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Rabbitohs signings, rumours and injuries 2015-16 Part 2


Handyman that's exactly the way I see it as well,it's not his knees it's his heartiledge that's suffering from those moments,and I don't blame him a bit
Although it's clear for all it's time to give it up as no longer at first grade level at all

Agree 100% he hasnt had knee problems his courage has failed him nice fellow and all but time to retire and hang the boots up JGraham screwed him royally and got away with it tyrell WAS a great souths stalward


First Grade
Would have to disagree about Tyrell being a dud signing.
He's a premiership winning prop.
Was signed as a winger and ended up winning the title as a prop.
Not only has Dave had to learn new positions over his career but he has had to adapt his body to the position he now plays.
His longevity in 1st grade has been remarkable really.
Is he past his best.....yes.
Should he still be in first grade...probably not.
But Dave Tyrell definitely not a dud signing.
We've definitely got our money's worth out a Dave.
He wore the Red and Green!

Thankyou sir, I couldn't agree more, what an asset he has been over the years. ;-)


First Grade
Would you guys be surprised to learn that tyrell is averaging more metres per game in 2016 then he did in 2014


Would you guys be surprised to learn that tyrell is averaging more metres per game in 2016 then he did in 2014

Yes i would be surprised but what about his defence and im not talking about just grabbing and being pushed back another 10, good defence is moving up quick stopping them in their tracks and pushing them back10 ill bet u the house 3 forwards are not doing that
Turner is a liability
Tyrell is not a starter nor impact any more
Mcguiness sure he puts in 40 odd but how effective are they
Im sick of watching teams go through our middle like there are no tomorrows a backline no matter how good cannot and will not without the platform forwards build
And we are not
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First Grade
Yes i would be surprised but what about his defence and im not talking about just grabbing and being pushed back another 10, good defence is moving up quick stopping them in their tracks and pushing them back10 ill bet u the house 3 forwards are not doing that
Turner is a liability
Tyrell is not a starter nor impact any more
Mcguiness sure he puts in 40 odd but how effective are they
Im sick of watching teams go through our middle like there are no tomorrows a backline no matter how good cannot and will not without the platform forwards build
And we are not

My post was more in relation to the people saying tyrell doesn't run like he used. That's bollocks. He is running like he always has. In 2014 tyrrell was the right players for the right role in our team, he isn't that anymore.
Mcinnes tackling is just fine. He has both high output and good technique. The other 2 options for hooker, cook and keary, are way worse defensively.
In the perfect world tyrell, turner and mcinnes wouldn't be in first grade. At the very least they would be in danger of being dropped (tyrrell would probably be dropped if we didn't have injury problems though). This is the reality we have. Whether it's down to a re-building phase or the cost of getting sam back, or for having so much of the cap on players who are under performing like g.i and the twins.
My post was more in relation to the people saying tyrell doesn't run like he used. That's bollocks. He is running like he always has. In 2014 tyrrell was the right players for the right role in our team, he isn't that anymore.
Mcinnes tackling is just fine. He has both high output and good technique. The other 2 options for hooker, cook and keary, are way worse defensively.
In the perfect world tyrell, turner and mcinnes wouldn't be in first grade. At the very least they would be in danger of being dropped (tyrrell would probably be dropped if we didn't have injury problems though). This is the reality we have. Whether it's down to a re-building phase or the cost of getting sam back, or for having so much of the cap on players who are under performing like g.i and the twins.

I agree with this 100%

DT has never been the biggest prop. What he does have, being a former back, is a bit more pace than your average front rower. He also used to move well laterally which is important in that middle third defense.

Throughout his career in the forwards he has always been hammered when running at a set defensive line. Where he was great was when he'd get a gallop as the 3rd, 4th or 5th hit up in the set, particularly behind one of the Burgess boys. With that bit of extra pace running at a scattered defensive line he was great at making the advantage line and getting tackled in such a way that he found his feet quickly and provided a fast play the ball.

He's less effective this year because he finds himself running at a set defensive line a lot more. He's either first or second hit up or the other forwards around him haven't really made a dent.

Where the knee issues have hurt his game is in defense. His lateral movement is nowhere near what it used to be. He's also lost that half a yard of pace that made him more effective.

I hear a lot of people talk about heart and say that he hasn't got any... I reckon he has the biggest heart in the squad. He knows he's going to get bashed every week and yet he still keep's putting his hand up.

You can be a small prop in the NRL but you need to have a couple of strings to your bow if that's what you are. His knee issues means he can't really add a step to his game and I'm pretty sure Madge would shoot him if he started to offload.

Unfortunately for Dave his lot in life is to get belted every week.


All those who are bagging out players as duds should be ashamed of themselves, and of course it's the usual culprits.

Yes, Dave Tyrrell is past it. But as a few sane people on here have mentioned, he's done his duties for the club and had a unique career path in which he came in one position and ended up winning the comp in another. His knee injuries have really brought him down and because of so many injuries, unfortunately he's our only option. He still gives it his all though.

