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RL independence day arrives - NRL Independent Commission announced

The committee -- which includes Wests Tigers chief executive Stephen Humphreys, Bulldogs chief Todd Greenberg, St George Illawarra chief Peter Doust, North Queensland boss Peter Parr and consultancy LEK -- was established to ensure club involvement in critical broadcast negotiations before the present deal expires in 2012.
What is this committee doing? Is it involved in the negotiations or is it just being told what is happening in negotiations it is not involved in? If the latter what is the point of such a committee? If the former why the f**k are club bosses involved in negotiations when the independent commission is supposed to be running the game?


What is this committee doing? Is it involved in the negotiations or is it just being told what is happening in negotiations it is not involved in? If the latter what is the point of such a committee? If the former why the f**k are club bosses involved in negotiations when the independent commission is supposed to be running the game?


El Diablo

Post Whore
What is this committee doing? Is it involved in the negotiations or is it just being told what is happening in negotiations it is not involved in? If the latter what is the point of such a committee? If the former why the f**k are club bosses involved in negotiations when the independent commission is supposed to be running the game?

read it all ffs

THE creation of an independent commission to control rugby league will not alter the NRL's plans to use a sub-committee containing club representatives to advise it on the upcoming television broadcast rights negotiations.

and you paranoid twits keep foregetting LEK are part of it
It reads like the NRL needs club bosses to advice it on its own TV negotiations. It can't mean to advise the NRL on what negotiations are taking place so it can only mean the club bosses are telling the NRL what to negotiate. In which case this flies in the face of the supposed independence of the commission.

El Diablo

Post Whore
they would advise the commission

and the consultancy firm is part of the same sub committee

The committee -- which includes Wests Tigers chief executive Stephen Humphreys, Bulldogs chief Todd Greenberg, St George Illawarra chief Peter Doust, North Queensland boss Peter Parr and consultancy LEK
So how is the commission independent if it is being told what to do by the club bosses? Why are other stakeholders not given the same opportunity to influence the commission?


So how is the commission independent if it is being told what to do by the club bosses? Why are other stakeholders not given the same opportunity to influence the commission?

You've already been labelled paranoid.

Are you going for denier as well?

Good questions, that will be avoided for good reason. There is no rational answer.


You've already been labelled paranoid.

Are you going for denier as well?

Good questions, that will be avoided for good reason. There is no rational answer.

How is it the I.C. it being told what to do!!.
The committeee investigates ,makes recommendations.The I.C can either accept,amend or reject the recommendations.
The I.C does not have the time to delve into every corner of the rugby league world.It has to gather info,recommendations from people within the game.
Lek has been appointed as the major adviser to the new Tv deal.They secured the $780m one for fumbleball.Lek has the insight into the Tv negotiation mechanisms,the club officals have some insight as to scheduling,crowds,juniors etc.Combining input from many sources is logicaL and hardly suggests the I.C is some sort of plaything for the clubs.Sheesh.


As a fair chunk of the TV money goes back to the clubs, at least they have a vested interest in getting as much dollars as possible....

Better than the current arrangments where the part owners of the game have a vested interest in paying as little as possible...


First Grade
How is it the I.C. it being told what to do!!.
The committeee investigates ,makes recommendations.The I.C can either accept,amend or reject the recommendations.
The I.C does not have the time to delve into every corner of the rugby league world.It has to gather info,recommendations from people within the game.
Lek has been appointed as the major adviser to the new Tv deal.They secured the $780m one for fumbleball.Lek has the insight into the Tv negotiation mechanisms,the club officals have some insight as to scheduling,crowds,juniors etc.Combining input from many sources is logicaL and hardly suggests the I.C is some sort of plaything for the clubs.Sheesh.


do people think the IC is going to run every facet of RL in this country by themselves ? :sarcasm:

that they are going to decide everything from the next TV rights deal to who referees the U10's at Norford Park

there'll be numerous committees who'll advise the IC , just like there is in all sports who have them :roll:


As a fair chunk of the TV money goes back to the clubs, at least they have a vested interest in getting as much dollars as possible....

Agreed, I can't see any negatives of having the clubs represented in this process.

I mean do we want the assistant secertary of the CRL involved in the NRL TV rights negiotations?
This is all going exactly as predicted. The clubs have the ear of the IC. Every other stake holder in the sport does not. And all the NRL-centric tards who don't know the game exists outside NRL club land think this is a brilliant idea. Who'd a thunk it.


I personally think it's a good thing. It is not just about how much dough the game gets, although this is obviously supremely important. There are other aspects that affect the game and the clubs, scheduling of games comes to mind straight away as well as a national coverage of the game at a reasonable hour, promotion of the game, even the way the game is broadcast to best showcase the spectacle etc etc, so it's great that there will be some input from the clubs to protect the best interests of the game itself, as well as getting top dollar.

I recall it wasn't that long ago that Kerry Packer was only showing 60 minutes of each game and he arrogantly stated he could pretty much do whatever he wanted. We don't want to return to those times.
This is all going exactly as predicted. The clubs have the ear of the IC. Every other stake holder in the sport does not. And all the NRL-centric tards who don't know the game exists outside NRL club land think this is a brilliant idea. Who'd a thunk it.
Where you are way way off track is that the commission will be made up of mostly very successful hard nosed business people ,who didnt get where they are in the business world by listening to people with no interest in the bigger picture..
They will listen ,but does it mean they will follow the advice or wishes of club bosses...NO
Your rampant paranoia is stopping you from seeing that these people will not be answering to anyone..they will do what is best for the game ...if they dont then their standing in the business world will fall ..& i cant see them letting that happen.
So why are they only taking "advice" from a very select few, all from NRL clubs? These people may be business people but how do they know what the big picture is in RL terms when the only people they are taking "advice" from are from the selfish NRL clubs? They can't possibly know. They are either independent and don't engage these lobby groups, because that's what this is, set up by the NRL no less, or they receive advice from ALL stakeholders. Who is going to advise them on what is best for international football, or any other rep football? Who is going to advise them on what is best for markets like Western Australia? Who is going to advise them on how to include possible expansion teams and what those teams will want from a TV deal? It's easy to say they won't listen to any advise, but then why has the NRL itself set up this group, and excluded all others, if it won't be heard?


First Grade
This is all going exactly as predicted. The clubs have the ear of the IC. Every other stake holder in the sport does not. And all the NRL-centric tards who don't know the game exists outside NRL club land think this is a brilliant idea. Who'd a thunk it.

seeing as they are the biggest stakeholder in the game
of course they do :sarcasm: