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First Grade
Newcastle might of recruited Wally if he had a drug habit

You know Johns is pretty good when the tall poppy syndrome kicks in about his off field indiscretions that he himself publicly disclosed!

To do what Joey did on the pitch whilst coming down from performance stifling drugs is incredible. But to insult someone for admitting they had a problem and picking themselves back up just shows a total lack of compassion, forgiveness, understanding or maturity but demonstrates a lot of envy, self loathing and frustration.

Small mindedness.

Big Pete

Good post.

My only concern with Johns is if he took those drugs DURING the season. If he did, he shouldn't of been playing and it's unfair to the likes of Maitua who had to cop a suspension.

Great player though.


And for the Record Johns was always wanted at club level - Lewis was rubbish in the ARL and punted from the Broncos to lead Gold Coast into oblivion. Don't hate Johns because he could turn up more than 3 times a year to play some footy.

I'm not going to get into a Lewis vs. Johns debate, because I feel to compare a player who played with a leather ball, no 40/20 and a 5 metre defensive line to a player who played against a 10 metre defensive line, a synthetic Steeden and a 40/20 rule, is like arguing science vs. religion. :crazy::crazy:

That said, to suggest that "Lewis wasn't wanted at club level" is either your bias talking, your youth (never watched rugby league pre-1992) or your desire to try and get "one up" in a state of origin thread.

There once was a very strong QRL....please go ahead and try and deny it. Because many NSWRL associates will tell you it was a lesser league, yet it was full of QLDers who made their name in the QRL. SoO was born from it, and we raped you the first 4 years.

Wally's was the "GI", "Johns" or 'Slater" of his era and Queensland businessmen moved heaven and earth to keep him in the QRL. However that said, every time he played what Sydney had to offer (SoO, Amco Cup, touring QLD sides, etc.) he dominated.

I recognise Johns as a great, same as the very under rated Peter Sterling, however I can never understand why NSWelshmen still don't recognise not only how great Wally Lewis was, but also what he did for the game!

A Sydney crowd once boo'ed him....problem was he was lifting the Ashes in a Kangaroos jersey!!!:x:x

Guess that shows the real dog psyche of the average NSW RL fan.
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And that is why he is the greatest of all time. :)
I'm sure he was a substantial user, but the greatest of all time, PUH-lease :roll:

You know Johns is pretty good when the tall poppy syndrome kicks in about his off field indiscretions that he himself publicly disclosed!
He only spilled the beans to his mate Gus after being caught in possession while in London.

But to insult someone for admitting they had a problem and picking themselves back up
You must be sure he's no longer on the gear then? :shock:


I'm not going to get into a Lewis vs. Johns debate, because I feel to compare a player who played with a leather ball, no 40/20 and a 5 metre defensive line to a player who played against a 10 metre defensive line, a synthetic Steeden and a 40/20 rule, is like arguing science vs. religion. :crazy::crazy:

That said, to suggest that "Lewis wasn't wanted at club level" is either your bias talking, your youth (never watched rugby league pre-1992) or your desire to try and get "one up" in a state of origin thread.

There once was a very strong QRL....please go ahead and try and deny it. Because many NSWRL associates will tell you it was a lesser league, yet it was full of QLDers who made their name in the QRL. SoO was born from it, and we raped you the first 4 years.

Wally's was the "GI", "Johns" or 'Slater" of his era and Queensland businessmen moved heaven and earth to keep him in the QRL. However that said, every time he played what Sydney had to offer (SoO, Amco Cup, touring QLD sides, etc.) he dominated.

I recognise Johns as a great, same as the very under rated Peter Sterling, however I can never understand why NSWelshmen still don't recognise not only how great Wally Lewis was, but also what he did for the game!

A Sydney crowd once boo'ed him....problem was he was lifting the Ashes in a Kangaroos jersey!!!:x:x

Guess that shows the real dog psyche of the average NSW RL fan.

So you cannot deny the fact Lewis was punted at club level? Thanks for clearing that up.

Lewis was great no doubt, but for you QLD's to say Johns was second fiddle at Origin level and then to rant when Lewis's piss poor club record (complete with a Bronco punting) is brought up in argument is a bit precious. :lol:


So you cannot deny the fact Lewis was punted at club level? Thanks for clearing that up.

