Feel for McInnes.
Like the look of Sailor.
Love the guy in the crowd you can hear on the coverage yelling “this is rubbish” and “Dragons footy” in a sarcastic tone.
It’s that young lady she’s good not like Cummins who wants to be a celebrity oh and SuttonRefs have been good tonight. No show ponies
Dell on the radio seemed to suggest he will sign with the DragonsNo doubting that he has what is required to become a very good player , the question is which club will have his services ?
I'd be really p!ssed if we win this half.
It will be McGregors main claim all night long.
Mary cannot fix a thing football wiseafter 5 years our pass from the ruck still goes back 5-6 metres and the ball runner meets the defensive line around the same posiition as the previous tackle. How can Mary not have fixed this after 5 years.
The Roosters take the ball about 1 metre back from the advantage line.
He who shall not be named!!!Mary cannot fix a thing football wise
Dell on the radio seemed to suggest he will sign with the Dragons
If mcidiot mentions that we won the second half in the press conference I won’t watch another game while he is there
Agreed, he is a keeper. Some positive glimpses from him and Jackson. Lomax and Luciano also showed good signs.Sincerely hope that will be the case carltonsourh79, he looks to have all that is needed to become a truly skillful player .