You and I are lucky enough to have seen many highs and lows within our club and have learnt to deal with the pain and suffering and the younger ones are yet to acquire that skill.
Your question re the management is one I have often contemplated on and obviously there are many and varied reasons and lots of so called logic as to why they do what they do.
In the end it is all a business and the margin of what is considered "success" has widened significantly.
If we were living in a top 4 comp like the old days it may very well be different but alas being top 8 and getting there or just outside is considered acceptable.
I think the point you make about the broadening of the finalists from 4 to 8 is an excellent point in terms of the lowering of expectations. I think that an analysis of the 8 finalists system would reveal that the 8th placed team never deserves to make the finals and sometimes neither does the 7th team. I don't care that the Eels made the GF in 2009 - a team that can only win as many as it loses does not deserve a spot in the finals. Mary's claim of success in making the finals in 2015 was just so hollow - a team that had lost 7 straight!
I almost choked every time Doust uttered the phrase "our brand". But surely we have reached a point where our brand is being damaged. Yes there is the accepted notion today that football is a business. But on the share market if a company announces it is not going to meet its expected results for the year its share price can drop as much as 40%. So with our expected position on the NRL ladder plummetting why isn't our manage
ement showing some concern for its business model. Why are they not stepping in to correct the problems the business is facing? They can't have it both ways. If it is a footy club it can be run amateurishly. If it is a business it must be run professionally with a genuine concern for all stakeholders which must include us long suffering fans.