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Redneck Redfaces

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For the first time ever a couple of days ago I entered a comment after one of the Telegraph's League stories, the one written about
'Grant needing to get on with the business of running the game'. I simply stated: 'Wonder does Rothfield's employer know he's the
laughing stock of the League world'. No sense of humour that mob, not like here, there's only one comment on the article printed
and it's not mine.

Sometimes it's more fun reading between the lines. Glen Jackson of the Herald writes Hindy says Izzy's arrival is no panacea . . .hope he
explained to Hindy what that meant before he accredited him with thinking it. Anyway, back to between the lines, supposedly of Hindy's words.

'No disrespect, a bit thin in the forwards at the Eels'. Gee, that's an eye opener
'You go back to the days when Stuart had the forwards he did at the Roosters'. Hmmm, bigger lifeboats wouldn't have helped the Titanic's captain, better to have been a good sailor.
'He could be a 5/8, we just need to get him fitter' of Hayne. Does he mean physically?


He's played less games of League than he has Union, at a club that was in turmoil with coaches at a time he could be described
as being immature. He's only coming back to League for 12 months to honour a promise and now that he's a mature athlete
can't wait to get back to Union. Nothing fairer than that. Let's hope what he has got to offer is absorbed by the young blokes
during his visit


All the SBW razzmatazz is great for the game, especially when there's nothing else to watch but funeral ads and cricket which
are on a par, but the most exciting thing to happen so far this off season is the prospect of the Raiders finding a half that can
tie his own shoes. Anthony Milford may be the player needed to get Furner off his knees on Sunday mornings.

Always a risk of ending up with a bitch that has been let have pups too early but if this young bloke lives up to his potential and
doesn't grow too big in ego or stature the Green Machine may have found the cog they need. No matter what the government
do to f**k the joint, Qld will always be the centre of excellence as a breeding ground, Mal must be in raptures, money for old rope.
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You have to have been around as long as I have to appreciate the irony of Rugby League being threatened by Union.
Imo Union is a shit of a game played by meatheads who think getting into position is not making a fool of yourself in
a brothel. It is a sport for the intellectually challenged of the upper class.

If Australia neglected it's other two oval ball games and concentrated on Union we would clearly be the world's best
and players such as Ray Price for instance would never have considered swapping codes, just as a current All Black
won't. SBW is an exception because he's caught the Mundine disease of provingapointitis for which he may have
found a cure but is stuck with a 12 month afteraffect.

Union's big advantage over League and any other on the planet where you can pick the ball up and run with it is that
it is world wide. The Japs are into it for that reason and if League misses the boat in the China experiment Union won't.
Imo, if Benji gets the bug in the off season and swaps to Union it won't be a great loss . . . nothing compared to losing
someone like Slater.

So, what's the point of my dribbling in the cornflakes you may ask. A short answer is that League doesn't need players
who can't think past the bounce of the ball. League's real enemy is that Union promses world travel and if a bloke can
become good at it he doesn't have to worry about struggling through a local season.
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If I'm not the only opinionated s.o.c on LU I have good news for the rest. For some time I have been disconcerted when
ticking boxes in the many polls offered up by the media, for it turns out more than 50% of the time my choice has been
deemed wrong. That's a pisspoor batting average anyway you look at it.

NRL.com is undoubtedly the best League site for information, especially the full length interview videos that journos use
shortened versions of to manipulate into whatever puts bread on their table. Anyway, I happened to click on to 'previous
polls', which go back for yonks, and you can look at those results with the advantage of hindsight.

Having spent an inordinate amount of time reading many it turns out my batting average increased markedly. At the time
each poll was taken many of us probably thought 'that's not f**king right' and were incensed, but with hindsight it's a bit of
a giggle to find how many polls were way off the mark. Didn't make me a Bradman but certainly curtailed fears of being dropped.


Rotfield has got something half right when he says every club should have a salary cap exempt marquee player.
The half he got wrong is the player should have been 10 years at the club beforehand. Imo every one club player
after 10 years should be free or at least on a 50% discount.

We have the absurb situation where Steve Menzies is wandering around picking up rubbish when he could be on
standby for the Seagles at no cost. Even if the ARLC restricted it to being allowed one 10 year player only each
year free it would be a start. The Sharks for example deserve to have Gallen in '13 for free, but the Roosters don't
deserve to poach him for free as Rotfield suggests.


Sometimes a placebo works as well as the real thing and a hell of a lot cheaper. Benny sees Willie as the rider you send out to
break up the peloton while the finishers get positioned. The Knights being the only club who has a mascot that actually plays is
not as dumb as first appears, Benny it seems is relying a great deal on team harmony.