McInnes is another player I have to defend week in week out because so many people on here expect to have Issac Luke. He does not have the playing style of Issac nor will he. He is a defensive hooker who is in HIS FIRST FULL YEAR OF NRL. Some of you guys are embarrassingly expectant of a 22 year old who's played less than 50 NRL games. His development is going to need time and we can't just expect a superstar off the blocks. It took Issac a few years to get his game going so we need to give McInnes time. I do believe however that Maguire should be using Keary/Cook off the bench more to allow Cam some rest.

To everyone who was expecting a dynasty, you're following the wrong competition. The NRL is made out so you build a team for 3 years and then you have to rebuild, and that's exactly what's going on. Maybe if we have some patience and make some right decisions, we can have another 3 year dynasty in the future. For now, we're just gonna have to bite the bullet and see younger and more inexperienced guys make their step up to the NRL and pray we have some luck with injuries.

I can understand the frustration but there's no point complaining and wanting to chop and change the team every week just because one player is either on the decline or slowly developing in first grade.


First Grade
All those who are bagging out players as duds should be ashamed of themselves, and of course it's the usual culprits.

Yes, Dave Tyrrell is past it. But as a few sane people on here have mentioned, he's done his duties for the club and had a unique career path in which he came in one position and ended up winning the comp in another. His knee injuries have really brought him down and because of so many injuries, unfortunately he's our only option. He still gives it his all though.

McInnes is another player I have to defend week in week out because so many people on here expect to have Issac Luke. He does not have the playing style of Issac nor will he. He is a defensive hooker who is in HIS FIRST FULL YEAR OF NRL. Some of you guys are embarrassingly expectant of a 22 year old who's played less than 50 NRL games. His development is going to need time and we can't just expect a superstar off the blocks. It took Issac a few years to get his game going so we need to give McInnes time. I do believe however that Maguire should be using Keary/Cook off the bench more to allow Cam some rest.

To everyone who was expecting a dynasty, you're following the wrong competition. The NRL is made out so you build a team for 3 years and then you have to rebuild, and that's exactly what's going on. Maybe if we have some patience and make some right decisions, we can have another 3 year dynasty in the future. For now, we're just gonna have to bite the bullet and see younger and more inexperienced guys make their step up to the NRL and pray we have some luck with injuries.

I can understand the frustration but there's no point complaining and wanting to chop and change the team every week just because one player is either on the decline or slowly developing in first grade.

Someone gets it.
Dave Tyrrell has been an exemplary, hard-working, loyal servant of the SSFC.

If, if the rumours are true, he has to retire, then we as a club are poorer for it.

A lovely fellow, a strong player and never shirked his duty. When Luke Stuart - the heart and soul of the Rabbitohs for a number of years - retired, I wondered who would take his place. Dave Tyrrell took the mantle and has done us proud.

Some of you really need to look at yourselves. Coming on this thread/forum is an embarrassment at times.


First Grade
cameron mcuseless is just that useless.....tyrrell has never been a 1st grader in his life and if you both think these 2 players are 1st graders your wrong,for instance go ask andrew johns or someone who knows and if they are truthful they will tell you they are not of 1st grade quality i know becoz my mate whom played 1st grade at souths over 40 yrs ago said that to me he would know he played 1st grade at souths for over a decade you all didnt!!!!

My mate this and my mate that, blah, blah, blah!!! :lol:


First Grade
do i feel jealousy here southsport??r20 gets the scoops becoz he dont back other teams like you thats unsouth sydney southsport

You need to get your facts right, I'm not even in the tipping comp.........the only gripe I have is with your continually offensive comments about our players, you should speak of them with at least a modicum of respect.


First Grade
Dave Tyrrell has been an exemplary, hard-working, loyal servant of the SSFC.

If, if the rumours are true, he has to retire, then we as a club are poorer for it.

A lovely fellow, a strong player and never shirked his duty. When Luke Stuart - the heart and soul of the Rabbitohs for a number of years - retired, I wondered who would take his place. Dave Tyrrell took the mantle and has done us proud.

Some of you really need to look at yourselves. Coming on this thread/forum is an embarrassment at times.



clarky,tyrrell,oldfield,hunt,nielsen,mcinnes,turner from the dud 11

so you've now added hymel hunt to that list??? :?

hunt is a weapon in attack if used correctly. when attacking the try line, he can use his size by running hard onto the ball out wide. when our team is at full strength, i'd have him at right centre
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Dave Tyrrell has been an exemplary, hard-working, loyal servant of the SSFC.

If, if the rumours are true, he has to retire, then we as a club are poorer for it.

A lovely fellow, a strong player and never shirked his duty. When Luke Stuart - the heart and soul of the Rabbitohs for a number of years - retired, I wondered who would take his place. Dave Tyrrell took the mantle and has done us proud.

Some of you really need to look at yourselves. Coming on this thread/forum is an embarrassment at times.

All of what u say is true BUT his useby expired last year , he has a problem and should step aside the club should maybe help him with a job or something taking up cap space and not performing dosent cut it when most of us bleed watching these sub standard performances by the club team we love. Looking at ourselves dosent mean we put up with mediocrity i hope, ive supported this club through thick and alot of thin in my 57 years and i call a spade a spade im not gona sugar coated and jam my head in a hole, maybe like you are doing so please lay off

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