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Raw Super Thread 2010 Spoilers


Staff member
I have to love everything from a year? Just because you say 'No, it's sh*t' to everything Marlins said (and I agree with his post) doesn't mean his points no longer count. There were a lot of really enjoyable angles in 1999. The Ministry was awesome until McMahon proved to be the pay-off (although the Corporate Ministry was pretty cool); The Rock was on fire; Mankind was having good matches despite your insistence that he wasn't; and I can think of a few other memorable and enjoyable storylines from the year.

Funny that, eleven years later, some of your complaints about 1999 are still relevant. McMahon is still heavily involved in major storylines and instead of Billy Gunn we had Sheamus as champion.

And really, are guest hosts and diva matches and Vickie Guerrero really any better than Kennel from Hell and the Blue Blazer?

Big Pete

Just because you say 'No, it's sh*t' to everything Marlins said (and I agree with his post) doesn't mean his points no longer count.

Don't misquote me.

There were a lot of really enjoyable angles in 1999.


The Ministry was awesome until McMahon proved to be the pay-off (although the Corporate Ministry was pretty cool);

It had the potential to be a cool storyline, but the ending ruined it for mine. I can't remember one good match involving the Ministry.

I do remember the awesome entrance music though.

The Rock was on fire;

Not going to disagree with you there. The Rock is one of the best wrestlers of all time, period.

Mankind was having good matches despite your insistence that he wasn't;

Name them.

I can only think of one. Surprise, surprise it was with the wrestler of the year.

and I can think of a few other memorable and enjoyable storylines from the year.

There were some good moments in 1999. Most of them involving The Rock.

McMahon is still heavily involved in major storylines and instead of Billy Gunn we had Sheamus as champion.

At least McMahon isn't doing any damage to the credibility of the championship or featuring in the Rumble, or for the title.

Sheamus is far superior to Gunn.

And really, are guest hosts and diva matches and Vickie Guerrero really any better than Kennel from Hell and the Blue Blazer?

Sort of comparing apples to oranges aren't you Mis?

The diva's are much better than what they were back then.

Hard to compare Vickie to anyone other than McMahon given her role on Smackdown. In which case, no, she's not as entertaining but then again nobody has been a better on-screen figure of power than him.


Post Whore
Wow...This RAW blowed...

Geriatric VS Geriatric with a broken leg at 'Mania...Yay!
Inevitable HBK-HHH feud...Yay!
Inevitable Batista interference in next week's McMahon-Cena match...Yay!
Orton-Legacy feud which still hasn't decided which way it wants to go...Yay!


That was a coma-inducing episode, dead set. And Cheech and Chong as hosts? WTF? They aim their marketing primarily at 12-year old kids and then come out with the comedic stoners as hosts?



Big Pete

I've yet to see the episode myself. From the reports, it sounded pretty standard. More or less a way to establish the card a bit.
Though Edge and Christian were "green" (I would argue Edge and Christian werent, but I'll give you the Hardyz) for the MAJORITY of the year, from around August/September onwards, they were BRILLIANT. Their match at No Mercy 1999 was f**king awesome bro, give them credit. And from there they were gungho, and the addition of the Dudleyz late 1999 was also good too, their vignettes were f**king cool.

Name them.

I can only think of one. Surprise, surprise it was with the wrestler of the year.

Mankind/Rock - January 4 Raw
Mankind/Rock - Royal Rumble
Mankind/Rock - St. Valentines Day Massacre
Mankind/Rock - January 15 Raw
Mankind/Rock/Triple H - Summerslam 1999
Mankind/Triple H - August 23 Raw

Plusssss you had the Rock-N-Sock stuff, This is your life Rock, and the build to the Royal Rumble 2000 which was awesome. Foley was injured for a decent part of the year too. Say what you want Pete, but you must have a short memory. Foley was over MASSIVLY during this time, sure most of his matches had stipulations, but so the f**k what. He was never a great technician, his character did not require him to be so. He wasa gret stroyteller, cut awesome promos, and 1999 was the year of Foley.

The Undertaker was decent. Turned to s**t in a hurry though.

A hurry? The angle ran from late 1998 through till April 29 edition of Smackdown where they merged with SHANE's Corporation, which was fricken cool, and McMahon didnt feature untill June 7, which did f**k the angle up a bit. But we're talking about an 8 month storyline, that's roughly 32 weeks of great TV and promos. I especially liked Undertaker's kidnapping/black wedding of Stephanie McMahon, and his little fued with Ken Shamrock.

You talk about matches but dude, WWE weren't touching WCW at ALL in terms of match quality, in that time period, it was all about the promos and egos of the stars doing battle, and the WWE's of which were all fresh and innovative, which is why WCW suffered. Not because of match quality - their undercard were tearing the house down.

The Ministry stuff was AWESOME. The Rock/Mick Foley rivalry and then unlikely partnership was AWESOME. The new Brood/Edge and Christian - into Hardyz/Edge and Christian into Hardyz/Dudleyz was awesome - and would eventually evolve into a great three way fued. Triple H was brilliant during this time period. In early 1999, Kane was involved in that cool assylum storyline. The f**king Godfather rocked in 1999, and regardless of what you think about his workrate, he had an awesoem gimmick, awesome charisma, and was more over than the internet's precious little Owen Hart. That's a fact. We also had a cool little Test/Shane fued.

Sure alot of the best WWE stuff happened in 2000 (was easily my favourite year), but alot of the groundwork was done the year prior.

We can bitch and moan about Billy Gunn going over XPac at king of the Ring, Chyna/Jarrett, The Blueblazer stuff (which was actually cool at the time, unfortunate about how it ended up), Big Show/Bossman, being all McMahon-ed out etc etc, but its no point bro, we agree on the same stuff. What we're saying is that for all the garbage the WWE threw at us in 1999, it was a sh*tload better than what the other product were throwing at us at the time, and the better stuff is a sh*tload better than the better stuff now. 99 was a terrible year, but if you think that's bad, go back and read the spoilers for this week's Raw again.


