Undoubtably a great number of people with mental illness afflictions do not revert to illegal drug abuse.
Likewise there are a great deal of illegal drug abusers who are not diagnosed with mental illness.
I would ask you to define "great deal" but then I decided that you have already agreed with my point that drug addiction often goes hand in hand with diagnosed mental illness as you had not disagreed but merely pointed out it was not absolute. Thanks for that. I was well aware - for future reference - thats why I used the words "CORRELATION" and "POTENTIAL."
I would then point out to you that of those "great deal" drug abusers that do not have diagnosed mental issue possibles may suffer mental illnesses that are not even diagnosable yet further depleting the remainder as they have have disorders not yet recognized as conditions; this is likely because drug addiction does not seem a rational choice for a happy mentally stable person to make so sayeth the law and because scientific and medical research is continually advancing; but scientific talk may be too much for you too handle.
It was certainly a less shambolic way for Joey to explain his illegal drug use. I guess only he and his Dr know for sure, while the rest of us can accept his explanation or speculate about alternate theories.
You're suggesting Joey's Doctor lied about his patient having depression and bi-polar?
Thats well hell of a conspiracy theory! You actually think a Doctor would risk his credibility and integrity let alone his profession to cover Joey caught with a pill. You actually think Joey would admit to depression if he did not have it? Do you have any more conspiracy theories? Did you have a good relationship with your father? Have you considered medication to slow down your conspiracy theories?
For what its worth, when Joey was first caught - I think a reasonable person is more likely to think that Joey lied about someone putting something in his pocket than to admit to the public he has depression and bi-polar! You really do not think much of him but people with conspiracy theories are known to often suffer paranoia schizophrenia.
:lol: You're willing to argue A.Johns was more likely to make a decision without emotion and man-up to his worries :lol: FAIL
It's far more likely he simply dropped an eccie then 'went to work', as you put it.
Not without emotion - but probably rationally based on the fact he needs to earn to maintain his lifestyle. Maybe he thought why should his brothers sex life cost him his job? Maybe he thought was his brother did in the changing rooms was wrong? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
I do not see the "FAIL" in the argument for either lacking logic or having a false premise. Clearly keeping Joey keeping his highly paid job was a rational decision when leaving it to support his brother would be an emotional decision. He made the rational decision. Your comment hear leads me to think you're either stupid or abusing illegal drugs.