Speaking of encouragement we will have Carney fit and ready for the new season. No harm in everyone around him buoying
the lad up, even the doctors are doing their best by assuring him he is whole again. Thanks to the Izzy and Sonny show doing
the rounds in '13 everyone including the arsewipes may not block his light at the end of the tunnel.


Is Jabba really trying to cut costs or just make room for more players. Maybe he's hoping a gentle nudge on Jennings will
lead to a trip, value per dollar Michael would be on par with Meatloaf. If Cleary is as good as expected none of the four
players on notice is worth a king's ransom.

When Cam Smith sat at home waiting for a newborn the Storm got pipped by 7 points from memory the only time they lost
the WCC. Wonder if he thinks of it like he does when he plays Manly, take the best player on the planet away at short notice
and payback can be a bitch.


Maybe Rusty promised his missus to sell Souths to get her back, can't find time for a triangle. He could need the cash if the divorce
needs to see capital. Wtf, none of anyone's business anyway. For him to pull out on the vinegar stroke shows the man is not in it for
the glory, as was Piggins, and there should be a portrait of him in the club foyer for eternity.

To all the minimen wankers who enjoy lol@souths how did your club go in '12 and do you think it can beat the Rabbitohs in '13.
A few sides might knock them off but the majority of dopes laughing out loud are doing it from the sewer. Like a lineup of blokes
with everyone on the left holding the dick on the right, can't be dumb if everyone's doing it.


Staff member
Settle petal. It's a figure of speech. From your other posts I get the impression you are from Mudgee, next time I head up that way I will be sure to let you know, we can go the the Woolpack & discuss it over a beer or 2.

On Jennings I believe he is a victim of poor coaching and shit service from his inside men. Give him the ball with a bit of space and he is among the best in the game.


Using 'hate' when talking sport is as appropriate as 'merkin' when talking to a woman. The only thing I hate about League is
the sometimes injustice. If the imbecile Gallop had his easy way out 16 clubs would have a couple of 'marquee' players who
put in an effort when in the mood. That may not be cheating the system but it is cheating the game itself.

SBW, Gaznier, Hayne, Jennings, Sandow as examples are let get away with hogging the cap on the pretence they might put
in a good game. Players around them either wait for the mood swing or aren't game enough to initiate anything. Clubs who do
it the hard way by the use of teaching to build a team aren't encouraged because they are in the minority.

If you want to judge the real value of a club to Rugby League imagine removing all player salaries and pay them on a point
system for each game. Points out of 10 with $2k a point. The culture in Melbourne doesn't allow to have anyone less than 6/10
every game with the top blokes consistently 8/10. That may translate to $300k a year minimum to every player who gives his
best each game but that's what fans want to see.

The irony is that the top teams have created a culture that won't allow prolonged mediocracy from players no matter how much they're paid.


Apology accepted, I've lived near Penrith and I can understand someone from there abusing women, this side of the mountains
we do it differently. At least you're someone who's not afraid to talk to me so that's a start. Bellamy would never have let Dave
Tailor run Inglis over the sideline so that explains his hesitant start.

New coach Maguire will expect him to play anywhere he wants him to just as well as he did at Melbourne. Bellamy wouldn't take
Jennings at the Storm, he likes players with a respectable workrate and most of all that can tackle. Jennings will never stop as
many tries as he makes which is what Chambers does.

Penrith players would do well to watch Sica like hawks, he'll be far more valuable than Michael will ever be. You can't pay a bloke
that much money for him not be a spearhead, he thinks fireworks are for special occasions. Coote is a property in danger of being
mishandled if the coach's attentions are distracted by idiots, he's that good.


A great Rugby League team exudes the same feeling of security as a great padlock, and the workmanship that went into both
is critical. Unfortunately the better the lock the more important the key, throwing away something valuable because you can't
operate it is sacrilege. A League team's key is the #9 and the Cowboys will never unlock the goodies without an imposing one.

Had a glance at Rotfield and he's apparently over the moon about NSW having two games at home. No wonder, anything to
distract from the comeuppence he got from Grant. Amongst all the figures I may have missed who won what and where it
mattered the most. Like birds in the bush, winning the decider is what matters, not where it's played.

Seems the shoulder charge may go the way of the Cumberland throw. Pricey was told he couldn't throw a bloke over his hip
unless first contact was made with the hands. Does it mean that we will see players grab with the left hand first before they
hit with the right shoulder or does it mean no shoulder at all. Could end up with players tackling like they're trying to pin a tail
on a donkey.