Staff member
Though Edge and Christian were "green" (I would argue Edge and Christian werent, but I'll give you the Hardyz) for the MAJORITY of the year, from around August/September onwards, they were BRILLIANT. Their match at No Mercy 1999 was f**king awesome bro, give them credit. And from there they were gungho, and the addition of the Dudleyz late 1999 was also good too, their vignettes were f**king cool.

Mankind/Rock - January 4 Raw
Mankind/Rock - Royal Rumble
Mankind/Rock - St. Valentines Day Massacre
Mankind/Rock - January 15 Raw
Mankind/Rock/Triple H - Summerslam 1999
Mankind/Triple H - August 23 Raw

Plusssss you had the Rock-N-Sock stuff, This is your life Rock, and the build to the Royal Rumble 2000 which was awesome. Foley was injured for a decent part of the year too. Say what you want Pete, but you must have a short memory. Foley was over MASSIVLY during this time, sure most of his matches had stipulations, but so the f**k what. He was never a great technician, his character did not require him to be so. He wasa gret stroyteller, cut awesome promos, and 1999 was the year of Foley.

A hurry? The angle ran from late 1998 through till April 29 edition of Smackdown where they merged with SHANE's Corporation, which was fricken cool, and McMahon didnt feature untill June 7, which did f**k the angle up a bit. But we're talking about an 8 month storyline, that's roughly 32 weeks of great TV and promos. I especially liked Undertaker's kidnapping/black wedding of Stephanie McMahon, and his little fued with Ken Shamrock.

You talk about matches but dude, WWE weren't touching WCW at ALL in terms of match quality, in that time period, it was all about the promos and egos of the stars doing battle, and the WWE's of which were all fresh and innovative, which is why WCW suffered. Not because of match quality - their undercard were tearing the house down.

The Ministry stuff was AWESOME. The Rock/Mick Foley rivalry and then unlikely partnership was AWESOME. The new Brood/Edge and Christian - into Hardyz/Edge and Christian into Hardyz/Dudleyz was awesome - and would eventually evolve into a great three way fued. Triple H was brilliant during this time period. In early 1999, Kane was involved in that cool assylum storyline. The f**king Godfather rocked in 1999, and regardless of what you think about his workrate, he had an awesoem gimmick, awesome charisma, and was more over than the internet's precious little Owen Hart. That's a fact. We also had a cool little Test/Shane fued.

Sure alot of the best WWE stuff happened in 2000 (was easily my favourite year), but alot of the groundwork was done the year prior.

We can bitch and moan about Billy Gunn going over XPac at king of the Ring, Chyna/Jarrett, The Blueblazer stuff (which was actually cool at the time, unfortunate about how it ended up), Big Show/Bossman, being all McMahon-ed out etc etc, but its no point bro, we agree on the same stuff. What we're saying is that for all the garbage the WWE threw at us in 1999, it was a sh*tload better than what the other product were throwing at us at the time, and the better stuff is a sh*tload better than the better stuff now. 99 was a terrible year, but if you think that's bad, go back and read the spoilers for this week's Raw again.

Quoted for emphasis. For all of TNA and the WWE's faults, I don't want either side to 'win'. As Devon Dudley said in a recent interview, a monopoly is bad for the business - which is why pro wrestling is in such a sh*tty state of late. WCW vs. WWE had a lot of crap, but it also had a lot of gold. It'd be awesome to have something even remotely resembling that back.

Big Pete

First let me say, awesome post Marlins. I may not agree with certain parts, but awesome post altogether.

Though Edge and Christian were "green" (I would argue Edge and Christian werent, but I'll give you the Hardyz) for the MAJORITY of the year, from around August/September onwards, they were BRILLIANT. Their match at No Mercy 1999 was f**king awesome bro, give them credit. And from there they were gungho, and the addition of the Dudleyz late 1999 was also good too, their vignettes were f**king cool.

Awesome match that made all four. I think Matt Hardy still lives off that match...oh and fat women.

But, Edge and Christian didn't become the awesome force we knew them as until 2000. Ladder match aside, all they had was an awesome entrance.

Mankind/Rock - January 4 Raw
Mankind/Rock - Royal Rumble
Mankind/Rock - St. Valentines Day Massacre
Mankind/Rock - January 15 Raw
Mankind/Rock/Triple H - Summerslam 1999
Mankind/Triple H - August 23 Raw

Royal Rumble was a good match, January 4th Raw was more or less a good moment. The match was pretty average.

The rest aren't particularly good.

It's Austin/Mankind/Triple H by the by for SummerSlam '99. I know that off by heart since it was the second PPV I ever watched.

Foley was over MASSIVLY during this time, sure most of his matches had stipulations, but so the f**k what. He was never a great technician, his character did not require him to be so. He wasa gret stroyteller, cut awesome promos, and 1999 was the year of Foley.

Not disputing that at all. Foley was way over (so was basically everybody on the F roster at the time) but even he will tell you he relied heavily on a floppy white object in his pants (socko). 1998 for mine was the year of Foley as a performer in the F (2000 would've won hands down had he stayed on) 1999 was the year he basically lounged on what got him over in 1998. Teaming up with The Rock certainly didn't hurt, but I thought their tag team was pretty awesome. More or less because it made The Rock's transition into Face easier to swallow.

A hurry? The angle ran from late 1998 through till April 29 edition of Smackdown where they merged with SHANE's Corporation, which was fricken cool, and McMahon didnt feature untill June 7, which did f**k the angle up a bit. But we're talking about an 8 month storyline, that's roughly 32 weeks of great TV and promos. I especially liked Undertaker's kidnapping/black wedding of Stephanie McMahon, and his little fued with Ken Shamrock.

