Is that a still of the first game though? Lol
Man i wish i could get a gig writing for mens mags. Throw together a couple of sentences and mix in some lame metaphors. It'd be easier than getting into Charmyne Palavi's pants!
Hopefully Matty or someone will do a proper review before Thursday, im still not sold.
My pre-ordered copy at EB Games has been shipped, so those that got a copy there should have it by Wednesday.
How u know its been shipped
Never got my email
I have no idea.My pre-order hasn't even been paid fully, which should have happened yesterday or today (especially seeing as others have). Which has got me wondering, since I recently changed billing address would that effect the pre-order since it's still linked to my old billing address?
Did you order at EB Games? (I'm assuming you did) if you haven't then that can stop my paranoia a bit, hopefully changing my billing address hasn't effected the pre-order.