how to deal with the mafia-style backroom types who spend a lot of their time undermining the game.
The Jamie & Cersei Lannister of Australian sports journalism ?
The Jamie & Cersei Lannister of Australian sports journalism ?
The Jamie & Cersei Lannister of Australian sports journalism ?
So who's the Imp then?
Rothfield :lol:
So who's the Imp then?
:crazy:The dark forces are back in play and rugby league is once again on tenterhooks.
Rebecca Wilson- The 'rugby league' expert who thought brett mullins' name was paul mullins on 2ue.
She is there only to run the news ltd agenda in the form of gossip columns and opinion pieces.
Fortunately 90 percent of the readers can see through it all.
Her column today was sooooooooooooooooooooooo predictable.
Get over it News Ltd lackeys...your boy is gone.
I'm glad the SMH smashes the DT for sales on a Saturday.