Once it became the Corporate Ministry, the storyline basically just died in the ass and Taker took a backseat. The rest of the Ministry was filled with a who's who of guys that couldn't get over. Viscera, Mideon, Gangrel (awesome entrance), Farooq and Bradshaw. Edge and Christian basically tagged along because they were new and tied to Gangrel.

You should check out an Edge and Christian promo back then. Edge spoke in riddles and Christian was supposed to be a mute.

You talk about matches but dude, WWE weren't touching WCW at ALL in terms of match quality, in that time period, it was all about the promos and egos of the stars doing battle, and the WWE's of which were all fresh and innovative, which is why WCW suffered. Not because of match quality - their undercard were tearing the house down.

Didn't help WCW's main event was imploding and they basically turned their two biggest draws insane (Ric Flair) or into something nobody wanted to be back then, an average WCW wrestler (Goldberg).

I'd argue, the three biggest parts of the F in 1999 were The Rock, Austin and McMahon. Both Hunter and Taker took hits that year despite their own efforts. I will give you Foley was there abouts.

The Ministry stuff was AWESOME

Taker and his legion of jobbers was quite good until McMahon sold out. Shamrock/Taker is actually one of the rare good matches to come out of 1999. Actually, Backlash 1999 as a whole was probably one of the only good PPV's to come out of that year.

Triple H was brilliant during this time period.

Kept getting undermined though.
Kane was involved in that cool assylum storyline.

I may have to check that out for myself. When abouts was this? I do remember his thing with Chyna, tag teaming with Pac and a storyline with Tori. All of them only hurt his character.

f**king Godfather rocked in 1999, and regardless of what you think about his workrate, he had an awesoem gimmick, awesome charisma, and was more over than the internet's precious little Owen Hart.

That's one aspect of '99 I miss. The awesome characters. Godfather only ever worked on a short term kind of basis, but damn I miss the characters and entertainers like them.

Most of the guys can go these days, just a shame none of them can work a crowd like they could back in the Attitude Era (AE) days.

Sure alot of the best WWE stuff happened in 2000 (was easily my favourite year), but alot of the groundwork was done the year prior.

Valid point.

I wouldn't say 'a lot' but some seeds were certainly planted in 1999 that grew in 2000.

What we're saying is that for all the garbage the WWE threw at us in 1999, it was a sh*tload better than what the other product were throwing at us at the time, and the better stuff is a sh*tload better than the better stuff now. 99 was a terrible year, but if you think that's bad, go back and read the spoilers for this week's Raw again.

I wouldn't say this week's Raw was THAT bad. It was solid, no thrills stuff. Such is the case of the WWE.

All-round it was better than the old Raw format which always started and finished well enough but the middle was usually filled with crap. The endings at times used to be really dissapointing with a number of matches ending in DQs and brawls.

I think the E just needs to start getting rid of some dead wood. It reeks too much of WCW 1998 without the awesome undercard.


Staff member
Spoilers from today's Raw, to air this coming Wednesday. First of the whole new Monday Night War era thing:

-Live from The Rose Garden in Portland, OR

-Hosted by Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

-We kick things off right away as promised with [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Undertaker[/COLOR][/COLOR]'S DONG! Taker says last week was symbolic of what Shawn Michaels life has became number 17 in the streak. Shawn Michaels life has now got a dark cloud that hovers above him unable to be shaken. He says Shawn's obsession with ridding himself of this cloud with cause him to pay the ultimate price. After Wrestlemania there will be no tomorrows, there will be celebrations, there will be no sense of triumph. For Shawn there will be no victory, but only that same dark cloud that will hover above his head for the rest of his life. It brings Taker no joy in saying this, but the fact is in three weeks Shawn Michaels's career will rest in…Shawn has heard enough and interrupts before he can finish. Shawn says not tonight. Taker doesn't get to finish his line because he hasn't earned that right. Shawn says for the last year it has hung over his head like a dark cloud. Last week he went to bed full of anger and rage, but he woke up and the cloud was gone. Shawn had an epiphany. The reason he cost Taker the title in the chamber was because he had no choice. He had to do it. He said Taker didn't have to interfere in his match last week though, and that's when it occurred to him. Inside the cold black heart of The Undertaker exists fear. Undertaker says if he were Shawn he would choose his next words very carefully. Shawn repeats himself saying fear, and says Taker is the only one who knows how close he came to ending it all for him next year. He says that's why Taker wanted him to put his career up, because he thought he could intimidate him. Shawn says this has been his life for the last 25 years, and says he wouldn't have put it all on the line if he didn't know he can beat him. He says no one can live a perfect life, and nothing lasts forever. At Wrestlemania he's going to prove it. Taker says he can't tell if he's looking at a man who exudes confidence, or if he's looking at a man full of pitiful desperation. Shawn says he's not desparate. Last year he would have taken anything. A count out or disqualification. Anything to have his hand raised in victory, but not this year. He wants this year to be a no count out no disqualification match, and there must be a winner. He says this year he's going to kick Taker's teeth down his throat, and he's going to beat him. Taker agrees to that stipulation, and says Shawn has chosen his own demise. Taker says he can look in Shawn's eyes and can see the fire, passion, and will. He can look into his soul and see that Shawn honestly thinks he can beat him at Wrestlemania. Taker says that's what makes Shawn the showstopper, the main eventer, Mr. Wrestlemania. Taker says not this year. He says in his opinion Shawn may be the greatest to ever step foot in [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]the [COLOR=blue ! important]ring[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], but on March 28th he's going to open the gates of hell and unleash a fury that no mortal man has ever seen to make sure that at Wrestlemania his career is over. Shawn tells Taker to keep telling himself that, because after Wrestlemania that dark cloud is going to come back. This time though its going to be hanging over Taker, and its going to follow him everywhere he goes. Inside that cloud is an image that will haunt him the rest of his life. That image will be Shawn Michaels ending the streak. Well that takes out the possibility of a draw or any other silly theories people have put forth. Great promo to kick things off.

