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Racial slur in Parra v Souths match


mickdo said:
Good for you if you aren't offended. Lots of people who are subjected to it are however.

don't understand whats there to get offended about.I mean these are big boys, strong boys and they act like pussy's just cos thay are called black.


Assistant Moderator
#-o Telling us that we are all are the same because that's what you think.

FFS, ausraider you don't speak for everyone based on the colour of 'theirs' or 'yours' skin.

Saying you don't understand sums it up just fine.


Willow said:
#-o Telling us that we are all are the same because that's what you think.

FFS, ausraider you don't speak for everyone based on the colour of 'theirs' or 'yours' skin.

Saying you don't understand sums it up just fine.

FFS if someone calls you black or white and that is you colour and you get offended you need to commit suicide boy.Go get a f**ken life and stop dwelling on the colour of your f**ken skin.


If anyone had their Sports Ears on at the game, did you hear what Fletch said to the Parramatta player in question?


Bernster said:
If anyone had their Sports Ears on at the game, did you hear what Fletch said to the Parramatta player in question?

I only read in papers.So what was actually said?Be interesting.


Assistant Moderator
ausraider said:
FFS if someone calls you black or white and that is you colour and you get offended you need to commit suicide boy.Go get a f**ken life and stop dwelling on the colour of your f**ken skin.
'Boy'? LOL. Good grief. What time warp are you stuck in?
An interesting slip up.

Point of business... cut the 'commit suicide' crap. It's not good form in these forums. Cheers.

OK then...
I'm not dwelling on the colour of anyone's skin. That seems to be your obssession
Allow me to reiterate on what you actually said:
ausraider: "I was called black merkin I called them white merkin"

You don't hold the keys to kingdom of all opinion on this. You're not speaking for everyone. In basic terms, you're failing to understand that it becomes a slur when someone is offended by it... as is the case here with Widders and Fletcher. This is a fact.


bartman said:
If you re-read my post, you'll see I edited it after you posted your apology for mis-reading Dilmah. So I took back my snipe (but left it there for accuracy of what was posted at the time).

Care to do the same? I thought your apology might put an end to your use of "snappy" and oh so witty debating tactics in this thread. Guess I was wrong...

innsaneink said:
Care to do the same what?

I misunderstood dilmahs inference. I was wrong. I apologized.
Its no admission of weakness to admit youre wrong, many here should try it.

If im not wrong, youre having a go at me for not "debating" to you liking,using 'witty tactics' and the like ....sounds to me youre acusing me of something and doing exactly the same thing in the process.

Looks like youre wrong on a few things.....oh well.

Going back a few pages to answer this, but...

I was talking about care to take back the snipe you made at me between my reply in relation to your post re Dilmah, and you re-reading and then apologising to Dilmah. I took my original snipe at you back, and you had the opportunity to do the same with yours that calling me a wanker for calling you when your two-syllable responses were (as you later admited) out of line...

Since you chose not to back down from calling me a wanker for pointing out your mistake before you were willing to realise it yourself, my next post was having a go at you. Just becuase you apologised to Dilmah doesn't automatically excuse you calling me a wanker over the issue that you later apologised for...

So I chose to have a go at you, and can see no need to admit a mistake or claim to be wrong - unless I had missed the bit where you apologised for labelling me a wanker for trying to point out your (later admitted) mistakes. I also see no need to carry this on, I don't hold a grudge, but I'm going to have a go at someone that escalates an internet discussion by calling me a wanker.

innsaneink said:
As I said in my initial post, its not right.....but bloody hell this happens every day from all sides of the spectrum, its not such a big deal.
That's your opinion and your entitled to it, but others are also entitled to disagree and realise and state why it is a bigger deal than you think.

Misty Bee

First Grade
ausraider said:
For crying out loud.why does it matter if you are called black,white,yellow, when you are black you are black why get offended.btw I am black and have been called what Widders was called every week in our soccer league,and when I was called black merkin I called them white merkin, as long as it stays on field and does not escalate who cares what colour your skin is.

Maybe if you took Widder's stance, your sport would be as clean, racism wise, as the NRL

I am proud black and am sure whites will say the same.

