to create a level field for both teams to be successful. All in favour?

Who said brisbane needs two teams? Ideally they would have, but again the horse has bolted.

There is enough room for a logan/towoomba/ipswich team and it should be a priority.

Sorry to give a sensible response to your idiotic bullsh*t.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I don't think he's suggesting they take part in RL part-time you goose, he's suggesting they get far less RL than Sydney. The market in Sydney is saturated and whether you like it or not, people do attend. The Queensland logic is that there must by 30,000 people at every match and that's not necessarily true.

As long as the clubs can turn a profit or at the very least minimise the losses, things will be fine. Only Cronulla are the truly struggling ones (despite reports, Parramatta ISN'T the financial basketcase the media have made them out) in this mess. They're also the only club whose area is truly dominated by another (they're smack bang in between Saints' two heartlands).

So far this year there have been some great crowd figures... the averages are below and I've included last years for relevance. Deep green means they're increased this year, light green means they're only just up (by less than 1000), and brown down by less than 1000, and red means down.

Brisbane 38748
2008 - 33426

Bulldogs 20927
2008 - 14233

Roosters 20777
2008 - 13970

Warriors 20084
2008 - 11444

North Qld 18911
2008 - 18102

Gold Coast 18600
2008 - 21618

Newcastle 15701
2008 - 18750
- stadium has reduced capacity

Dragons 15604
2008 - 12596

Wests Tigers 15590
2008 - 15370
- moved from ANZ to SFS

South Sydney 15383
2008 - 14644

Penrith 14190
2008 - 10899

Parramatta 14116
2008 - 13528

Manly 13417
2008 - 13694

Melbourne 12970
2008 - 12474

Canberra 11097
2008 - 11913

Cronulla 9750
2008 - 12965

There goes your theory... only three clubs in Sydney with decreased crowds so far in 2009, and only one has had a severe dent made - a club which is under enormous media pressure and taking steps to ensure it's future. Meanwhile, a 3000 per game drop in the Titans' crowds is surely a concern...?

Lastly would you look there... that top four in the home average chart... two NSW teams and one QLD team.

Go on, call me flaccid again... resort to petty insults when you can offer little else - it's entertaining.

Sam I Am

The market in Sydney is saturated and whether you like it or not, people do attend.

Indeed they do. Just not enough of them.

The Queensland logic is that there must by 30,000 people at every match and that's not necessarily true.

Couldn't agree more. Ideally there would be a large crowd at every match. Not only would I like this. So would the NRL, the clubs, the sponsors, the players, the broadcasters...

Flaccid, you are the only person who doesn't want large crowds. What's the weather like on your planet this morning?

As long as the clubs can turn a profit or at the very least minimise the losses, things will be fine.

Same old Sydney myopia. As long the clapped out old Model T can keep spluttering along all will be well. What's wrong with a couple of hundred people on a grassy hill, as long as losses aren't too big.

You're like a broken record, which is somewhat fitting. LPs are very twentieth century.

Brisbane 38748
2008 - 33426


Bulldogs 20927
2008 - 14233

To be balanced, this is also very good.

But now the NSW excuses started kicking in.

Newcastle 15701
2008 - 18750
- stadium has reduced capacity

The crowds are bad because the capacity is reduced? It hasn't been reduced to 15,000! They are hardly turning people away at the gates. Which is a shame because Newcastle is a club that could do with some financial stability...

Wests Tigers 15590
2008 - 15370
- moved from ANZ to SFS

Is there any relevance to this comment (as opposed to most of your commentary)? Would their average be 20,000 had they stayed there? Of course not.

Manly 13417
2008 - 13694

This one is a really worry. Manly should be doing much better. Still, at least they've got that grass hill to mow...

Cronulla 9750
2008 - 12965

Maybe people should stop talking about relocating Cronulla as an NRL team. They are well on their way to be entered straight into the Queensland Cup. As is.

There goes your theory... only three clubs in Sydney with decreased crowds so far in 2009...

Theory. Who is talking about theories? We are directly observing the week support in Sydney.

Go on, call me flaccid again... resort to petty insults when you can offer little else - it's entertaining.

It is rather entertaining, isn't it? That is undoubtedly why your have taken to copying my responses. Good for you!

Naturally, despite my detailed response, you will simply claim that I have read none of it etc, etc. Flaccid.