Six Diva Tag Team Match: Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, & Eve Torres vs. Alicia Fox, Katie Lea Burchill, & Maryse
Interesting that Katie Lea is still introduced with the last name Burchill despite Paul being released. Gail starts things off with Alicia and takes her over with a side headlock. Gail ends up on the apron, and drops down on the neck of Fox taking them to the floor. Gail catches her with a back elbow, and drops Katie off the apron with a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]clothesline[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Fox hits a boot for two, and drives Alicia into the boot of Maryse before making the tag. Maryse delivers a backbreaker for two, and knocks Kelly from the apron. Gail smacks Maryse and makes the tag to Eve who is in with a pair of dropkicks for two. Maryse comes back with a forearm, but a backdrop attempt is stopped by Eve with a boot. Eve hits her somersault plauncha for two, and now everyone is in. The face divas chase the heels outside leaving just [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Eve[/COLOR][/COLOR] and Maryse. Eve ends up on the top rope where she flips Maryse into a cross armbreaker for the submission at 2:57. Typical diva trainwreck, as it appears Eve is the next chosen one in the roulette wheel of diva challengers.
Winner: Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, & Eve Torres (Eve submits Maryse-Cross Armbreaker ¼*)

-Hornswoggle is with Criss Angel, and he is joined by the Bella Twins. They are big fans, and want to be his guest assistants for the night. He doesn't use twins though, so they're out. They ask to at least see a demonstration. He pulls a thread off one of their suits, and puts it in his mouth and pulls it out his eye. Jillian stops by, and the punchline is the same as it always is. She's a terrible [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]singer[/COLOR][/COLOR], and Criss makes her voice disappear. His best trick ever.

The Miz & The Big Show vs. John Morrison & R-Truth
Miz says last week on Smackdown R-Truth and John Morrison earned the right to face ShoMiz for the titles at Wrestlemania XXVI. Miz says not since Lex Luger and The British Bulldog joined forces to bore millions at Wrestlemania XI have a tag team with less credibility appeared at Wrestlemania. He says they'd rather face The Bushwhackers since they are a real team, and says shame on the locker room for not being able to come to their level. Miz says they are the last truly great tag team in the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]WWE[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Not sure what the point is in having this match now, but whatever. Truth starts with Miz and Morrison quickly knocks Show off the apron with a baseball slide. A double clothesline sends Miz to the floor and they both take him out with a double baseball slide. Show attacks them on the floor and the ref throws the whole thing out at 0:38. Morrison and Truth are able to leave ShoMiz laying on the floor and sending Miz into the crowd. Morrison says they just showed how real they can get, and Truth says that's what's up. Not sure why they bothered with making this a "match" as this could have been accomplished just as easy in a promo.
Winner: No Contest

-[COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]John [COLOR=blue ! important]Cena[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] joins Josh Mathews and he says what Batista said last week was completely correct. He hasn't beat him. He says Batista has his number, but the only thing he can do now is go out there and beat him. Josh asks if Cena anticipates Batista getting involved in his match with Vince tonight. Cena says he's counting on it.

-Criss Angel is joined by Evan Bourne who is excited to face William Regal for the final spot in Money in the Bank. Regal stops by with Skip Sheffield who wants to see one of Angel's tricks. Angel has Regal write a number on a tablet and he'll guess it. Skip thinks Regal has a good number, but Angel guesses it anyway. Sheffield tells "Coach Regal" he now owes him a Travis Tritt CD.

2 on 1 Handicap Match: Legacy vs. Randy Orton
Orton attacks Legacy during their entrance, and slides into the ring to wait for them. We go to commercial before the match can begin. The bell rings as we return from break and Cody Rhodes will start the match. Cody pushes Orton into the corner and gets the better of the exchange early with a series of boots. Orton turns it around and sends Rhodes into the ropes delivering a back elbow. Rhodes retreats to the corner where he tags in Dibiase. Dibiase attacks with a boot and a series of right hands. Orton comes back with a clothesline, and Dibaise retreats again to the corner. Cody tags back in and Orton again goes on offense firing Cody into the corner. Cody is able to get a right hand in, and Dibiase delivers a shot from the apron. Rhodes distracts the ref long enough for Dibiase to do some choking from the floor, and after a straight right hand Cody's cover gets two. Orton comes back to backdrop a charging Rhodes to the floor, and as Dibiase tries to attack from behind Orton turns around. DIbiase bails to the floor as well and we head to break once more. Back from break with Orton still in control whipping Cody to the corner and delivering a clothesline. Cody comes back with a jawbreaker and he dumps Orton to the floor. Orton delivers a shot to Dibiase on the floor, but Ted comes back to drop Orton on the apron and deliver a dropkick. Cody goes outside to join him and he fires Orton into the ringsteps before firing him back inside. Cody drops a knee across the forehead of Orton, and tags in Dibaise. Dibiase locks in a rear chinlock, but Orton elbows his way free. Dibiase delivers the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]rebound[/COLOR][/COLOR] clothesline for two, and fires Orton into the corner. Rhodes tags in and delivers a standing dropkick for two. Rhodes hits an elbow to the forehead, and a boot to the face. Rhodes connects with a kick to the ribs, and tags Dibiase back in as they fire Orton into the buckle. Dibiase chokes out Orton with the boot, and makes another quick tag to Cody. Cody tags Dibaise back in, but they're attempted double team fails as Orton delivers a clothesline to Ted. Orton hits powerslams on both men sending Cody to the floor, and he follows with an inverted backbreaker on Ted. Orton sets up for the RKO, but Cody comes in to stop him. Orton kicks Cody to the floor, but that distraction allows Dibiase to attack from behind with Dream Street to pick up the victory at 11:48. After the match Cody delivers his finisher to Orton as well, and they both stand over Orton mocking his trademark pose. Still not exactly sure how the inevitable Wrestlemania match featuring these guys will go. A partner for Orton maybe?
Winners: Legacy (Dibiase pins Orton-Dream Street **)

-Mathews catches up with Batista [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]who [COLOR=blue ! important]says[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] Cena is just paranoid, and the match with him and Vince has nothing to do with him. He gives us his word as WWE Champion that he will not get involved in his match tonight, but if we see John he wants to tell him good luck as it looks like he needs a confidence boost.

