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Whats the go with hindy being taken off after 27 mins??

then he didnt come back until the 60th minute when the game was over!!

Surely this game is rigged and im sure there is alterior forces at work here to push it into game 3.

I mean there were plenty of times grothe and tahu were unmarked and anasta just ran the line and hogged the ball.

Ive never seen so much dropped ball i mean menzies what shocking.

I hate watching game 2 so as it walways rigged!!



jayjayselmes said:
still finch and ansata should be led to the paddick and shot

I would like to second that!!!

I would also like to jump to Tahu/Grothes defence, before the calls are made to reinstate Cooper, as they saw 'zero' quality ball tonight. They had better not get shafted for Game 3!

And Hindy not getting much game time (arguably the best second-rower in the game) ... an absolute friggin disgrace!!


yeah i bet they will i hate game 2 i thing its grahm murray fault hindy off in 27 mins and back at 60 mins ridiculous


cureme said:
I would like to second that!!!

I would also like to jump to Tahu/Grothes defence, before the calls are made to reinstate Cooper, as they saw 'zero' quality ball tonight. They had better not get shafted for Game 3!

And Hindy not getting much game time (arguably the best second-rower in the game) ... an absolute friggin disgrace!!

you kidding, I barely saw Gasnier, do you think he'll get dropped. Our fowards were dominated and halves were shocking as a result

Parra Guru

The halves were awful and most of the forwards went missing.

The outside backs all did their job, give Gasnier a break, he did no better or worse than Tahu.


The forwards didn't go missing, they were totally outplayed. How many times did Mason and O'Meley get hammered or put on their backsides.

They tried but they were just outplayed by a group of guys playing as a TEAM.
Damn straight it was rigged - by Qld!

What's the recipe for a guaranteed Qld victory? Tell them they are pussies then send them to Suncorp to play. Sheesh, if anyone didn't see that coming then they are blind.


Oh well it makes for an interesting Game 3!!!

Tahu actually looked a little quiet last night I thought.
Gaz had a crap game but Matty King was fantastic!!!!!!!!!!

Guru did a fine job as well, lets hope he doesn't take the fall fr the loss so they can slot Cooper back in.

Hindy needed to be on the field more, did you see when he got back on??? he was not a happy chappy and made some big metres/hits straight away.

Menzies was terrible..... the forwards were just outmuscled, but they also needed some serious ball control.

Finch and Anasta - I echo all of what has already been said about the 2 of them in all other threads...... Gower will have to be back in for Game 3


Staff member
I couldn't believe Hindy was on t bench n the first place, he was our best defender.

Cant find any stats from NRL.com on the game, but I'd say he probably still had the best stats despite spending 30 minutes on the bench.

I think TIT is showing us that he is not a natural cente, he tries to run at his oponent with no intention of passing, or setting up his winger, Gaz was worse.

Playing outside Anasta didn't help erither of our centres


Swap Timana with King.
King is crying out to be named at Centre but they keep putting him on the wing

Stagger eel

Staff member
I just have this sickening feeling that Grothe will be sacrificed for the next game as they'll opt to put the best defensive centre in the game there and that's Cooper.

Hope I'm wrong, though.

I think the changes they should make is drop Anasta and Finch for Gower and Orford. start Bailey, move Mason to the backrow and drop Simpson for Gallan.

forward pass

Anyone who thinks a SOO match would be rigged is a complete tool!!

Yeah - right pal, the players deliberately humiliated themselves in front of millions and put their future rep careers on the line so that the 3rd game would be more interesting !:roll:

You have no idea what you are are talking about. Give Qld some credit ffs!


Grother and King were our best players last night. They remained as physical as ever despite having no time in attack with the committed and fast Qld defence getting up on them aggressively. In these conditions Gasnier went from untouchable to unseen. The only thing I saw him do last night was blame the referee for his errors.

Grother and Tahu brought the fight up to Qld and were the only two who proved a handful in attack. The HErald match summary said Grothe was "easy pickings rucking it up" which couldn;t be further from the truth. Sure he made less metrtes and less line breaks than last game, but he and King were the two who were hardest to put down. They really rose to the physical challenge. (The same match ratings had them as the two highest for NSW though which is fair enough).

Hindy was decent in attack and QLD scored most of their points when he went off.


Bigfella said:
Grother and King were our best players last night. They remained as physical as ever despite having no time in attack with the committed and fast Qld defence getting up on them aggressively. In these conditions Gasnier went from untouchable to unseen. The only thing I saw him do last night was blame the referee for his errors.

Grother and Tahu brought the fight up to Qld and were the only two who proved a handful in attack. The HErald match summary said Grothe was "easy pickings rucking it up" which couldn;t be further from the truth. Sure he made less metrtes and less line breaks than last game, but he and King were the two who were hardest to put down. They really rose to the physical challenge. (The same match ratings had them as the two highest for NSW though which is fair enough).

Hindy was decent in attack and QLD scored most of their points when he went off.

Bloody well said :clap: :clap:


I thought King and Grothe were about the Blues best also. Hodgson had a great first half, positionally he was everywhere.

But I thought the Blues were in trouble from the moment they stuttered in the walk out. They didn't look ready. Then Hindmarsh's smirking during the anthem indicated he wasn't completly switched on, which made me think it could be the same for the whole side.

Noticed on a shot of Hindy and Buderus on the bench, that Buderus looked pi*#ed. I know I was annoyed that Wing was on the field for so long and doing nothing. Perhaps he was to.

As for Finch - Fairytales to Knightmares! Remember this quote Finchy I think it aptly defines you... "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."


Finally someone else notices that Tahu is not a complete centre, YET..

He does well for us but as I have said previously, he's a winger playing 1 in from the sideline. It's good because he gets the ball earlier but it's a waste having grothe outside of him because grothe does not get any service from Tahu as he normally goes himself. If Grothe did not run one off the ruck or from dummy half, he'd starve of possession. Gasnier at least will look for his wingman.

I also worry about Tahu's defence when it becomes man on man, especially against Hodges. He's a great defender technically but I think he still has troubles reading the defence at centre.

If cooper is to come back, I would Keep grothe on the wing and sadly, Tahu back to Parra.

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