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Rumour: Parra chasing Kimmorley for early release!

PJ Marshal

Serious injury sufferd at Parramatta stadium


....Oh it happend last year.............it must be my old mate PJ ;-)


yeah, bit of a risk, buy if fully fit i would have him over Dykes anyday! its clear Dykes does not want to stay, so if we don't release him his attitude next year is going to be sh#thouse


eelavation said:
I think I've worked out who the player is!

I decided to do some investagative work and PM'd MC to get more info with the guarentee that I won't reveal the player's name on the board if he told me who it is, to his credit he he didn't want to tell me but did say something that was very interesting and that was "there are a few complications" and when you find who it is you will understand. but he will play in halves for you.

I was honestly racking my brain for ages to work out who he was talking about!!...then the clincher was RJ's revelation that we were apparently after a half back north of the border.

then it came to me!!!!!

which former eel is currently under contract with a club far away from sydney but is currently residing in the Parramatta district due to a serious injury suffered at Parramatta stadium last year??

yep you guessed it? ;-)

lets see what happens.

I'm with you eelevation. My 'guess' is the same. I believe the long delay with the Dykes decision to stay or go is due to the club awaiting further medical advice from PJ's next specialists appointment. The Warriors have spent BIG money this year on Price & Wiki and they have already recruited a replacement for PJ in Nathan Fien from the Cowboys. Furthermore, the main reason PJ went to the Warriors was his strong relationship with Daniel Anderson who is now gone.

It does make alot of sense, but that doesnt necessarily mean it's true of course.


Smith is a long way away, Morris doesnt want to plat 5/8, Witt doesnt look content there this year, Its definatly a fiasco.


Doesn't look content. Give the bloke a go, Why go spend 200,000 or more on a player that hasn't played in over a year and a half not knowing if his injury isn't going to occur again. It'd be a waste. Spend it on a decent player who isn't injury plagued.


Dont get me wrong i would lvoe to see him given a goand he would be betetr tehn PJ. But Iam not Smith. If i were he would be my first String fullback.


PJ is a good player but Parra have released Vaealiki & Dykes to get him that suggests it is either a bigger name player or that there is more then 1 player.

PJ Marshal

But dont u think we let Dykes and Lex go just to get under the cap

we signed Riddell, Tahu and Morisson for big dollars wouldt that consitute players on big conctracts levaing :-k


Vaealiki was never intended to be released.

Wigan only went after him because the failed to get Gasiner. They would've approched Lex but there was no way Parra would have signed over the cap just because Lex would get sign IF Wigan failed to get Gasnier.

Dykes may well be to get under the cap but in saying that.

1) Parra were under the cap for this year even before Lyon left
2) Lyon leaving drops the Eels another 250K under the cap
3) Other players who are off contract would also leave eg Stapleton, Hopkins, Pearson, Langi etc while each wouldn't be on that much when combined it could get to a decent amount.
4) Most of these players will end up being replaced by rookies in the top 25 guiys like Mateo, B.Smith, Afamasaga and O'Dwyer and in most cases on less then the players they replaced.

All up just popping nuimbers out no real proof this is the case

Jan 1 2004 - Parra 200K under the cap
March 20th 2004 - Lyon leaves Parra now 450K under the cap (out 1 player)
June 2004 - Parra sign Riddell (270K), TAhu (320K), Morrison (300K), Stringer (220K) and Robinson (100K) total (in 5 players) = $1.210m - 450K = 760K
They don't re-sign (from the top 25) Hopkins (120K), Pearson (120K), Stapleton (130K), Kativerata (85K), Peek (100K), Thorman (140K) (out 7 players) = 695K - 760K = 65K
July 2004 - Parra release C.Armit (90K) (out 8 players) - 65K = 25K under the cap.

Parramatta then release Vaeaiki to Wigan his entire contract is paid off so nothing gets counted under the cap for the Eels 200K, and Dykes of his 300K deal Sharks pay 220 leaving the Eels with 80K so Parra "pick up" another 220K of cap space.
Total Cap space left = 465K
Top 25 count = 22 players still need 3 more
C'mon down Ben Smith (20K), Feleti Mateo (20K) & Jack Afamasaga (20K) = 60K
So, with a top 25 all set Parramatta are still 400K under the cap.


First Grade
Were there also players where we were still paying a portion of their contract, eg. Solomona, which has also been freed up?


There is no way that Stapleton is on 130k. I doubt Hopkins is on 120k either.
Parra made an offer for Blacklock last year for 220k, he rejected it. So we were at least that much under the cap. Lyon and Vaealiki add up to 450k, that's 670k available.

With the release of the players mentioned above, that would free up another 250-300k. Dykes's realease could free up another 200k. That would give us 1.17m.

We have had an exceptional recruitment drive. As mush as I think Riddell will do OK, we didn't need him. Should have thrown 180-200k to Joe Williams.

Our halves will be a massive problem next year.
Parra in 2005 will be like a Ferrari without a steering wheel


Post Whore
Yeah he is on big bucks - but I seriously doubt that the Sharks will take on his WHOLE salary....we will still be responsible for a portion of it - probably $100K - thats just the way it generally works if another NRL chooses to take on someone's underperforming big money earner before his contract is up.

So I think its correct to only expect about $200K of Dykes' salary to be freed up.