-Stone Cold Steve Austin is your guest host next week.

-Triple H is out to address the attack at the hands of Sheamus last week. Triple H says he actually kind of respects what Sheamus did last week. He says if some guy had pinned him, and cost him his WWE Title while giving him a concussion and humiliating him he'd want to make a statement too. Sheamus wastes no time coming out to interrupt. Sheamus says he'll make a statement of Triple H at Wrestlemania, but the question is does Triple H have the guts. Trips says that's a good question, and says Sheamus has had a hell of a first year. He says Sheamus might have had the best first year in the history of the business (Brock says hi, Trips). HHH says he's never been to the big [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]dance[/COLOR][/COLOR] though, and until he makes a name for himself at Wrestlemania he hasn't done a thing. He says HHH was in the same place Sheamus was in a long time ago, and he was undefeated and was ready to pick a fight with the biggest guy at Wrestlemania. He says he got crushed, and he got knocked down and had to fight all the way back up. He says he then became the guy. The guy who everyone tried to make their name off of. He says a few succeeded. John Cena and Batista namely, but that's the short list. He says the much longer list is the guys who failed, and says Sheamus has one shot at being immortal or being nothing. He says it's a lot to think about, and before Sheamus thinks of taking the gamble he better be sure. Sheamus steps back, but goes for a cheap shot that HHH sees coming. Trips gets the better end of the exchange and clotheslines Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus comes back to pull trips out with him. Sheamus goes for the pump kick, but misses and HHH clotheslines him into the timekeepers station. The brawl continues on the floor with Sheamus firing HHH into the announce table and then back into the ring where HHH meets him with a spinebuster. Sheamus takes off then, but the match is now official.

-Santino stops by to see Criss Angel. He's from a long line of Italian heroes like Ralph Macchio and Harry Houdini. Angel tells him that Houdini was actually Hungarian, but Santino thinks it's a liberal media conspiracy. Angel then does a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]magic [COLOR=blue ! important]trick[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], as millions change to Spike TV.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Evan Bourne vs. William Regal (w. Skip Sheffield)
Christian is out with his NXT Rookie Heath Slater for commentary as we decide the final spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Regal attacks early with a series of European uppercuts, and [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]hammers[/COLOR][/COLOR] Bourne down in the corner. Bourne comes back with a series of kicks, but hits the ropes running into a forearm. Regal connects with a back elbow, and delivers a double underhook suplex for two. Regal hits an exploder suplex, and sets up for the knee trembler. Bourne comes up and catches him with a knee to the face, and that allows him to hit Air Bourne for the pin at 1:27. I love Regal, but I'm definitely much happier to see Bourne in that match.
Winner: Evan Bourne (Pinfall-Air Bourne *)

-Next week is Wrestlemania Rewind Night. John Cena vs. The Big Show, Shawn Michaels vs. [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Chris [COLOR=blue ! important]Jericho[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], & Triple H vs. Randy Orton. All of that plus Vince and Bret's official contract signing presided over by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

John Cena vs. Mr. McMahon & Friends
Criss Angel is the guest ring announcer for this one which is the most signifigant thing he's done on the program thus far. Vince tells Bret that he knows he's up in Calgary watching, and also says that with apologies to the guest host Criss Angel this won't be an illusion. This is now a handicap gauntlet match. Vince's first partner is Vladimir Kozlov. Kozlov runs out and delivers a powerslam before connecting with a series of headbutts to the chest. Kozlov hits the Iron Curtain, and tags in Vince. He covers for a two count, and calls out his next partner which is Drew McIntyre. McIntrye delivers his finisher and McMahon tags in again covering for a two count. Vince calls out his next partner which is Jack Swagger which sends us to break. We return with Cena now in control calling for the five knuckle shuffle on Swagger which connects. Swagger counters the Attitude Adjustment attempt, and fires Cena into the corner. Swagger connects with a running powerslam, and hits a Vader Bomb. A second Vader Bomb connects, and Vince tags in. Vince covers for another two count, and calls for his next partner Mark Henry. Henry looks at Cena, and looks at Vince somewhat conflicted before connecting with the World's Strongest Slam. Vince tags in again and gets yet another two count. Vince is frustrated, and goes outside to get the ring bell. Vince announces that this is now a no disqualification handicap match. Henry tries to reason with Vince not to do it, so Vince gives Mark the bell and tells him to do it instead. Henry will have none of that and throws the bell out. Batista runs out and spears Henry before kicking him to the floor. Kofi Kingston runs out to the aid of Cena hammering Batista to the corner and hopping to the top rope for a series of punches. All that earns him is a Batista Bomb sending him back to the floor. Cena then fights back on Batista with a series of punches and a clothesline. Cena turns his attention to Vince who still holds the bell before dropping it. Vince begs but Cena will hear none of it picking him up for the Attitude Adjustment. Batista makes the save with a spear, and connects with a Batista Bomb. That finally is enough for Vince to pick up the pin at 11:21. Dave stands over a fallen Cena and asks for the spotlight as he stands tall. More angle than match, but what did you expect? Good finish.
Winner: Mr. McMahon & Friends (Vince pins Cena-Batista Bomb **1/2)

