5. Sega Master System Had a light gun before the NES, not to mention the multiple other systems that had light guns as well before the NES was made. (good toy, but certainly not the first)
4. That Passive 3D was often a failure (great steps in the right direction) but with that said, if you didn't have good enough eye sight, of if you had glasses, or if you where color blind, or held it at the wrong angle or distance, it failed..
--Again, Not a good thing.. .but certain a step in the right direction.
--Passive 3D isn't new, or innovative as it's been done to death, and PCs are capible of it with the right HW, before the 3DS.
3. Oh, hell no.. the D-pad wasn't a nintendo invention. (Great as it is, the 4 direction pad movement, existed before Intendo, and one woud be hard pressed to find who started it first, but it's for dam sure not Nintendo)
2. Pish... the 6 button was done better with the Sega Genesis. Though as for that controller, 3rd party controler makers beat Nintendo to the punch with shoulder buttons for the genesis, because they thought why not.
1. .... have we forgotten the early PC, & attari, along with arcade cabnits, that introduce analog sticks long before the N64. X.x the N64, just reintroduced them (though frankly I'm fairly sure Sony was going to still go with what they came out with anyways, so.. who knows.)
Very .. piss poor list at trying to make nintendo look good.
What are the best ones it's got?I have an arcade machine in the garage with 2000 games, it's awesome.
Hah I remember playing a strip poker game at a local arcade when I was like 13 or 14, having no real idea what I was doing then randomly getting a royal flush so it went through pretty much all the Japanese-style cartoon girls doing the striptease animations. Needless to say it made me feel kinda funny like climbing the ropes in gym class.
We had a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade machine at our old flat (now in a mates garage), which had the TMNT arcade game, plus a bunch of other games (on those old motherboard JAMMA things or whatever they're called) including WWF Superstars, some funny Euro soccer game where you kick knock down the ref and players over with flying knees, a golf game and some Double Dragon style game which wasn't actually Double Dragon.
That was good times until some of the wiring stuffed up and the screen went funky and two of the joysticks stopped working so it became a dormant (but still cool looking) relic in the corner of the lounge!
Honestly couldn't tell you. Just remember it being not Double Dragon, hah. It got the least play out of all of the games (the soccer surprisingly got the most playtime in a competitive flatting environment, was so fun especially foul playing everyone on the field with brutal glee!)
Just got myself an S4 last week and downloaded an SNES emulator last night, wooohooo!!!! Especially since I brought our old SNES & games from the parents place back to my flat a while back, only to find it doesn't work any more (power goes on but screen stays black).
Have started with three of the games we owned just to give it a go - WWF Wrestlemania (PINHIIIIM PINHIIIIIM), Mario All Stars & MK3 (though downloaded Ultimate MK3 version which we didn't own).
Was pretty sweet on the bus ride to work, though gotta get used to the touch screen controls!!!
Now just gotta find : Super Return Of The Jedi, Pac Attack, Star Fox, MK1 (I'm sure there's a couple more I can't remember now) to complete the set before going after decent games we never owned back in the 90s.
If this hasn't already been posted here, go to ssega.com it has most mega drive games ready for you to play online. Even has links to other consoles like Master System, Super Nes etc. Let's just say I haven't had a very productive day at work this week.
Really? I actually thought the D-pad on the Master System was done quite well as it was a bit more smoother than the T of the NES as it seemed a but more flatter. Just my 2 cents though. I guess it depends on the gamer. I remember getting blisters on the N64 when I was first learning to use the thumb stick :lol:Love that sort of early 90s video game logic :lol:
Can imagine the thumb gets pretty sure on that master system d-pad though. As much as I love the SMS, that d-pad was a nightmare.
I remember I played the first 2nd one on a demo cd I got when I bought the PS Magazine. It was awesome. That game was unbelievable back in the days. A few more vehicular combat video games came out soon after that, most notable the Carmageddon series.I've been playing a lot of old ps1 games over the weekend.
This one in particular is very addictive
Even the animated story intro is wicked. The first one had the cool in-car view screen however Twisted Metal 2 dominates everything else.