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Raiders VS Tigers *Spoiler*


Post Whore
you do that mate
go for your life, it will make no difference to anything
your own support hit the nail on the head, goangod and madunit seem to be only ones that will conceed that you blokes were boarding on ridiculous at the ruck

Raider Azz

Balmain_Boy said:
Raider_Azz said:
Simon Says, you are the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. Personally attacking the city of Canberra and our families is about as low as you can get. Further proves what little material you have, and just how stupid you really are. Oh, and FYI: you can only buy fireworks once a year :p

Defending "#1" whilst attacking Simon.

Hmmm...criticizing a city and anonymous people's families VS laughing at a season ending injury to a teenage rookie. Which is lower?

Take advantage of that one day, buy a bucketload and stick them up your arse.
Well, for starters, #1's "laughing" at a season ending injury was sarcastic, any idiot could work that out. I'm not condoning what he said, but at least I have the brains to realise the sarcasm in his post. As if it wasn't obvious enough.

I find being told I live in the "arsehole of australia", that pornos and firecrackers are the only buzz us "pathetic little turds" will ever get, calling me a "pathetic little sexless hermaphrodite", THEN proceeding to mock myself and my family for "giving such a pathetic location and farked up genes"(!!!!) MUCH MUCH MUCH worse than an obviously SARCASTIC (you might need to look that word up as its obvious you don't understand what it means) "chuckle" at an injury.

I find what Simon Says said absolutely disgraceful, but at least I have the comfort to know I will never stoop to that level.

Balmain_Boy, all you have done with your "rebuttal" is further proved the point I originally made. Personal attacks on us proves you have f*ck all on us. Keep 'em coming mate, it makes the win all the more sweeter, almost as sweet as it will be when, come finals time, we will be there and you won't :D


Raider_69 said:
mate find me one raider fan that condoned #1's sarcastic but bad tasted humour?
A quote from Raider_Azz, who I originally accused:

Do any of you guys actually read? Raiders 2004 said it in a sarcastic manner "paying out" Simon Says' post. He did not actually mean what he's said, and he already explained it. Geez.

When someone commented that it was a poor attempt at sarcasm, or a comment in poor taste he replied
It was neither, actually.

I call that condoning. It was far worse than what Simon said. FAR FAR FAR worse. Simon didn't mention any names, and the insult was totally generic.

Proof is here

Page 7.

Raider Azz

Wow, "analyising" my posts. Sorry, but I do not see anywhere in there where I said I condone what he said. All I said was I am smart enough to realise it was in jest. You can read my mind can you? Nope? Try again.

I also find it quite lame that you spent all that time quoting me and still couldnt prove I condoned it :lol:


Raider_Azz said:
OK insanneink, at first your obsession with #1 was funny, but now it's starting to scare me :shock: :?

As for the rest of you, well, we won, you lost! Ahh that feels great :lol:

Simon Says, you are the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. Personally attacking the city of Canberra and our families is about as low as you can get. Further proves what little material you have, and just how stupid you really are. Oh, and FYI: you can only buy fireworks once a year :p

LOL :lol:

No obsession...just like pointing out his obvious geniusation for all to see.

Smartness.......raughted....he dont need an english teacher...hes doin fine makin it up as he goes along.

Why you scared, arzzz? He ur sugardaddy hmmm? :lol:

Raider Azz

Why you scared, arzzz? He ur sugardaddy hmmm? :lol:

insanneink, why do you ask? Are you jealous? :lol:

I'm not the one going through his post history and replying to everything he says....


Post Whore
so your saying no raiders fans said "good call" or "well said"
but rather that it was neither sarcastic or in poor taste, that to you says he condoned it?

fair go mate


By gee, I have never seen such a disgraceful display of pathetic whingeing, whining and moaning as I have from some of these Tigers supporters. I rarely try and comment on these types of threads but Simon_Says, you and your comments are an utter disgrace on you, your club and the rest of the Tigers supporters for whom I do have some respect.

It's ironic garfield is used as your avatar because despite his fat, hairy, moaning, whingeing ways, he doesn't come close to you.


Well, for starters, #1's "laughing" at a season ending injury was sarcastic, any idiot could work that out. I'm not condoning what he said, but at least I have the brains to realise the sarcasm in his post. As if it wasn't obvious enough.