SOURCE: 411mania.com


Staff member
Spoilers from today's Raw, to air this coming Wednesday. First of the whole new Monday Night War era thing:

-Live from The Rose Garden in Portland, OR

-Hosted by Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

-We kick things off right away as promised with [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Undertaker[/COLOR][/COLOR]'S DONG! Taker says last week was symbolic of what Shawn Michaels life has became number 17 in the streak. Shawn Michaels life has now got a dark cloud that hovers above him unable to be shaken. He says Shawn's obsession with ridding himself of this cloud with cause him to pay the ultimate price. After Wrestlemania there will be no tomorrows, there will be celebrations, there will be no sense of triumph. For Shawn there will be no victory, but only that same dark cloud that will hover above his head for the rest of his life. It brings Taker no joy in saying this, but the fact is in three weeks Shawn Michaels's career will rest in…Shawn has heard enough and interrupts before he can finish. Shawn says not tonight. Taker doesn't get to finish his line because he hasn't earned that right. Shawn says for the last year it has hung over his head like a dark cloud. Last week he went to bed full of anger and rage, but he woke up and the cloud was gone. Shawn had an epiphany. The reason he cost Taker the title in the chamber was because he had no choice. He had to do it. He said Taker didn't have to interfere in his match last week though, and that's when it occurred to him. Inside the cold black heart of The Undertaker exists fear. Undertaker says if he were Shawn he would choose his next words very carefully. Shawn repeats himself saying fear, and says Taker is the only one who knows how close he came to ending it all for him next year. He says that's why Taker wanted him to put his career up, because he thought he could intimidate him. Shawn says this has been his life for the last 25 years, and says he wouldn't have put it all on the line if he didn't know he can beat him. He says no one can live a perfect life, and nothing lasts forever. At Wrestlemania he's going to prove it. Taker says he can't tell if he's looking at a man who exudes confidence, or if he's looking at a man full of pitiful desperation. Shawn says he's not desparate. Last year he would have taken anything. A count out or disqualification. Anything to have his hand raised in victory, but not this year. He wants this year to be a no count out no disqualification match, and there must be a winner. He says this year he's going to kick Taker's teeth down his throat, and he's going to beat him. Taker agrees to that stipulation, and says Shawn has chosen his own demise. Taker says he can look in Shawn's eyes and can see the fire, passion, and will. He can look into his soul and see that Shawn honestly thinks he can beat him at Wrestlemania. Taker says that's what makes Shawn the showstopper, the main eventer, Mr. Wrestlemania. Taker says not this year. He says in his opinion Shawn may be the greatest to ever step foot in [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]the [COLOR=blue ! important]ring[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], but on March 28th he's going to open the gates of hell and unleash a fury that no mortal man has ever seen to make sure that at Wrestlemania his career is over. Shawn tells Taker to keep telling himself that, because after Wrestlemania that dark cloud is going to come back. This time though its going to be hanging over Taker, and its going to follow him everywhere he goes. Inside that cloud is an image that will haunt him the rest of his life. That image will be Shawn Michaels ending the streak. Well that takes out the possibility of a draw or any other silly theories people have put forth. Great promo to kick things off.

Six Diva Tag Team Match: Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, & Eve Torres vs. Alicia Fox, Katie Lea Burchill, & Maryse
Interesting that Katie Lea is still introduced with the last name Burchill despite Paul being released. Gail starts things off with Alicia and takes her over with a side headlock. Gail ends up on the apron, and drops down on the neck of Fox taking them to the floor. Gail catches her with a back elbow, and drops Katie off the apron with a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]clothesline[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Fox hits a boot for two, and drives Alicia into the boot of Maryse before making the tag. Maryse delivers a backbreaker for two, and knocks Kelly from the apron. Gail smacks Maryse and makes the tag to Eve who is in with a pair of dropkicks for two. Maryse comes back with a forearm, but a backdrop attempt is stopped by Eve with a boot. Eve hits her somersault plauncha for two, and now everyone is in. The face divas chase the heels outside leaving just [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Eve[/COLOR][/COLOR] and Maryse. Eve ends up on the top rope where she flips Maryse into a cross armbreaker for the submission at 2:57. Typical diva trainwreck, as it appears Eve is the next chosen one in the roulette wheel of diva challengers.
Winner: Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, & Eve Torres (Eve submits Maryse-Cross Armbreaker ¼*)

-Hornswoggle is with Criss Angel, and he is joined by the Bella Twins. They are big fans, and want to be his guest assistants for the night. He doesn't use twins though, so they're out. They ask to at least see a demonstration. He pulls a thread off one of their suits, and puts it in his mouth and pulls it out his eye. Jillian stops by, and the punchline is the same as it always is. She's a terrible [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]singer[/COLOR][/COLOR], and Criss makes her voice disappear. His best trick ever.

The Miz & The Big Show vs. John Morrison & R-Truth
Miz says last week on Smackdown R-Truth and John Morrison earned the right to face ShoMiz for the titles at Wrestlemania XXVI. Miz says not since Lex Luger and The British Bulldog joined forces to bore millions at Wrestlemania XI have a tag team with less credibility appeared at Wrestlemania. He says they'd rather face The Bushwhackers since they are a real team, and says shame on the locker room for not being able to come to their level. Miz says they are the last truly great tag team in the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]WWE[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Not sure what the point is in having this match now, but whatever. Truth starts with Miz and Morrison quickly knocks Show off the apron with a baseball slide. A double clothesline sends Miz to the floor and they both take him out with a double baseball slide. Show attacks them on the floor and the ref throws the whole thing out at 0:38. Morrison and Truth are able to leave ShoMiz laying on the floor and sending Miz into the crowd. Morrison says they just showed how real they can get, and Truth says that's what's up. Not sure why they bothered with making this a "match" as this could have been accomplished just as easy in a promo.
Winner: No Contest

-[COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]John [COLOR=blue ! important]Cena[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] joins Josh Mathews and he says what Batista said last week was completely correct. He hasn't beat him. He says Batista has his number, but the only thing he can do now is go out there and beat him. Josh asks if Cena anticipates Batista getting involved in his match with Vince tonight. Cena says he's counting on it.

