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Raiders VS Tigers *Spoiler*


Doesn't prove anything to me, except that you don't think it should have been said against Simon since he agreed with your point. You're not saying anything against what was actually said.

I'll say it again, the issue is dead and buried if he can actually admit it was a f**king shitty thing to say. But Raider 2004 isn't a big enough man.

Raider Azz

Hey, if #1 is to admit what he said was sh*tty, than Simon Says must do the same. Can't have it one way.


He only has to admit it for me to drop it. Just like if Simon retracted his statement you should get over it. I really don't see the harm in anything Simon said. However if he has genuinely offended anyone you can bet your balls he will apologise. He's a top fellah.


Mate in a couple of months I rekon every thread in their will be tigers vs raiders. It just gets bigger and badder every time we play at Bruce.


Post Whore
:lol: :lol: :lol:
not wrong
the aftermath is always good for a chuckle
mind you i dont think anyone is losing sleep over it

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
Geez look in all honesty, i did not take any joy out of seeing Benji out for the season. The comment i made was sarcasm whether you believe it or not is up to you. I do apologize for the comment if you took offence to it, but in no way was it meant to be take seriously as I was mocking a previous post, (s you can see i wrote cheers after it).

Accept it or not, it really doesn't bother me. 8)

Steven Gerrard

First Grade

Now can we all just stop arguing with each other, it's not like we asked the Ref to Ref the way he did, or whatever the circumstances happened had nothing to do with us. That's how league goes, sometimes it won't go our way, and sometimes it wont go your way, all this whinging and arguing won't get us anywhere, won't change the scoreline, and won't change the ladder. It's pointless, i think we should be able to now discuss the game as normal people, not attacking each other, our clubs, and our personal issues.

simon says

First Grade
This is absolute gold..........

You fellers getting all high and mighty,with this new moral ground.You blokes dont mind giving it and calling everyone arseholes and the like....which are personal attacks at a person.

I go what I deem a pretty moderate swipe after days of being baited and now Im digusting,immature...blah,blah.

I must admit I have got a huge hard on watching you blokes go on and on.You feel insulted,Im so sorry for you.Stop going on like turnips and maybe you wont find yourself in a position to be taunted.

This is a classic case of being able to dish it out,and not being able to take it.May I suggest you grow up and develop a slightly thicker skin,cos if you are as deeply affected by what I said,you are going to have a troubled life cos you are gonna come across far worse than that,and unlike me,the barbs may be serious....

Enjoy... :lol: :lol:

Raider Azz

I must admit I have got a huge hard on watching you blokes go on and on.You feel insulted,Im so sorry for you.Stop going on like turnips and maybe you wont find yourself in a position to be taunted.
....... No comment :shock: :lol: :lol:

At least #1 had the balls to apologise if he offended anyone.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
Just proved who is a bigger man simon says. This is not about who wins and loses an argument. This is because as a Moderator on this forum, and having better things to do than reply to you immature posts. I could go on, and keep ripping onto you and come out on top, but I won't. Try and take some advice, from someone who has the common sense and decency to see that some things have gone too far. I really expected better from you. Shows who has been the cause of all the trouble then ay simon says. ;-)

simon says

First Grade
Well,well,the worm has turned.Must be after some brownie points...So what I am supposed to do,apologise for returning volley after several personal taunts....I apologise.Apologise cos we got murdered by the ref,and Canberra fans are too one eyed to bloody admit it.....I apologise.

I really dont think I could have offended anyone here,I think its more a case of losing an argument and playing the man,not the topic...namely me.

If somehow I have actually offended anyone with my tongue in cheek generic comments about Canberra as a whole(unlike the several hundred times I have been called halfwit,arsehole etc)I most sincerely apologise for any hurt inflicted.



First Grade
Simon... I couldn't be bothered reading all your fights with Raiders 2004. And I for one would not support comments about the desirability of an injured player if in fact anyone made an intentional comment to that effect.

