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Round 1 | Knights 14-15 Dragons* @ Hunter Stadium | Thu 1st March @ 7.35pm

R1 result :: Knights vs Dragons

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Right, 1-17.

Boyd - Rusty but showed he will be vital on our left edge.
McManus - Close to our best, great game.
Tahu - Bar one classy play he looked a bit slow and still has the brain snap in his game.
Naiqama - Looked dangerous running the ball but starved Uate.
Uate - Sure he now as a cold, not his fault, he'll be marked heavily every game.
Gidley - A lot of crabbing and he doesn't get us moving direct. He encourages crabbing with hospital passes and random plays.
Mullen - Same old, 5% class, 95% shake your head.
Snowden - Ordinary. Slow, unfit.
Buderus - Average, but his pack didn't play to his flat style at all.
Cuthbertson - Our worse - absolutely awful and anyone who talked him up give yourselfs an uppercut.
Houston - Average.
Taia - Ordinary
Costigan - Tried hard but struggled to make metres.

Hilder - Pretty good i thought.
Edwards - Close to our best, he was outstanding.
Faas - Our best forward, only forward to bend the line.
McKinnon - Edwards now has a partner in crime, great game.

Some will say i'm been harsh "oh we lost to the drgaosn by a point" - but 80% of the side was f**king ordinary for 80% of the time. Not good enough and we need to improve a lot pretty quickly or we'll lose a few games in quick succession.
I thought we looked better then we have in a long time. We had a few good plays down the right hand side. I thought Tahu was looking fast and dangerous. Edwards looks twice the size as he used to. Bedsy was very solid but didnt get the support he needed. If he doesn't get injured he will be in for a big year.

We were very slow out of the blocks but as the game drew on we looked better. A few handling errors but the weather was pretty bad.

A pretty good effort for the first game of the season.


Cuthbertson - Our worse - absolutely awful and anyone who talked him up give yourselfs an uppercut.

100% agree said it when he was signed the guys a hack overated, always has been always will be bar a few single games here & there

also very impressed by mckinnon
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First Grade
Good game guys and a nice season opener. Your season looks promising if you have the squad and after a few weeks break in after a massive break. Kept me on the edge of my seat.


I think our forward pack was incredibly dissapointing. Our starting props were just lethargic and Houston and Taia were very pedestrian outwide and offered very little in attack. Costigan was alright and our bench made it a match and nearly won us the game.

You'll never win many games with such a poor performance from your pack.


I believe RABK is being a tad harsh on our boys.

Snowden, Taia, Costigan were just under average. Didn't offer us enough.

Adam... I think the beers are on him tonight...

I thought Bedsy was fantastic. Boy have i missed his energy, enthusiasm and will to win. He'll take us far this year.

Red heads were on fire. Someone come up with a nickname for them!

For me Faas was by far our best. Came on and we began to dominate the game. Didnt drop a single ball either. He might play origin thi year!!


Definitely harsh on Bedsy. The rest probably fair enough, most were average but showed signs of promise.

Bah too disappointed/tired to comment further.


Definitely harsh on Bedsy. The rest probably fair enough, most were average but showed signs of promise.

Bah too disappointed/tired to comment further.

I'll put it down to pressure, hype and nerves this week. It's true there were promising signs here and there but here and there doesn't win games, let alone premierships.

We need consitency, down to individual players, more than anything. That's always been our achilles heel - consistency over 80 minutes.

Early reports form the sheds is that Bennett is absolutely filthy and is tearing shreds.


Live Update Team
For the first game of the season we can't expect too much; let's not forget we've got basically half a new side - they're not going to click right away.

We were disappointing for probably 2/3's of the game. The first 25 minutes we were average and the last 15 into halftime we actually started to look pretty good. It was the same story in the second half.

We still do have the same issues we've always had with Gidley in the halves - we lack direction and go east-west. You've got to earn the right to go sideways and when the forwards don't make metres up the middle, your attack is always going to struggle.

On the plus side, McManus was great, Fa'aoso was good and McKinnon was great off the bench.

drago brelli

Cause he has trucks of money he thinks he owns people, look what he did to that Edwards guy from Newcastle. Bennett won't respect this Tinkler.


Staff member
Tipping the Dragons in a tight one, partly not to get my hopes up too much and leaving open the possibility of being pleasantly surprised...

Other predictions:

Buderus to be inspirational.

Tahu to deliver.

Snowden to remind us all what a frontrower is.

Taia to have a screamer.

You got the first one right but it all went downhill from there :lol:

I still can't like Tahu..


Staff member
Cause he has trucks of money he thinks he owns people, look what he did to that Edwards guy from Newcastle. Bennett won't respect this Tinkler.


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