-Criss Angel is joined by Evan Bourne who is excited to face William Regal for the final spot in Money in the Bank. Regal stops by with Skip Sheffield who wants to see one of Angel's tricks. Angel has Regal write a number on a tablet and he'll guess it. Skip thinks Regal has a good number, but Angel guesses it anyway. Sheffield tells "Coach Regal" he now owes him a Travis Tritt CD.

2 on 1 Handicap Match: Legacy vs. Randy Orton
Orton attacks Legacy during their entrance, and slides into the ring to wait for them. We go to commercial before the match can begin. The bell rings as we return from break and Cody Rhodes will start the match. Cody pushes Orton into the corner and gets the better of the exchange early with a series of boots. Orton turns it around and sends Rhodes into the ropes delivering a back elbow. Rhodes retreats to the corner where he tags in Dibiase. Dibiase attacks with a boot and a series of right hands. Orton comes back with a clothesline, and Dibaise retreats again to the corner. Cody tags back in and Orton again goes on offense firing Cody into the corner. Cody is able to get a right hand in, and Dibiase delivers a shot from the apron. Rhodes distracts the ref long enough for Dibiase to do some choking from the floor, and after a straight right hand Cody's cover gets two. Orton comes back to backdrop a charging Rhodes to the floor, and as Dibiase tries to attack from behind Orton turns around. DIbiase bails to the floor as well and we head to break once more. Back from break with Orton still in control whipping Cody to the corner and delivering a clothesline. Cody comes back with a jawbreaker and he dumps Orton to the floor. Orton delivers a shot to Dibiase on the floor, but Ted comes back to drop Orton on the apron and deliver a dropkick. Cody goes outside to join him and he fires Orton into the ringsteps before firing him back inside. Cody drops a knee across the forehead of Orton, and tags in Dibaise. Dibiase locks in a rear chinlock, but Orton elbows his way free. Dibiase delivers the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]rebound[/COLOR][/COLOR] clothesline for two, and fires Orton into the corner. Rhodes tags in and delivers a standing dropkick for two. Rhodes hits an elbow to the forehead, and a boot to the face. Rhodes connects with a kick to the ribs, and tags Dibiase back in as they fire Orton into the buckle. Dibiase chokes out Orton with the boot, and makes another quick tag to Cody. Cody tags Dibaise back in, but they're attempted double team fails as Orton delivers a clothesline to Ted. Orton hits powerslams on both men sending Cody to the floor, and he follows with an inverted backbreaker on Ted. Orton sets up for the RKO, but Cody comes in to stop him. Orton kicks Cody to the floor, but that distraction allows Dibiase to attack from behind with Dream Street to pick up the victory at 11:48. After the match Cody delivers his finisher to Orton as well, and they both stand over Orton mocking his trademark pose. Still not exactly sure how the inevitable Wrestlemania match featuring these guys will go. A partner for Orton maybe?
Winners: Legacy (Dibiase pins Orton-Dream Street **)

-Mathews catches up with Batista [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]who [COLOR=blue ! important]says[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] Cena is just paranoid, and the match with him and Vince has nothing to do with him. He gives us his word as WWE Champion that he will not get involved in his match tonight, but if we see John he wants to tell him good luck as it looks like he needs a confidence boost.

-Stone Cold Steve Austin is your guest host next week.

-Triple H is out to address the attack at the hands of Sheamus last week. Triple H says he actually kind of respects what Sheamus did last week. He says if some guy had pinned him, and cost him his WWE Title while giving him a concussion and humiliating him he'd want to make a statement too. Sheamus wastes no time coming out to interrupt. Sheamus says he'll make a statement of Triple H at Wrestlemania, but the question is does Triple H have the guts. Trips says that's a good question, and says Sheamus has had a hell of a first year. He says Sheamus might have had the best first year in the history of the business (Brock says hi, Trips). HHH says he's never been to the big [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]dance[/COLOR][/COLOR] though, and until he makes a name for himself at Wrestlemania he hasn't done a thing. He says HHH was in the same place Sheamus was in a long time ago, and he was undefeated and was ready to pick a fight with the biggest guy at Wrestlemania. He says he got crushed, and he got knocked down and had to fight all the way back up. He says he then became the guy. The guy who everyone tried to make their name off of. He says a few succeeded. John Cena and Batista namely, but that's the short list. He says the much longer list is the guys who failed, and says Sheamus has one shot at being immortal or being nothing. He says it's a lot to think about, and before Sheamus thinks of taking the gamble he better be sure. Sheamus steps back, but goes for a cheap shot that HHH sees coming. Trips gets the better end of the exchange and clotheslines Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus comes back to pull trips out with him. Sheamus goes for the pump kick, but misses and HHH clotheslines him into the timekeepers station. The brawl continues on the floor with Sheamus firing HHH into the announce table and then back into the ring where HHH meets him with a spinebuster. Sheamus takes off then, but the match is now official.

