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Rebecca Wilson - Worst Rugby League Reporter.....ever.

El Diablo

Post Whore


Mr Saab


Matt Johns, for all the talent he is, is fast becoming a prized f*cktard in my eyes. FFS I have more to do in my off season than to listen to primadonna ex footballers have hissy fits over their precious TV careers - like WTF do they contribute to society?

Anyone remember when Jason Moodie retired and trained to be a firefighter? That's a damn site more important than what Johns will ever do.

As for Fatty, say what you like but he paved the way for gimps like Johns, and has held his job for about 20 years. It might be tired now but his service to his craft is unquestionably greater than all others except maybe Sterlo. Seeing twats like Johns, Singleton and Wilson makes me wonder why we dont build more sheltered workshops to keep them away from the public.

Wow, i agree with all that....and now i feel dirty


Staff member
(Lead in question)

How could the former Super League media manager stoop to this level?


don't read the terror, its garbage-full of so called journos only being published because of who they are related to or sleeping with.


(Lead in question)

How could the former Super League media manager stoop to this level?

Lead in response (you got me good)


Such 'passionate' rugby league people were involved in Superleague.

It's a disgrace that a person as anti-league as she is ever held a postion such as that in the game.


First Grade
Can someone post the actual article so we can read what she wrote?

I dont buy the telegraph, but dammit, you've piqued my interest now

Stiffy Rogers

Can someone post the actual article so we can read what she wrote?

I dont buy the telegraph, but dammit, you've piqued my interest now

You can find it on the DT League Central site.
My post count isn't high enough to include a link yet, but it's pretty easy to find.


Staff member
Fat, old and tired

  • by: Rebecca Wilson - The Daily Telegraph

NINE network boss Jeff Browne, who works directly underneath head honcho David Gyngell, is a lawyer from Melbourne.
He is the bloke who has been placed in charge of the revamp of the network's The Footy Show, the alleged jewel in the crown of the station's rugby league coverage.
It is a show which has been pummelled in the ratings in recent years, running against the overall trend of soaring ratings for the game across the nation.
Browne worked closely alongside Eddie McGuire at Collingwood before being handed the job of managing Nine's Melbourne operation.
He moved to Nine's Sydney bunker less than two years ago but he gave every impression this week that he knows how to make the truly terrible The Footy Show sing again.
Browne has stood by host Paul Vautin this week (who also happens to be a good mate of Gyngell).

Vautin, who advertising guru and rugby league junkie John Singleton described this week as an average footy player and an average host, is one of television's astonishing survivors.
In the face of poor ratings and a growing younger audience that has turned off in droves, Nine has held out for Vautin. Ignoring the fact that the show has gone from being compulsory viewing to unwatchable in recent years, Browne and Gyngell are holding firm with a host who has become irrelevant and very unfunny.
I will add a rider here that the former Queensland Origin player is no friend of mine, having humiliated me on a single The Footy Show appearance many moons ago. Then again, I am no real mate of Matthew Johns either, who was embroiled in a sex scandal several years ago.
Matty Johns has served his time in the wilderness and come back as a better man in his current role as a breakfast radio host.
He remains very smart and often very, very funny. Singleton manages him and this week claimed Johns had refused a role at The Footy Show because Nine would not budge on Fatty's hosting status and told Johns he could not exert any creative control over the program.
Each year since 2008, Nine has trumpeted that it was revamping The Footy Show. Gyngell claimed last year that the program had lost its way and was going to be transformed. It would once again reclaim its place as the go-to show for anyone who loved league and a laugh on a Thursday night.
Instead, Nine bosses have stuck rigidly to a format that is tired and often cringeworthy. There is no sign of improvement. It remains one of the most avoidable programs on any Thursday night in winter.
Browne said this week that Fatty was still "the man", even though it is doubtful Browne has ever watched a show from start to finish given he is not a league fan.
He would not know that Vautin has not changed his act for nearly two decades.
He is still a smart arse who purports to have been a rugby league demigod during his time playing for Queensland.
As my memory serves me, he was very much a bridesmaid in those great Queensland sides, playing fifth fiddle to the likes of Wally Lewis, Allan Langer, Gene Miles and Mal Meninga.
During Vautin's early days as host, he was a funny guy, always quick with the one-liners and a real find as a television talent. He kept the show moving along at a good pace and, together with Peter Sterling, created real talking points for the league world each week.
In recent years, however, he and the rest of the panel have looked like they would rather be home in bed than churning out the same old tired routine. The show is so unfunny I often find myself wishing I lived in Melbourne so I could watch the AFL version of the program. (Well, not really, but you know what I mean.) Matty Johns has every right to believe he could have played a part in revitalising it. He is at least a familiar face to league fans under 30.
Browne has hired former The Footy Show producer Glenn Pallister to come back for another crack at it. Pallister is talented enough but he has worked with Vautin and the rest before.
Fatty did not take much notice of him back then so he is hardly going to start listening now.
The Footy Show needs to become an information-based show with funny bits. That's how it became successful in the first place. We had our hit of news, but we had a laugh as well. Browne, Gyngell and Pallister will never fix it if they keep this lot on fat contracts in return for very little effort.
Singo is right about all of it but I reckon Matty Johns will be better off without it, just like the rest of us.

