I've never needed a sporting event to motivate me on ANZAC day to remember and commemorate those that have given their all to give us our freedom, I've been paying my respects since i was a little tacker and long before the ANZAC Cup was introduced. But without doubt, since 2002 when this clash commenced, the day has definitely taken on a new significance for me.
For the last 6 years i have taken my young fella to my towns local ceremony, where he has marched proudly and is one of our next generation who will ensure the tradition is never lost. In the first of those 6 years, i came across an old timer proudly wearing his medals, marching with his head held high beside his mates and sporting a Roosters pin in his beret. I wished him luck, but not too much luck, and he replied with "luck helps, but the team who believes in each other and what they are doing the most, will win the game and of course, that will be the Chooks". I've seen old mate every year since then and we have shared a few quick quips and wished each other well for the game.
Today was different, old mate is getting on a bit but still as proud and resilient as ever, but today's banter was deeper and seemed to have a different message attached to it. When i asked him if he was feeling confident he replied "Every year this game just gets better and is fast becoming as memorable as the day itself for us league tragic's at least. You know son, i shed a tear at full time last year and i reckon i have only done that about 3 times in my life. You make sure your young bloke watches the game today and understands what it is all about and next year when he marches, make sure he finds another Roosters supporter in uniform and continues the rivalry with them, this game and what it represents needs to continue and remain strong. Best of luck to you today and to you too young fella (as he patted my son on the head) and if you don't see me next year, the game itself will ensure you remember me and that's what it is all about, remembering!"
With that, old mate shook my hand and headed off in the direction of our local RSL club with his mates. I seriously had goose bumps and felt a bit confused at the same time. I'm now back home and have had a chance to digest it and although i now have a nervous churning sensation in my gut, i couldn't be more ready for this game even if i was playing in it.
To all those men and women who have served and through their sacrifices have given us the opportunities we are afforded today, THANK YOU!
Go the Dragons! and let's get this show on the road. Damn i'm excited.