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I posted this link in another thread and when you listen to it you may think that Paul Kent has a valid point. However, when you also think about the numerous lies, false rumours and innuendo players have had to deal with from the media over the past decade or so, it's little wonder why the experienced personnel in the game such as Tim Sheens, Wayne Bennett etc. have reacted to certain factions of the media the way they have


The best thing everyone can do is just ignore Rothfield, he has no credibility as a journalist or as a footballer. So in essence he is just an opinionated fan and a not very well educated one at that. He is the kind of yobbo that you would over hear prattling on about something you know is total bullshit.

I dont read any of his articles or blogs. I just laugh to myself and move on.

Hanscholo, it's easy to say ignore Rothfield when this situation shouldn't be allowed to happen in the first place. People like Rothfield, DUI and Weidler earn more money than 99% of ppl who post on this forum, but they should not be allowed to get away with what they're doing. It's more than just writing articles; it's the effect it has on reputations and shaping ppl's perceptions on players that's the bigger issue.


So you want to be media darlings hey? Well I can foresee a few problems with that?

Face it, when you sold your souls to Uncle Tinks your innocence went straight out the window. For the headlines to happen, there have to be allegations, the veracity of such, notwithstanding of course.

Your actions of late are more those of a ruthless corporate raider, rather than the sweethearts that you used to be.

Pillage and plundering has it's price, i.e. social isolation for the intellectuals, and being sent to the naughty corner for the dummies.

You are the new Manly. Like it or Lump it! But alas there is no turning back now. Adapt or become extinct.


Staff member
Do you reckon you could hook me up with whatever it is you're smoking? I could use something to mellow me out some after the day I've had.


The telegraph is a pile of shite its only good for gossip, its got a reading age of 8, read your local or the SMH if u want better reporting. Though it is true we are taking and have taken alot of Dragons Players so its inevitable they will hate us but we have a reasonable amount of support in the rest of Sydney, i for one. Most people with half a brain in Syd see our privitisation and diversification as the way to go forward away from a purely clubs based model who earn money through loss(gambling) than any real good or service.


Silent Knight

First Grade
So you want to be media darlings hey? Well I can foresee a few problems with that?

We never asked to be the media darlings. I cringe every single time the local rag writes puff pieces about some of our players, with the praise often going unwarranted (like this personal gem from the past: http://www.theherald.com.au/news/local/sport/rugby-league/lead-role-for-dan-tolar/1852892.aspx)

In fact we'd prefer if the media focussed elsewhere. Like another Benji Marshall fap story or how the Dragons are a boring rugby league team. They can report on our team's results, but we really could do without the opinion pieces that nine times out of ten reek of jealousy and hatred.

Leave the gossip and rumour mongering for the Sydney clubs. Us Novocastrians are a bit more relaxed and don't need that s***.
I remember Rothfield blogging once that he did some journo work in Newcastle for a while. When or who with he did not make clear though. He claimed we were his second favourite side. I have in fact seen him at our games over the years and we weren't always playing the Sharks. I think he is just stirring the pot a little. I reckon deep down he loves the fact St George's top players are leaving the club. He absolutely gives it to The Dragons about being chokers.


The wanker is into us again big time this morning.

I know we should ignore him etc etc., but honestly this guy needs to be put out to pasture.

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