I was raised from a young age to believe that only white people can be trusted.
My grandfather point blank refused to eat any food from any country we had ever fought in any war, or allies of anybody we had ever fought or anybody not white.
You wouldnt find any soy sauce in his house and he wouldnt eat rice because it was for asians.
He had a fist fight one xmas day with his son (my uncle) in front of about 50 relatives because my uncle (his son) bought over his Japanese girlfriend who bought over a big bowl of fried rice and some sort of Japanese treats, lol, my granddad told him he wouldnt be eating those on his property, he started eating one and my pop clocked him one, started ranting about the japs in the war and lopping peoples heads off and POW camps, and it was all on, they had to be restrained lol
One of the greatest xmas days ever.