Wonder how many new people turn up to a second Origin game than the first in either Sydney or Brisbane. Better to play a game
in Melbourne every year and give more of Australia a chance to see what everyone knows is the ultimate. One pommy referee for
all three games and play them when they belong, after the pissant cup.

Courier Mail/Telegraph, same hole different smell. Do they really expect us to think they don't collaborate in an effort to sell arsewipes.
Aldi have softer stuff at a comparable price without the ink stain.

Gallen says what smart people believe, the real way to reduce injuries is to let the players get tired enough not to be able to hit as
hard for the full 80. Reduce interchanges and encourage stamina over brute force, at the same time save money by not having big
names on the bench. Referees are going to have a wow of a time enforcing this one . . . wtf, they've nothing better to do.

John Grant is determined he won't let the ARLC be bullied, a man after my own heart. Rednecks all have the same agenda and the
majority of League supporters are aware of what is needed to thwart their crap. Be great to see the ARLC give an official press release
every Wednesday, the horde of journos could create their version of Days of Our Lives while they're waiting.
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"We're always on the lookout for marquee players". Of course you are Todd, nothing much grows in Little Beirut now as it
once did when the great CB of yesteryear produced some of the best. No doubt you will come up with that something extra
to lure Thurston, maybe 10 years supply of toilet duck.

As usual Roy Masters is worth a read and the only thing I can add is that anything anyone can think of to get the Blues a series
win should be expedited. The incessant caterwauling from NSW is as depressing to an old man as the media's penchant for
funeral ads. The imaginary friend to 70% of Australia's population should finally bring peace to all mankind.

Anderson's bid to clarify 'benefit of the doubt' should start by declaring a try if the arm carrying the ball touches the ground.
Why should a game hinge on how short the groundkeeper cuts the grass.

One of the fascinations for '13 is how will coaches and players dress up the shoulder charge. Not that Bellamy needs it in his
repertoire but I'm sure if he was challenged he could come up with the icing. Rules that modify are far more effective than
those that ban totally and we can only imagine what another slow motion excuse to disallow something is going to add to the
day of a video ref.
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Rotfield wants a draft and he should be sent to Afghanistan armed with a slingshot if he's that keen. A draft is how the
AFL even up a game that can't be coached, how the f**k do you tell which way an oval ball is going to bounce when
it's knocked on. Better if League sticks with training and let the AFL draw straws.

The one good thing about the attempt to lure Thurston hopefully will be when he knocks back the offer. Nothing better
than blokes like Cronk, Smith, etc pretending they're after a feed when all they're doing is throwing a line to pass the time.
A pity Hasler has given up trying to be the best coach in the game, no glory in being a middleman.

Interesting to know that Daley thinks the Blues can only win a series every second year. That's the perception from his
delight at having two games in NSW. At least Q don't have that attitude, be like putting a ball into a scrum knowing the
outcome . . . wait a minute.


Impressed by both Grant and Smith in the interview. No confusion that it's the ARLC's job to come up with iniatives and the CEO's
job to implement them with as little collateral damage as possible. Of course he's going to be the Commission's 'yes' man, one of
the job's prerequisites, but he appears capable of demanding clarification.


If the interest in where Thurston is or isn't going is really more than just a beatup from the arsewipes then League is in dire straits.
Appears to all casual observers of the game that it relies on freaks to sustain it. If you look how many teams are badly in need of
halfbacks and five eights the irresponsibility of clubs is a blight on the game.

Melbourne will never have a problem because Bellamy is there so does that mean he is a freak also. The only special thing about
him is that promising players are prepared to bide their time to be under his wing. Cronk is one of the best but he is manufactured
as are most of the Storm players. Hasler can also create when he's focussed on tomorrow and not the dollar.

So, we have 10 or so other coaches that are after a quick fix because of laziness or pressure, with possibly 3 or 4 who may nurture
something with luck. Everyone wants competent halves and the only way is get competent people looking for them and training them.
If 6's, 7's and 9's are so special then extraordinary effort is required to manufacture them, even to the extent of employing special
iniatives by the ARLC.

The new catchcry of Rugby League is to have 16 competitive teams but as long as poaching is the preferred method it will never happen.


So, what do we know about Dave Smith. The short answer is f**k all, the long answer is a replay of what Grant has told us along
with what Smith has stated in his press conference. Since he's still employed by Lloyds or whoever but still had the decency to
present himself ahead of time to keep the arsewipes happy that should earn him brownie points.

Anyone who judges Smith either good or bad before he officially takes up the position is an absolute f**king wanker, enter Rotfield,
Kent and company. Nothing worse than a dumbarse who relies on his audience being dumbarses, then again, I read what they
wrote so who am I making aspersions.
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