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Return of gaz


I wish they'd sort out all this rubbish BEFORE going public.

Someone talks about it before it's a done deal, we all get excited and wet our pants, then we're told there could be a snag and it might not happen.

Do they enjoy playing with our minds or what??

Being a Dragons fan you should be used to the emotional rollar coaster they put us through each year :p


Meh. Either we can fit him under the cap or we can't. I really don't think it's Ian Schubert's job to be finding ways to make it happen. I knew there was going to be controversy as soon as I read about it


This isn't a new snag. The SMH missed the boat on the scoop and are chasing some headlines now.

Interesting stuff. He might be a Knight yet.
You would think the Knights would have learned a lesson by now about buying St George players.


Assistant Moderator
I know a fairfax journo - they were dirty that the Dragons gave the story to the tele but not to them.

"deliberate media management" he reckons.... I am not sure what that means though.

So you heard it from a mate.

Nothing to do with the Telegraph ringing up and getting a comment?

I say put the "deliberate media management" in the rumour basket, along with other conspiracy theories - or the sour grapes department. The choices are in abundance.

I find it odd that a Fairfax employee would be complaining about Saints 'giving' a story to News Ltd, when News Ltd have been on the warpath for months because they claim there is a lack of access to Saints players and management. Which suggests Fairfax have been getting a better roll of the dice.

Keep in mind that the Illawarra Mercury is a Fairfax publication and they regularly publish exclusives on the Dragons. So, it just doesn't add up.

I also find it odd given that this Gasnier story/rumour has been doing the rounds for months, with various scenarios being thrown up and numerous quotes from rugby union and rugby league officials. Doust in particular has made no secret of the fact that Saints would be interested in talking to Gasnier should he wish to return to the NRL. Something they indicated after it was announced that Gasnier had signed with the French two years ago.

Maybe your mate just wanted to have a grumble. Seems like we just can't please some people.

Saint Jack

I know a fairfax journo - they were dirty that the Dragons gave the story to the tele but not to them.

"deliberate media management" he reckons.... I am not sure what that means though.

The Smell generally claim Saints give them nothing ?


News Ltd have been on the warpath for months because they claim there is a lack of access to Saints players and management. Which suggests Fairfax have been getting a better roll of the dice.

Maybe this was a square up?

At any rate, it makes sense. Your club had everything to gain and nothing to lose from leaking it. Headlines for the sponsors, and if he signs, they look like geniuses, and he is the prodigal son returning home for love. He doesn't sign, and he looks like a greedy prick.

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