It's only sarcasm in the most literal sense. I don't for a second believe he actually MEANT it. Just like people who tell racist jokes GENERALLY don't mean them. However by making an injured Benji Marshall the subject of his taunt, he's showed his true colours. Besides, show me the irony or wit in his statement? Generally essential for sarcasm that is actually funny.

Do you actually think Simon really means what he says? For f**k's sake. You're so biased you can't even admit a fellow fan is wrong.
Simon Says is giving all tigers supporters a bad name with this performance, most of them have been at least rational and reasonable in their arguement but this pathetic fool has taken things to far, ill see to it that if they havent already seen this thread that the administration of this site do read this thread, because I am for one, disgusted and insulted by what simon says has stereotyped every raiders fan to be.


Raider_Azz said:
Why you scared, arzzz? He ur sugardaddy hmmm? :lol:

insanneink, why do you ask? Are you jealous? :lol:

I'm not the one going through his post history and replying to everything he says....

No post history dickhead...smartness was recent...raughted is from memory.

Raider2004 said:
I was also stoked to see Tigers losing to the Storm and hearing Benji Marshall out for the season.
I suppose he was being sarcastic about being stoked to see the tigers lose to the Storm......

naah...that was fair dinkum, as was the rest of the sentence.

In one sentence you cannot be sarcastic and sincere....he meant what he said, the sick genius.


I can't believe people would be offended by someone commenting on them when he's never in met you. Has he hit a nerve or what? One could replace sydney with that word and I wouldn't give a f**k.

@ Raider_69, my point was he defended Raider 2004. Now the shoe is on the other foot, he attacks Simon. Got it champ? Seems like double standards, especially when one comment is tailored to the misfortune of an individual that actually happened. Another is against a group of people that aren't suffering from any of what he mentioned - that I know of....:?

My point on timing the hold downs in the ruck is so we have some FACTUAL evidence. Don't you want to have facts behind you so we can actually reach a conclusion? Or would you rather stick your head in the sand and call us "sore losers" and "whingers".

By the way check the thread I've already referenced for some quality raiders whinging.


Post Whore
i dont believe he did mean it
i know #1 and thats not his go
i think it was a sarcastic comment in incredably poor taste but give yourselves up
if i could be f**ked, i could fond several tiger fans parading about "it wasnt O'Donnells fault Monaghan has a glass jaw"

sure those are in just as poor taste yet no of you tiger fans jump of those who made these comments back...

its not a one way street champ


Post Whore
Balmain_Boy said:
I can't believe people would be offended by someone commenting on them when he's never in met you. Has he hit a nerve or what? One could replace sydney with that word and I wouldn't give a f**k.

@ Raider_69, my point was he defended Raider 2004. Now the shoe is on the other foot, he attacks Simon. Got it champ? Seems like double standards, especially when one comment is tailored to the misfortune of an individual that actually happened. Another is against a group of people that aren't suffering from any of what he mentioned - that I know of....:?

My point on timing the hold downs in the ruck is so we have some FACTUAL evidence. Don't you want to have facts behind you so we can actually reach a conclusion? Or would you rather stick your head in the sand and call us "sore losers" and "whingers".

By the way check the thread I've already referenced for some quality raiders whinging.

see my previous post for double standards, glass jaw, pfft give ya selves up, i would love the facts but i cant be bothered sitting there and timing it so ill have to take your word for the accuracy of those stats, something im not entirely comfortable with when considering ill be basing my thoughts off them

instead of timing them, how about you look at the penalties individually and decide weather you think they are deserved. i doubt you will find more than 3 that were bullshit


Raider_69 said:
i dont believe he did mean it
i know #1 and thats not his go
i think it was a sarcastic comment in incredably poor taste but give yourselves up
if i could be f***ed, i could fond several tiger fans parading about "it wasnt O'Donnells fault Monaghan has a glass jaw"

sure those are in just as poor taste yet no of you tiger fans jump of those who made these comments back...

I don't remember defending those comments either. You're totally missing MY point - either you haven't answered it, or is that your answer?

Raider_Azz has criticised Simon for a comment in poor taste, despite defending a far worse comment by Raider 2004. Comprehende amigo?

