For the first time ever a couple of days ago I entered a comment after one of the Telegraph's League stories, the one written about
'Grant needing to get on with the business of running the game'. I simply stated: 'Wonder does Rothfield's employer know he's the
laughing stock of the League world'. No sense of humour that mob, not like here, there's only one comment on the article printed
and it's not mine.
Sometimes it's more fun reading between the lines. Glen Jackson of the Herald writes Hindy says Izzy's arrival is no panacea . . .hope he
explained to Hindy what that meant before he accredited him with thinking it. Anyway, back to between the lines, supposedly of Hindy's words.
'No disrespect, a bit thin in the forwards at the Eels'. Gee, that's an eye opener
'You go back to the days when Stuart had the forwards he did at the Roosters'. Hmmm, bigger lifeboats wouldn't have helped the Titanic's captain, better to have been a good sailor.
'He could be a 5/8, we just need to get him fitter' of Hayne. Does he mean physically?