Still waiting on a patch.
Starting to lose my cool over on the BA Forums.
Doesn't help when all I'm asking is if its possible we will see a patch on consoles this side of Xmas, then Ruck decides to quote of a post from me from BEFORE THE GAME WAS EVEN RELEASED re-everyone demanding a trailer. That post really has rubbed me the wrong way.
It ticks me off so much, because from most accounts, with patches, the PC version kicks some serious butt! where as the console players are forced to either play a broken as game or not play at all (which is what I'm doing). Yet they just expect us to patiently wait, wait and further wait and not question it? Rucks post has really got my blood boiling this morning! We freaking waited enough with the delays to the game, that though I can accept. I can even accept that they released a broken game which needs patching to make it playable (bit of an unreasonable thing to accept to begin with) but then to belittle me when I'm question when this piece of crap will be fixed.....gah. Time for a cuppa tea.