-Santino stops by to see Criss Angel. He's from a long line of Italian heroes like Ralph Macchio and Harry Houdini. Angel tells him that Houdini was actually Hungarian, but Santino thinks it's a liberal media conspiracy. Angel then does a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]magic [COLOR=blue ! important]trick[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], as millions change to Spike TV.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Evan Bourne vs. William Regal (w. Skip Sheffield)
Christian is out with his NXT Rookie Heath Slater for commentary as we decide the final spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Regal attacks early with a series of European uppercuts, and [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]hammers[/COLOR][/COLOR] Bourne down in the corner. Bourne comes back with a series of kicks, but hits the ropes running into a forearm. Regal connects with a back elbow, and delivers a double underhook suplex for two. Regal hits an exploder suplex, and sets up for the knee trembler. Bourne comes up and catches him with a knee to the face, and that allows him to hit Air Bourne for the pin at 1:27. I love Regal, but I'm definitely much happier to see Bourne in that match.
Winner: Evan Bourne (Pinfall-Air Bourne *)

-Next week is Wrestlemania Rewind Night. John Cena vs. The Big Show, Shawn Michaels vs. [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Chris [COLOR=blue ! important]Jericho[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], & Triple H vs. Randy Orton. All of that plus Vince and Bret's official contract signing presided over by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

John Cena vs. Mr. McMahon & Friends
Criss Angel is the guest ring announcer for this one which is the most signifigant thing he's done on the program thus far. Vince tells Bret that he knows he's up in Calgary watching, and also says that with apologies to the guest host Criss Angel this won't be an illusion. This is now a handicap gauntlet match. Vince's first partner is Vladimir Kozlov. Kozlov runs out and delivers a powerslam before connecting with a series of headbutts to the chest. Kozlov hits the Iron Curtain, and tags in Vince. He covers for a two count, and calls out his next partner which is Drew McIntyre. McIntrye delivers his finisher and McMahon tags in again covering for a two count. Vince calls out his next partner which is Jack Swagger which sends us to break. We return with Cena now in control calling for the five knuckle shuffle on Swagger which connects. Swagger counters the Attitude Adjustment attempt, and fires Cena into the corner. Swagger connects with a running powerslam, and hits a Vader Bomb. A second Vader Bomb connects, and Vince tags in. Vince covers for another two count, and calls for his next partner Mark Henry. Henry looks at Cena, and looks at Vince somewhat conflicted before connecting with the World's Strongest Slam. Vince tags in again and gets yet another two count. Vince is frustrated, and goes outside to get the ring bell. Vince announces that this is now a no disqualification handicap match. Henry tries to reason with Vince not to do it, so Vince gives Mark the bell and tells him to do it instead. Henry will have none of that and throws the bell out. Batista runs out and spears Henry before kicking him to the floor. Kofi Kingston runs out to the aid of Cena hammering Batista to the corner and hopping to the top rope for a series of punches. All that earns him is a Batista Bomb sending him back to the floor. Cena then fights back on Batista with a series of punches and a clothesline. Cena turns his attention to Vince who still holds the bell before dropping it. Vince begs but Cena will hear none of it picking him up for the Attitude Adjustment. Batista makes the save with a spear, and connects with a Batista Bomb. That finally is enough for Vince to pick up the pin at 11:21. Dave stands over a fallen Cena and asks for the spotlight as he stands tall. More angle than match, but what did you expect? Good finish.
Winner: Mr. McMahon & Friends (Vince pins Cena-Batista Bomb **1/2)

SOURCE: 411mania.com
Great opening segment, thats about it though. TNA wins, on a technicality, because the Hogan sh*t wasnt much better. Must say though, the X Division segment was REALLY well done, and the Knockout stuff was good too. Van Dam's debut kinda sucked, but the Sting stuff was very well done. Also enjoyed the Hardy debut.


Staff member
I've not seen TNA yet or read spoilers (looking for a torrent :lol:) but I have heard pretty good things about the show

Raw looked ok, but the Criss Angel stuff hasn't been very well received. Couple that with only one non angle match (and a diva sh*t-fight) and I'm not particularly excited to see this week's Raw.

That said, it looks less sh*tty than last week's.


Staff member
Would you prefer more wrestling though, Pete? It seems like both Impact and Raw are 85% angle lately.

Big Pete

That's what Smackdown is for. Superstars also has some surprisingly good matches on there. Carlito/Bourne had a fun match the other week, Ziggler/JTG too was also an interesting match.

Most of the Raw guys can work a microphone. I have no problem with it being predominately talk given that's basically the E's bread and butter in the lead up to every Mania.

I don't know what TNA Impact's excuse is.


Staff member
I don't know what TNA Impact's excuse is.

They don't have four shows and hence can't dedicate one show to wrestling, one show to undercard, one show to promos, and one show to pushing young talent?

Big Pete

They don't really have the talent who can work the microphone that well though.

Given they're competing with Raw, they should be trying to give wrestling fans an alternative to just endless promos. I've got no problem if they have one big opening and closing promo but the rest of the show for mine should be dedicated to wrestling.


Staff member
Given they're competing with Raw, they should be trying to give wrestling fans an alternative to just endless promos. I've got no problem if they have one big opening and closing promo but the rest of the show for mine should be dedicated to wrestling.

Well comparing tonight's two shows, they did offer an alternative. They actually had matches on the card that were given a decent amount of time. They did show-case the two divisions that make them different to the WWE.

As I said, I've not seen the entire show just yet. But I've heard good things about the X-Division and Knockout matches, which is a start. Once I see both shows (about halfway through Raw now) I'll be able to say more.

But, on general talk, TNA did tone down the promos a little tonight. As for guys who can talk: Flair, Hogan, Angle, Pope, and Wolfe can all cut a good promo. Styles has improved in leaps and bounds since he's been mentored by Flair. Nash, Sting, Jarrett, Foley, and Bischoff talk quite well.

The problem, when you look at the above list, is that only three of them will be around in 3-5 years time, and even Angle's debatable given his health.