But the fact is, your earlier comments were disgusting. Just retract them now and it will be all alright....


Oh well that looks liek that for yet another year......somehow cant see either of our teams making the eight, let alone both, and even if they did I doubt theyd meet again....at least we got one this year...and i picked the right time to bet an avatar.LOL :lol:


innsaneink said:
Raider_Azz said:
OK insanneink, at first your obsession with #1 was funny, but now it's starting to scare me :shock: :?

As for the rest of you, well, we won, you lost! Ahh that feels great :lol:

Simon Says, you are the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. Personally attacking the city of Canberra and our families is about as low as you can get. Further proves what little material you have, and just how stupid you really are. Oh, and FYI: you can only buy fireworks once a year :p

LOL :lol:

No obsession...just like pointing out his obvious geniusation for all to see.

Smartness.......raughted....he dont need an english teacher...hes doin fine makin it up as he goes along.

Why you scared, arzzz? He ur sugardaddy hmmm? :lol:

Sometimes english can be a very scary language :oops:.

dictionary.com said:
smart'ness n.

They'll let anything into the language these days :lol:.


Allow me some time to weigh in to this debate.

For a start, I did in fact say that Raiders 2004's comment about Benji was in poor taste, so there goes your idea about all Raiders fans staying silent.

Point 2, simon says you say that your comments about Canberra were tongue in cheek and generic. Pull the other one mate. Nowhere was it indicated that the comments were tongue in cheek, and in fact just reading the words you have written made me very angry. The fact that someone can be so ignorant, stupid and moronic in one go astounds me. See Yourself in Canberra mate. It's a beautiful place to live. Dank and grey? You must have mistaken Campbelltown for Canberra mate. Canberra is a beautiful, bright, vibrant city.

Your comments about the gene pool in Canberra were the worst though. You have deliberatly set out to insult every single person living in Canberra. But again, if you had bothered to visit it and, unlike most Sydney people I have personally encountered, actually opened up your mind and realised Sydney is not necessarily the only city in the world, you would know that there is nothing wrong with the people living there. In fact, the person who your comments would refer to most aptly (a certain PM I won't name) lives in Sydney.

When it's all said and done, I realise it's only words on a computer screen from some little immature idiot. But the truth of the matter is I will defend the city I love to the hilt from any and all detractors. I would expect the same from you if you really loved the city you live in and someone attacked it. Grow up, get a brain, live life and see the world. Sydney is one of the ugliest places I have ever been, there are so many more beautiful places to see.

Point 3 (yes, that was all point 2). You have all complained how the Raiders should have been penalised more. But from what I can see, you cannot pinpoint where these penalties should have came. Do you expect the referee's to start inventing penalties because the count is becoming lopsided? In my opinion, he should have taken stronger action and sent someone to the bin if he thought it was so bad, maybe then all the stupid Tiger penalties would have stopped. No point blaming the ref when your team wants to play silly buggers.


Do you Raider fans who were so offended by the comments made a couple of pages back get offended when a joke is made about Tasmanians being inbred, or Queenslanders stupid or any other of the plethora of inaccurate steretypes that exist?

If you do, you must be a mess. Stuff being PC, humour is a great part of life. Some people enjoy poor taste jokes especially if you aren't being targetted. Sydney has the highest crime rate in Aus, has one of the largest gay and lesbian populations in the world. Make a joke about that and none of us shall care.

I must ask, however, where is the part of Canberra that is so 'bright' and 'vibrant'? As I have the (mis)pleasure of going to Canberra every year and have to find creative ways to keep myself entertained as there's not a lot to do.

Also, this thread was not an attack on the Raiders last night, it was an attack on one of the most inept referees going around. Is anyone a fan of Shayne Hayne?!??!

In short: C'mon get happy!
I couldnt care less if you apologise or not simon, what you said about canberra fans and canberra people in general was disgusting and down right immature.