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Raiders VS Tigers *Spoiler*

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
Keep on whinging, Ask simon if he was being sarcastic, you still are unable to understand the meaning of that word are you? at least raiders fans have the smartness to relise it.

Anything else? you can keep on whinging if you want, its quite funny. :lol:


Like Tigers fans dont overestimate their sides abillities. "Skando for origin" :lol:
At least Schif had the peformances to back up our claims.

What the f**k does it matter what we think of our side.

Raider Ultra

You sir, are a w*nker, f**k. The fact you can't win the football argument and then have to change the subject signifies what a sad, pathetic individual you are, f**k. Off to bed now laddy, Daddy's turn on the computer, f**k. How hilarious it is to watch your pathetic club drop like a lead balloon after you lowlifes thought you had a chance at the 8, f**k. See you next year boys, hope your holiday to Picton goes well in September, f**k.


First Grade
The hilarious thing is... over in the Tigers forum.... they are arguing amongst themselves about whether the penalties were deserved or not and whether it is just simply not bad Tigers play.......

You would think all Tigers supporters think it was the refs fault they lost from the posts in the NRL forum... over in the Tigers forum it is a very different story.


Post Whore
Knowing that Sheens dosnt like to make an arse of himself he probably wants to look at the reply before commenting, and i think once he does he will be able to argue against 2 penalties for the tigers and maybe two that officals missed against canberra

which still equates to an 5-11 penalty count
hence, your team tryed to slow the play the ball area and it didnt work
move on

simon says

First Grade
Raiders 2004 said:
Someone needs to get out a bit more, abusing the family and location now....run out of material have you?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

This coning form someone with no material at all is exremely amusing to me....

And I love the whole "thats disgraceful"line.........and I could have been so more disgraceful.

What I think is a disgrace is the fact that you Canbeera supporters are that twisted that you cannot see that you got it easy cos of the ref.If we had have had that happened to us,I would have been laughing,but you blokes just have to toe the line and tell us we got penalised cos we are cheats.

I have never ever encountered a group of supporters that had so little idea of the game of football and how it works....well done you should be proud of yerselves,you have reached new depths of one eyed behaviour.

Cheers. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Im not interested in starting a fued

However Canberra fans should see where we are coming from, if the penalties were 13-3 Tigers last night dont even pretend that none of you would cry foul

Any team in the world will be upset to be on the end of a penalty count like that, especially in an important game

And of all the penalties were justified, where the f**k were ours??, Hodgo made a break no canberra players bother to get back- no penalty????????????


Post Whore
mate i am laughing
im laughing cause we won, ref blunders or not, we got the cash and your mob didnt
and im laughing because it tears you up inside :lol:

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
:lol: it would be better if simon says, said nothing. you are really a clueless tool.

If we had have had that happened to us,I would have been laughing
But it didn't, we didn't do anything to warrant penalties against us. So heres your wish, laughing... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have never ever encountered a group of supporters that had so little idea of the game of football and how it works....

Speak for yourself, judge yourself before you judge others. If we have no idea, then you really must have no bloody clue. Did you watch the game? Did you see the Tigers slow the play the ball area? According to your posts, you havent. Watch the game, THEN POST. Hayne was bad, worst ref ever, we deserved more penalties.


Raiders 2004 said:
Keep on whinging, Ask simon if he was being sarcastic, you still are unable to understand the meaning of that word are you? at least raiders fans have the smartness to relise it.

Anything else? you can keep on whinging if you want, its quite funny. :lol:

Smartness......how ironic! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Another beauty R'04.....almost as good as....what was it? Raughted?? :lol: :lol:

I really should start to collect these classics, by the end of the season I'll have enough for a 6 page thread...keep us all amused during the cricket.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
You do that then, Obviously you have no life and nothing better to do!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: My own personal english teacher, you beauty!!! :mrgreen:


Schif_Happens said:
Balmain_Boy said:
I can't believe Raiders' fans are trying to justify a 13-3 penalty count. That'll just about do it for me. You idiots aren't worth it.

You won by 8. :lol:

Something I saw in the raiders forum, one idiot thinks the raiders have to avoid 8th spot if they're going to be any chance at winning the premiership. :lol: After receiving a 10 penalty surplus and winning by 8.

Sheens refused to speak to press. Considering Sheens is a consumate professional, that really says something about Hayne's performance.

But you believed that the tigpies had a chance of beating the Raiders last night? Seems you have some crazy beliefs :) Even only playing well for 15 minutes, the Raiders still won. Hate to see what would of happened had they played well for 40 minutes, or even 80.

And look at the result, the Raiders are now in 7th spot...the plot thickens...

Yeh but I knew you WOULDN'T play well for more than 15 minutes, because you're a very average football team.

Raider Azz

OK insanneink, at first your obsession with #1 was funny, but now it's starting to scare me :shock: :?

As for the rest of you, well, we won, you lost! Ahh that feels great :lol:

Simon Says, you are the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. Personally attacking the city of Canberra and our families is about as low as you can get. Further proves what little material you have, and just how stupid you really are. Oh, and FYI: you can only buy fireworks once a year :p


greeneyed said:
I find it remarkable that the Tigers fans have such an incredible degree of vengance against the Raiders. I know 1989 hurt. But if the Tigers win against Canberra there are multiple threads full of glee and gloating. If the Tigers lose to Canberra it is always "we were dudded" by the referee.......etc etc blah blah blah.....

Get over 1989 people.

And stop whinging when you lose!

Tell me how you would react to a 13-3 penalty count? I would react just as badly no matter WHO the team was. Why? Because that is bullshit and if you can't work that out, you're either sporting the brain of a cashew nut, or you're a biased fool. I'm leaning towards both. NOTHING to do with 1989. Keep reminding yourself of past glory, because there is none in store for you in the future.



Post Whore
a very average football team that beat your mob
who over the past 3 weeks are losing a whooping 138-24...


Raider_Azz said:
Simon Says, you are the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. Personally attacking the city of Canberra and our families is about as low as you can get. Further proves what little material you have, and just how stupid you really are. Oh, and FYI: you can only buy fireworks once a year :p

Defending "#1" whilst attacking Simon.

Hmmm...criticizing a city and anonymous people's families VS laughing at a season ending injury to a teenage rookie. Which is lower?

Take advantage of that one day, buy a bucketload and stick them up your arse.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
:lol: it's all you have against me. You know tigers fans, all this whinging, won't change anything. We're in the 8 now, you are not. Whinge about that now.


Raider_69 said:
a very average football team that beat your mob
who over the past 3 weeks are losing a whooping 138-24...

Exactly mate. All 24 points agains your lot, despite having 3 lion's shares of possesion.

I'll watch the replay tomorrow and time the average amount of hold downs. I'll get back to you.