stop it you emos
we are fine. the fact that other clubs are leaps and bounds ahead of us at the moment is no big deal.
and if you have anything bad to say about how our local club is run then you should put your hand up for the board.
and if you have anything bad to say about how our local club is run then you should put your hand up for the board.
No, its the "if you have a problem, do something about it" argument.
Or even the "if you can see a problem, try to help them out in fixing it" argument.
There are a number of people on this forum who whinge and moan constantly about many issues - raising problems is fine, carrying on about the same issues all the bloody time is a waste of time and energy.
thanks serc
id respond by using the 'i was a member for 20 years and im quite clear about how much our opinions matter to the knights so cant be bothered wasting my money' defense
give it a go yosh, it cant hurt
id respond by using the 'i was a member for 20 years and im quite clear about how much our opinions matter to the knights so cant be bothered wasting my money' defense
thats what happens when the club makes no progress i guess...
I still don't see what spamming an internet forum with your problems is going to achieve...but having said that...
For the record, some of your stuff I agree with - however, if you are passionate enough about what you stand for, you can try for the board and *really* do some headkicking and sort things out. Or of course, there is the option, as with anything, that enough is enough and you move on. I'm not suggesting that you are any less of a supporter than I or anyone else here - but there is a point of no return for everyone.
I was talking about incessantly spamming a forum with your whinges and issues with certain things. That is different to everyone having their 2c to share about a variety of issues. It would be equally as boring as a forum full of pats on the back and well dones if everyone posted that way (and many are currently).
The logic is that if you recognise that you're passionate about something over and above everyone else, then perhaps you should go to the next step to do something about it. Otherwise - please stop bothering everyone once the record has been played 50,000 times, as it gets just a little tiresome. Its like the kid at the supermarket that is constantly nagging mumsy to give them that mars bar they can see sitting on the shelf. Saying it 50 times or 5 times is not going to make any difference.
settle down serc. i think youre going a little overboard with the allegations of spamming
you seem to get awfully defensive if someone holds a differing opinion to you own serc
if my posts upset you then just ignore them
You're right, spamming is not quite the right word - you only seem to contribute the same negative stuff of late which i guess is what is getting to me. Maybe I'm just taking my frustrations from the emofest that is this forum at the moment on just you only - which is not entirely fair. Though you are one of the worst offenders when it comes to only posting negative stuffand snide & sarcastic posts taking pot shots at the club. I know you feel slighted by whatever the club did to you a few years ago (and fairly rightly from what I recall), but it might be worth just letting that go (on here at least) as letting us know on here eleventy times a week isn't going to make history change.
Anyway I'll leave it there as I'm probably guilty of directing my frustrations at you personally again
well i can tell you honestly that the debacle with the renewal of our coprorate box really has no effect on my general feelings about the poor state of the club in general.
fair enough and no hard feelings mate