The real issue in my eyes is getting some people with a genuine love of the game into management at Nein and The Daily Dribbler.

Other codes are profiting from preferential treatment due to the whims of those in positions of power - people who can portray things in a light that isn't reality. Everyone else is exploiting the truth, and this is certainly one instance where you have to join 'em to beat 'em.

no name

.He is still a smart arse who purports to have been a rugby league demigod during his time playing for Queensland.

Every clip they show of Fatty playing is him f**king up in some way and he (along with everyone else) has a good laugh at himself. He gives it to himself as much as he gives it to others.
I'm not a big fan of Fatty's, but to say he puts himself on a playing pedestal is plain bullshit. He always says how lucky he was to be amongst Wally, Alf, Mal etc.

Nice Beaver

First Grade
Another top shelf contribution from this festering pile of bile and excrement.
How she can be allowed to just produce piece after piece of personal agenda driven garbage in a "national" newspaper has to raise serious questions.

hahahaha she claims he played second fiddle to Lewis, Meninga, Langer and Miles. So did every other player that ever placed up a boot with them!!! 2 of those are immortals for f*cks sake!!!!

Is the show dated? Hell yes. Does it need a revamp? Hell yes? Is Rebecca Wilson a merkin? Hell yes.

Like Loudstrat said earlier, Fatty has been somewhat a pioneer for league presenters of the past 20 years and offered a heap to the show over the years. He does deserve some loyalty.

But the show needs some major work and fast otherwise imbeciles like Wilson will sit in the middle of a circle jerk and smuggly boast how right they were.


First Grade
I turned off watching the footy show in about 1999 and on the few occasions I have watched it, I've sat there and cringed at how bad the format is and how little they discuss the game.

I watch NRL on Fox, One Week at a time on One HD, I did watch NRL tactics and I like the Footy Lounge show on Fox. Each one has / had it's own genuine plusses and they talked footy (albeit in quite varying styles)

Last season I flicked on the Footy Show for ten minutes for the first time in years and blow me f**king dead, but they were actually talking football for the time I watched the show. I'm not sure if it's an aberation because I havent watched again since, but it was a massive improvement on what I'd seen in the previous decade (admittedly that wasnt actually much).

I am prepared to agree with Ms Wilson on her points that Fatty is past his use by date and I'd even concede that the show is indeed to be avoided as I've been doing exactly that. However, I think the article would have far more weight had it been written by someone who was impartial. Ms Wilson did mention that she doesnt like Fatty because of an experience on the show (one that showed that Vautin is as big a turd as Ms Wilson because his treatment of her in a public forum was about as low and petty as it could have gotten) and as such she could never write with any balance.

The Daily Telegraph has sunk to its usual depths by getting someone with an agenda to write an article. They'd be taken far more seriously if they actually got journalists to write articles that didnt have a completely transparent agenda in the first place.


I will add a rider here that the former Queensland Origin player is no friend of mine, having humiliated me on a single The Footy Show appearance many moons ago.
Paul Vautin just rocketed up in my estimation.

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
Every clip they show of Fatty playing is him f**king up in some way and he (along with everyone else) has a good laugh at himself. He gives it to himself as much as he gives it to others.
I'm not a big fan of Fatty's, but to say he puts himself on a playing pedestal is plain bullshit. He always says how lucky he was to be amongst Wally, Alf, Mal etc.

This ^

Any media that is Rupert Murdoch owned, hires people who are willing to lie or are to dumb to realise they are lying. Bourbon Bec is a bullshit artist of the highest order and she is only with the telegraph to continue the agendas news limited have.


Yeah id like to see this episode.

What's ironic is that episode itself was a highly mooted panel revamp that was aborted after one show.

They were hoping for sparks to fly between Vautin and Wilson and they did.

Given my recent anti-Telegraph posts I'll ease up and let others post the snippets of their conversations/arguments instead.


What's ironic is that episode itself was a highly mooted panel revamp that was aborted after one show.

They were hoping for sparks to fly between Vautin and Wilson and they did.

Given my recent anti-Telegraph posts I'll ease up and let others post the snippets of their conversations/arguments instead.

Is Rebecca Wilson famous for anything? Has she ever achieved anything?

It's funny how she can criticise Fatty for being average, but he's won GF's, played for state and country, and gone on to have a long career in television.

What has she done?
Her highlights include appearing on a Big Brother talk show, and going DUI.

I hate this woman.

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