Lust, not love is the issue and yes homosexuality that people are fighting for today is a lot different to what Paul was writing about 2000 years ago. I'm still learning more but maybe what Paul was getting as back then is to the root of what the original plan was whereas in Roman times, men who also had wives would often take boys to have sex with as well. Men were extremely dominant and even marriage back then wasn't equal, men ruled, wives submitted and were there to please their husbands and the blokes then would lust after other men as well. This is different than 2 men being attracted to each other trying to live a monogamous relationship.
Jesus made the stakes very high "even if you look at a woman with lust, you have committed adultery in your heart" Now their isn't one adult human in all of history that hasn't lusted and Jesus basically saying, we're not doing it the way it's meant to be and he started to draw people back to the original purpose, and this is where I think Paul is heading, getting men back to a monogamous relationship of love with their wife. But even in this context, Paul is speaking to people have 'have' come to faith, he's not shooting his mouth at the general public. He is saying that now you are a follower of Christ, these are the things you need to stop doing. He even mentions it's not for him to judge those outside the Church, he is to judge those inside.
I may be off the mark and even my own Christians hate my view but it's not all black and white. Gay and straight people are all screwed up one way or another but I find it's often my own Christian brothers and sisters who are also the liers, thieves and murderers and try and get away with it..
For the record, I'm a total screw up, it's why I need help.
Sorry for hijacking the rumours thread, maybe this should be taken elsewhere.