Probably come from all the times he single handedly tore our forward pack to shreds...
Mate you took the words right out of my mouth.
The Mother's Day game this year was just another example of Kas' "15 minutes" eclipsing anything our blokes could offer combined.
In this game you can win an otherwise tight contest with just a few pivotal minutes worth of impact. This bloke has the capacity to provide that.
I understand the concerns over fitness, but it was ever thus. Beetson was lampooned for his early 'half a game' antics, and he was never the most athletic of players. But he had magic in him, and that was what mattered.
These days the big men get more breaks than ever, what with interchange, time of for video ref scrutiny of a host of things, walking to and delaying scrums, time wasting for all sorts of kicks. There's enough extra time wasted to have a sit down feed in between play. The Kas' of the world can get by with a few extra kegs.