Lewis was great no doubt, but for you QLD's to say Johns was second fiddle at Origin level and then to rant when Lewis's piss poor club record (complete with a Bronco punting) is brought up in argument is a bit precious. :lol:

Firstly, I don't know which QLDers were arguing that. It certainly wasn't me.

Secondly, you do realise Lewis was at the end of his career?

Like I said, only an idiot would try and compare a player from the 80's to a player from the mid 90's/2000's. Totally different game....unless you don't actually understand that?


Firstly, I don't know which QLDers were arguing that. It certainly wasn't me.

Secondly, you do realise Lewis was at the end of his career?

Like I said, only an idiot would try and compare a player from the 80's to a player from the mid 90's/2000's. Totally different game....unless you don't actually understand that?

Where did i ever compare them? You simpleton. :lol:

I merely raised a valid point regarding Lewis. A tit for tat thing that happens in this forum this time of year. Learn to live with it and also learn to read english and not raise your whole argument based on something i never wrote but most only exist in your mind. (to make it simple for you - the Johns / Lewis comparison.)


Yeah, and Johns would have gone to Union except they didn't want him due to the drug habit. hmmmm he sure was great :lol:

Oh dear, i think even most QLD's will leave you behind right where you are with that one. You are quite obviously 14 years old.

Big Pete

Where did i ever compare them? You simpleton. :lol:

I merely raised a valid point regarding Lewis. A tit for tat thing that happens in this forum this time of year. Learn to live with it and also learn to read english and not raise your whole argument based on something i never wrote but most only exist in your mind. (to make it simple for you - the Johns / Lewis comparison.)

Because your point isn't valid.


Because your point isn't valid.

Just because there isn't a single QLD argument that can dispute Lewis's more than questionable ability outside a few rep games per year does not make a point invalid.

Try again.

You want to say Johns was second fiddle for a couple of Origin Games - i'll raise you a Lewis punted from the Broncos.


Oh dear, i think even most QLD's will leave you behind right where you are with that one. You are quite obviously 14 years old.
The Johns / Union thing is fact buddy, you need to accept it.

Johns is quite simply just a grub.

I'm reminded of the staunch actions of Benny Ikin who walked out on Ch9 on principle because he didn't like the stuff they were reporting about his old man.
Compare that to A.Johns who can't wait to throw himself into his brother's, barely warm, chair after Ch9 shaft him mercilessly.

Oh yeah Joey, you are a legend :lol:

Big Pete

Just because there isn't a single QLD argument that can dispute Lewis's more than questionable ability outside a few rep games per year does not make a point invalid.

Try again.

You want to say Johns was second fiddle for a couple of Origin Games - i'll raise you a Lewis punted from the Broncos.

Mate your ignorance is astounding.

You're basically wiping 10 years of Lewis' history to make some petty argument so you can feel better about your favourite player.

The Broncos didn't drop Lewis because he was a bad player by the by, they were just smarter than your rabble of a club and realised that Rugby League is a team sport and they shouldn't have to rely on one player. Proved to be a master stroke as the club went onto win a premiership two years later.


Again you've missed the point.

I never said Johns was better than Lewis or that Lewis was a sh*t player.

QLD'r questioned a piece of Johns career - i questioned part of Lewis's career? Kicks up a sh*tstorm of QLD tears who claim i have said things i NEVER said. Read the thread again Pete you plonker.

f**king idiots.


First Grade
The Johns / Union thing is fact buddy, you need to accept it.

Corner poster - what is your fixation with Joey having had a drug problem? The guy revealed he has depression and bi - polar and you want to kick him for it. Substance abuse and bi -polar is so common it almost goes hand in hand!

Johns is quite simply just a grub.

In your somewhat highly limited and narrow opinion. Gee I hope your kids, if you have any, are perfect and without fault because your attitude towards human mistake and imperfection is rather harsh.

I'm reminded of the staunch actions of Benny Ikin who walked out on Ch9 on principle because he didn't like the stuff they were reporting about his old man.
Compare that to A.Johns who can't wait to throw himself into his brother's, barely warm, chair after Ch9 shaft him mercilessly.

Oh yeah Joey, you are a legend :lol:

Well thats apples and oranges.

Ben Ikin left voluntarily because channel 9 was going to reveal his Dad's business was in liquidation owing 10 million to investors. Thats called news. When Daddy loses other peoples money to that tune - people want investigations to know where it went.