The difference for me is, Simon took a fictional stereotype and used it to have a swipe at Raider's fans. Raider 2004 took a very unfortunate actual event, and stooped so low as to use it as a vehicle to stir us up. Pretty pathetic, and if that's his go very unimpressive.

He still hasn't admitted it was a poor comment to make. If had done that, or did it now, I would drop the incident and not bring it up again. Fact is, he still doesn't see a problem with it.

RE: O'donell, Tiger's fans behaved pretty badly about that, I won't deny it. I readily concede I myself did. Passion gets the better of me sometimes.

Raider Azz

Raider_Azz said:
^ Don't be too hard on him #1, at least he was honest about the foul play.
I like how you completely ignored this one on your quoting expedition. If anything, this should prove I DID NOT condone what he said. No double standards here mate.
Balmain_Boy said:
I can't believe people would be offended by someone commenting on them when he's never in met you. Has he hit a nerve or what? One could replace sydney with that word and I wouldn't give a f**k.

@ Raider_69, my point was he defended Raider 2004. Now the shoe is on the other foot, he attacks Simon. Got it champ? Seems like double standards, especially when one comment is tailored to the misfortune of an individual that actually happened. Another is against a group of people that aren't suffering from any of what he mentioned - that I know of....:?

My point on timing the hold downs in the ruck is so we have some FACTUAL evidence. Don't you want to have facts behind you so we can actually reach a conclusion? Or would you rather stick your head in the sand and call us "sore losers" and "whingers".

By the way check the thread I've already referenced for some quality raiders whinging.

Its more the fact that he had the nerve to make such a comment in the first place without knowing any of us in person, nobody can make such judgements without knowing a person, this imbecile made the comment, it may have been designed to get a rise out of us, or to insult us, who knows, it was wrong, I feel personally insulted that someone can refer to a clubs fans like this when he has never (to my knowledge) met any of us in person, I feel personally insulted that he can make such comments without knowing me in person.

Simon, you seriously need to grow up.


Raider_69 said:
Balmain_Boy said:
I can't believe people would be offended by someone commenting on them when he's never in met you. Has he hit a nerve or what? One could replace sydney with that word and I wouldn't give a f**k.

@ Raider_69, my point was he defended Raider 2004. Now the shoe is on the other foot, he attacks Simon. Got it champ? Seems like double standards, especially when one comment is tailored to the misfortune of an individual that actually happened. Another is against a group of people that aren't suffering from any of what he mentioned - that I know of....:?

My point on timing the hold downs in the ruck is so we have some FACTUAL evidence. Don't you want to have facts behind you so we can actually reach a conclusion? Or would you rather stick your head in the sand and call us "sore losers" and "whingers".

By the way check the thread I've already referenced for some quality raiders whinging.

see my previous post for double standards, glass jaw, pfft give ya selves up, i would love the facts but i cant be bothered sitting there and timing it so ill have to take your word for the accuracy of those stats, something im not entirely comfortable with when considering ill be basing my thoughts off them

instead of timing them, how about you look at the penalties individually and decide weather you think they are deserved. i doubt you will find more than 3 that were bullsh*t

Look if you don't want to believe with the figures I come up with that's fine. I'm interested in the truth, not in winning some argument om the internet.


Post Whore
Raider_Azz has criticised Simon for a comment in poor taste, despite defending a far worse comment by Raider 2004. Comprehende amigo?

i dont believe azz defended those comments at all, simple stating what i thought was obvious, it was a sarcastic comment, i dont like to see any injuries to anyone including finch and johns (my most hated players) and i think anyone who does needs some serious help. 2004's comments were no worse than some of those by tigers fans yet you expect him to conceed they were wrong yet i saw none of that by any tigers fans

you yourself conceed that passion got the better of you, perhaps it was the same with 2004... ive let the same thing happen before and ive said some things that are pretty disgraceful so i can let both slide knowing that i myself am not an angel

i think its time this issue was put to bed


Raider_Azz said:
Raider_Azz said:
^ Don't be too hard on him #1, at least he was honest about the foul play.
I like how you completely ignored this one on your quoting expedition. If anything, this should prove I DID NOT condone what he said. No double standards here mate.

To hard on who. What foul play? I didn't see this one, I was pressing ctr+find to search for my name as I knew you responded to something I said. Found it on the 7th page. As I said, i'm not interested in lieing.