And so you should be. As I am - well, I'm not proud to be white per se - people might think I am a Pommy - but I am proud of my genetic heritage.


Misty Bee said:
Maybe if you took Widder's stance, your sport would be as clean, racism wise, as the NRL

And so you should be. As I am - well, I'm not proud to be white per se - people might think I am a Pommy - but I am proud of my genetic heritage.

Every sport has it and it is just a typical human nature to call others by their colour.As I said if it's left on the field and des not escalate outside it should be left at that.BTW how many racial slurs have you heard in pro soccer,would be very interested to know.Don't take things too seriously it's only colour of your skin.Nobody died being called black,white,and yellow.


bartman said:
Going back a few pages to answer this, but...

I was talking about care to take back the snipe you made at me between my reply in relation to your post re Dilmah, and you re-reading and then apologising to Dilmah. I took my original snipe at you back, and you had the opportunity to do the same with yours that calling me a wanker for calling you when your two-syllable responses were (as you later admited) out of line...

Since you chose not to back down from calling me a wanker for pointing out your mistake before you were willing to realise it yourself, my next post was having a go at you. Just becuase you apologised to Dilmah doesn't automatically excuse you calling me a wanker over the issue that you later apologised for...

So I chose to have a go at you, and can see no need to admit a mistake or claim to be wrong - unless I had missed the bit where you apologised for labelling me a wanker for trying to point out your (later admitted) mistakes. I also see no need to carry this on, I don't hold a grudge, but I'm going to have a go at someone that escalates an internet discussion by calling me a wanker.

That's your opinion and your entitled to it, but others are also entitled to disagree and realise and state why it is a bigger deal than you think.

Well that all seems pretty straight forward.:-s

Cool man.


Some of my friends are from islands and the word black merkin comes up sometimes just for a payout without even thinking of rascism.They even use it to spray there own mates with! Its like calling someone a Mediterranean Descendant. Maybe 20 years ago it was offensive but these days its laughable. Im half choc Mediterranean Descendant-stiff sh*t.
I just think Fletch picked the wrong player at the wrong time.
Willow said:
hillbillyjazzer1954, you can be offended if that's the way you're inclined.
Moving to Taree? Sorry but I'm not sure what that got to do with anything - a bizarre thing to say. Trust me, where you are comfortable is your business and not mine.

I wasn't trying to be cryptic but I'll spell it out if thats what it takes. Surely you understand I'm referring to the difficulty that indigenous people have in getting away from racism....?

And btw, I'm not sure you're having as much trouble explaining yourself as you're trying to make out.

And still on the cryptic front, can you tell me what we are agreeing to disagree on? lol

good post willo

mate i just re - read your post

i am sorry i misread yor post last night,i thought you were having a go at me for living out of Sydney (to do with not liking Aboriginal people around me.If you follow from my original post to Hrundi69 you will se where this came from, where i said i am living in Taree and their is racism on both sides)

mate i understand now what you were saying,and agree with you i see it all the time up here there is some great Aboriginal people here at Taree and unfortunately the get tarred with the same brush as the criminal element

so i guess we do not have to agree to disagree

it is no excuse,but i was fired up from some of the posts in this thread

a classic case of not engaging the brain before you type LOL!!!


Assistant Moderator
lol. A wise fella I know once said that the great thing about forum discussion is that it opens us up to a multitude of opinions.
Thanks for your viewpoint hillbillyjazzer. Its been a pleasure. :D
Willow said:
lol. A wise fella I know once said that the great thing about forum discussion is that it opens us up to a multitude of opinions.
Thanks for your viewpoint hillbillyjazzer. Its been a pleasure. :D

No worries mate

these types of threads are good,as it opens peoples eyes and makes people think about both sides of an argument



I know Deano from where I grew up (near Armidale) - I mean the guy is so damn proud of his heritage (and good on him for being so). I think he was shocked at it being said, but what got to him was that Fletcher tried to lie to get himself out of it ("I said fat, not black"). I'm fairly sure that if it Fletch said sorry on the spot it wouldn't have went any further.

He got what he deserved...