Thus, Ben didn't need to walk but did so because he didn't like the news (and in my opinion perhaps could not stand the heat on his father).

Mathew Johns was shafted? No it was Mathew Johns and his teammates that did the shafting that resulted in his being stood down. I'm not suggesting Mathew did anything criminal else charges would have been laid. But you cannot say his reputation was not in tatters and channel 9 in order to protect their ratings and keep their audience base did not have the right to dismiss him.

Whether Joey should still work at channel 9 is a family matter and not for us to judge but I question why you say Joey should quit his job and walk when he unlike Ikin can accept the news that his family members actions actions cost him his and negative publicity (when Joey can stand the heat)?
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Big Pete

Again you've missed the point.

I never said Johns was better than Lewis or that Lewis was a sh*t player.

QLD'r questioned a piece of Johns career - i questioned part of Lewis's career? Kicks up a sh*tstorm of QLD tears who claim i have said things i NEVER said. Read the thread again Pete you plonker.

f**king idiots.

Where did I compare either player?

I just answered your question is all and you carried on a treat.


Staff member
I'm reminded of the staunch actions of Benny Ikin who walked out on Ch9 on principle because he didn't like the stuff they were reporting about his old man.
Compare that to A.Johns who can't wait to throw himself into his brother's, barely warm, chair after Ch9 shaft him mercilessly.

what the f**k? :lol:



Corner poster - what is your fixation with Joey having had a drug problem? The guy revealed he has depression and bi - polar and you want to kick him for it.
I'd like to you to quote where I've 'kicked' Johns for his mental problems? Otherwise you can STFU and cease putting words into my mouth.

If you insist on burning my eyes with your inane ramblings, then what are you thoughts on your Newie mate's "Lewis only played 3 games a year" junk?

Well thats apples and oranges.
The two situations are similar enough to show that Ben's a staunch stand-up character while the pill popper is not.


First Grade
I'd like to you to quote where I've 'kicked' Johns for his mental problems? Otherwise you can STFU and cease putting words into my mouth.

If Joey's drug addiction was not a mental problem - then what the hell was it? Given you know Johns suffers bi - polar, and as an adult you should have enough general knowledge to know the correlation that approximately half the victims of bi - polar suffer substance abuse which would suggest a strong potential causal link in Joey's abuse you still made the following posts in this thread alone;

Newcastle might of recruited Wally if he had a drug habit

I'm sure he was a substantial user, but the greatest of all time, PUH-lease

You must be sure he's no longer on the gear then?

Yeah, and Johns would have gone to Union except they didn't want him due to the drug habit. hmmmm he sure was great

If you insist on burning my eyes with your inane ramblings, then what are you thoughts on your Newie mate's "Lewis only played 3 games a year" junk?

I disagree. He definitely played bloody well in test matches too! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do not drag me into your quarrels - I pick and choose mine.

The two situations are similar enough to show that Ben's a staunch stand-up character while the pill popper is not.

By staunch stand up character do you mean running away from a job in the media because the media you work for wants to investigate daddy's liquidated company owing 10 million dollars to investors, as in the boss wants to report the news and not just do sports commentary?

But Joey is not a staunch stand up character for not demonstrating his disagreement by walking from his job following the decision that because Mathew Johns popularity plummeted due to his publicised sexual acts he should have been canned? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Joey thought - well you lost your job with your actions but that is no reason for me to lose mine! Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Joey agreed with Channel nine's decision? Sometimes people make decisions rationally, sometimes emotionally. Joey made his. Must have been easy to run away from the screen when his family member's negative publicity broke like Ikin did - but he manned up and went to work!

You mean that similar enough?
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If Joey's drug addiction was not a mental problem - then what the hell was it?
Undoubtably a great number of people with mental illness afflictions do not revert to illegal drug abuse. Likewise there are a great deal of illegal drug abusers who are not diagnosed with mental illness.
It was certainly a less shambolic way for Joey to explain his illegal drug use. I guess only he and his Dr know for sure, while the rest of us can accept his explanation or speculate about alternate theories.

By staunch stand up character <blah> </blah>
:lol: You're willing to argue A.Johns was more likely to make a decision without emotion and man-up to his worries :lol: FAIL
It's far more likely he simply dropped an eccie then 'went to work', as you put it.